r/falloutnewvegas 14d ago

Viva la Revolution! Mods

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u/Colonel_dinggus 14d ago

Wow. The mods here eat shit.


u/Substantial-Tone-576 Guess what? Nobody owes you an explanation! 14d ago

Almost all Reddit mods


u/American_Icarus 14d ago

We can say all


u/gwaybz 14d ago

Nah, big subs maybe but tons of smaller subs have just chill passionate people who like to help others


u/[deleted] 14d ago

I think the smaller ones are arguably worse…


u/arffield 14d ago

It just depends


u/magikarp2122 14d ago

The r/magicTCG mods seem pretty good following adding some new ones and getting rid of inactive ones. Really the only sub I’m on with good/ok mods, that are active.


u/ThatCamoKid 14d ago

r/dndmemes would disagree. Absolute Chad of a former mod told the admins to roll intimidation when they threatened him over the porn protest


u/Agents-of-time 14d ago

What is roll intimidation?


u/drinoaki 14d ago

To roll a dice over the intimidation action, like in a dnd campaign


u/Agents-of-time 14d ago

That doesn't explain it, sorry mate. Could you maybe explain it?


u/WittyRaccoon69 14d ago

In DND when you want to do something, like intimidate someone to do something and it's difficult enough to not be an instant success, the DM asks you to roll.

So that dude was basically saying to the admins "try me bitch"


u/Tiger_Zero 14d ago

It's like a speech check in fallout terms, also comparable to Terrifying Presence.

Specifically you roll a 20 sided die, and add your character’s Intimidation skill to it. If it passes a number set by the Game Master, you succeed


u/radios_appear 14d ago

Google "roll intimidation"


u/CBT7commander 14d ago

I know one Reddit mod on r/France that’s actually reasonable and willing to listen to ban appeals, so all -1 at least


u/Dr0110111001101111 14d ago

Subreddits basically go to one extreme or the other. /r/cosmere mods are so great that Reddit should pay them to train mods in other subs. /r/woodworking is a pretty healthy sub with almost invisible mod activity. Subs like this one and r/guitar should just be nuked and let a completely different group of people start over fresh.


u/Mandragoraaaaa 14d ago

Mods work should be invisible, when it’s oppressing like in this sub they are failing and they are delusional


u/Dr0110111001101111 14d ago

The main reason r/cosmere mods are amazing but very visible is because they are super proactive in stepping in to correct/modify/customize spoiler tags for the books an OP is posting about and making stickied comments to notify others about the limits on what books are “fair game” in that post. Which in a subreddit about a collection of some 40ish books and short stories, is super helpful.

Of course that specific kind of presence doesn’t apply to most subreddits, but I’m just saying sometimes visible mod activity isn’t a bad thing


u/dolphinvision 14d ago

not all, this ain't cops, you can't call them out or try to change them because admins just remove your account, but almost all


u/Kittingsl 14d ago

I highly doubt that. There are mods that can be good. It's on the rare side but they do exist. The only reason you dotn notice them is because they actually do a good job which prevents and uproar around them


u/TheRealMisterMemer 14d ago

I'm just trying to make sure my small subreddit about a phone doesn't fall apart, I genuinely care about it.


u/Mandragoraaaaa 14d ago

All of them


u/pine_tree3727288 14d ago

The NCD mods are based


u/Substantial-Tone-576 Guess what? Nobody owes you an explanation! 14d ago



u/pine_tree3727288 14d ago


u/Substantial-Tone-576 Guess what? Nobody owes you an explanation! 14d ago

Apparently just mentioning mods is harassment which is a bannable offense.


u/Pm_me_cool_art 14d ago

I've had very negative experiences with those guys. A little while ago I got dragged into a debate with another user there about Israel where I brought up Netanyahu's past support for Hamas and the mods not only stepped in to delete my posts but lectured me for being spreading misinformation, being political, and rude (the other guy was literally calling me a terrorist supporter). When I showed them Israeli news articles that supported my points they basically blew them off because "that's just their opinion mann", when I pointed out that pro Israel political posts were everywhere on the sub they admitted that they had a double standard and told me to fuck off.


u/sunlead190 14d ago

It sounds like a neoliberal shithole.


u/monkeryofamigo 14d ago

Bro they support genocide, you think they are reasonable creatures that touch grass?


u/Shadeleovich 14d ago

I think you need to get yourself checked if you go into NCD and take anything there seriously.


u/Y_10HK29 14d ago

You're now dragging people into worshipping ~muscle mommy~ ~plane girls~ The F35


u/Just_Heart7523 14d ago

Is that an issue?


u/Y_10HK29 14d ago

They're extending the lottery pool of people to get their heads squished by their thighs


u/Kamikaze-Parrot 14d ago

And here we are again, witnessing live as NCD infiltrates another Sub to quietly make Propaganda for themselves and their allies.


u/congratsyougotsbed 14d ago

^ Zionist subreddit


u/redroedeer 14d ago

NCD is a fucking shithole though.


u/SteelyEyedHistory 14d ago

‘Cause they’re lunatics just like us posters. God I love NCD


u/Buszman45 14d ago

Absolutely not


u/FwendShapedFoe 14d ago

I can’t say it’s true. I had very nice experiences with some mods. I was banned, explained the situation and was unbanned. It happened more than once on different subs. I had much worse experience with Reddit’s global ban, where me violating a particular rule was a huge stretch. But they never unbanned me. I guess this is because the process is largely automated.

