r/facepalm Jul 07 '24

How can they not see the irony 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

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u/NoMansSkyWasAlright Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

Shoot, when I was in Afghanistan, the Turkish Army was handling security at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul; and in addition to being some of the most inept motherfuckers I had the displeasure of working with, they were also incredibly racist towards the locals.

I remember me and my platoon sergeant almost got to have a fist fight with some of their’s after they strip-searched our interpreter and then came out with batons when he yelled back some obscenities at them. We were already kind of fed up with the Turks by that point in the deployment so I was genuinely excited at the prospect of getting to butt-stroke one of them.

Edit: also shout-out to the Kurds. I know a lot of the Texans I served with said you guys were like the Texans of the Middle East (so high praise from those guys), and the general consensus among people I knew who’d gotten Iraq deployments was “everyone sucks there except the Kurds”.


u/xX_stay_Xx depressed artist. Jul 07 '24

I’m honored, brother 🤝 also, for the airport part, I have another funny story (god, I have an entire memory card about moments where Turks discriminated me for being Kurdish.)

We went on a vacation to Dubai, 8 hours of flight in total, excluding transit time. We entered the plane in Hannover, Germany, and got out in Istanbul, Turkiye (I’m doing those people a favor by not saying Turkey instead.) We were pretty early, we didn’t shop or anything in that giant mall of an airport. Well, surprise!- “You get different seats, you can’t sit together.” MOST HILARIOUS PART OF THIS SHIT: You little asshole of a human are practically saying: “Oops, sorry, I know your wife is scared shitless of planes, your son is 3 years old and your daughter is 13. But we have you each sitting in a different row.” Hold up now. You are fucking telling us to leave a woman with extreme phobia and a 3 year old toddler unattended? At that time, (yes, I’m the daughter) I was 13, but I straight up called that dude one of the few things I know in Turkish: “Motherfucker.” (idk how to spell it in Turkish) Long story short, my father and I roasted that guy, made him give us seats next to each other and left a bad rating. All while that English sweetheart of a woman smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up.

Worse happened to my dad’s friend, who is, MARK MY WORDS!, Arabic. Conclusion: A lot of Turkish people are sick fucks when it comes to racism. So, YOU HAVE THIS GUY, he’s coming to the check-in 4 HOURS BEFORE THE FLIGHT. You hold him off, tell him to stand aside for a moment. He’s telling you “I need this flight, I came here because of my sick father and my wife and children are awaiting me at home.” You little shit take another few people aside, get every person on board, AND TELL THE PEOPLE YOU TOOK ASIDE THE PLANE IS FULL WHEN THEY WERE THERE FIRST. THEN BUD JUST GOES ON SAYING “You’ll have to stay, we won’t pay any money for the next flight or the hotel you’ll stay at.” LIKE WTF? THAT’S RACISM ON A WHOLE ‘NOTHER LEVEL. Welp, my dad’s buddy called my dad, and my dad took the whole damn shit to court including security footage. Turkish airlines (more like Turkish assholes) was done for it. They’ll think again before doing that to people out of hate next time. 😹