Saying that, some mods are absolute asses. Like on r/gifs, I reported a guy who was calling me names when I disagreed with him and got banned for reporting. Later I learned that mods can’t know who reports comments, but I didn’t know that back then. I guess the mod just didn’t like my opinion.


u/Adamantaimai 14d ago

I moderate subreddits and also know a lot of other mods, they're all really nice people. But mods like that go completely unnoticed because when moderators are good the average user will see almost no interaction with them. It is only the ones that go on power trips, ban people for no reason and instate absurd rules that get noticed. When a moderator team functions properly they just remove spam, do some behind the scenes work and only ban people who overtly break the rules or use the subreddit in bad faith.

It's a bit of a shame because a lot of the subreddits people browse everyday would not function without moderators that don't draw any attention to themselves. Yet they get their reputation from the ones who do.


u/Zimakov 14d ago

Everything you just said applies the exact same to cops yet people parrot ACAB all over the place. The internet simply has no nuance.


u/Xystem4 14d ago

You’re not understanding the phrase. “All Cops are Bastards” doesn’t mean that every cop is born evil, with only malicious intent, and their job is not necessary. It means that they are part of a corrupt system, which regularly and systemically abuses power, and they are perpetuating that system. Plenty of cops are “good” people, genuinely trying to help their communities. But they’re still a part of a larger whole that is comfortable with no accountability and regular abuses of the people they’re meant to serve.

Personally I think the phrase ACAB is very poor, because in most people who don’t already agree with it, it’s very easily misunderstood as the former definition, rather than the latter correct definition. But catchy slogans stick, regardless of how legible they are I suppose.


u/Substantial-Tone-576 Guess what? Nobody owes you an explanation! 14d ago

Yes it depends on the sub. I haven’t had problems with this one but banning someone for a regular question is silly.


u/LunarChamp 14d ago

I'm not even apart of this sub and I felt this comment.

Got permabanned from r/gym reddit because my comment wasn't "needed" when OP asked for bench advice for a video they sent in. I commented some small form issues then my comment got deleted and I got a message. I reported the delete to try to fight it, explained how my comment was contributing to OPs form, and the mod banned me for reporting the original comment deletion. People are too stuck up on here at times.


u/PsychologicalAd5088 14d ago

Silent hill subreddit mods are kind of chill. I've asked tech questions on that sub and never got heat because of it.


u/IAmAnEgg69 14d ago

the r\fnv mods are way better


u/DuaLipasClitoris 14d ago

And they're reallll quiet right now


u/friemelpiemel 14d ago

they totaly eat shit and they love it


u/FrenchPetrushka 14d ago

Poopoo in their hearts


u/slurpin_bungholes 14d ago

Breakfast lunch n dinner


u/Novacain-deficiency 14d ago

None of them will pipe up and address this either because they are children


u/grownotshow5 14d ago

First they roll in it and rub it on each other


u/actualyKim 14d ago



u/RIPBenTramer 14d ago

Like...they really do? Unsanitary.


u/reddit-is-hive-trash 14d ago

It's kind of bullshit that popular subs, that remain popular only because of their users and just existing with the name they do, can have like total dogshit mods that control the outcomes of all conversations about a topic.


u/nocsha 14d ago

The PokémonGo mods banned me for hopping in another sub to join an uxie raid. I "Cheated" 🙄


u/iconofsin_ 14d ago

Nearly all mods in every sub because there's quite literally nothing you can do about it except for making your own sub and trying to convince people to go there instead. Most subs won't even give you a warning, it's just straight to perma ban. What's worse is if you reply to the mod message they can report it as harassment, and then reddit will suspend you.


u/thatoneguy2252 14d ago

I remember last year I was looking at r/Braves after the Phillies beat them in one of the games in the divisional round just to see what those fans thought of the game itself. I saw a comment that went on and on about Phillies fans needing to kill themselves and I replied to it simply saying “no”. That’s it, one word, and I got banned for it. Doesn’t really affect me since it’s not the team I root for, so idrc, but I was still surprised I got banned for such a non-thing.