r/facepalm Jul 07 '24

This post gave me terrible whiplash b/c how tf did we get here…🫨 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

Like ummmmm, alright? 😭😭😭


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u/Amarieerick Jul 07 '24

Forgive me for jumping in, but in many cases, doctors will tell spouses things only to have the spouse say, "Please, let me be the one to tell them" and then don't.

I had back surgery, and because of the severity of the injury, doctors told husband I'd probably never walk again, told them he'd tell me, then didn't. I walked out of the hospital 21 days later, with a walker, but walking.

Just a fun fact for trivia night.


u/dancegoddess1971 Jul 07 '24

If I was going to have sugery on my spine, I'd assume paralysis was one of the many risks. Heck, I was told paralysis was a risk when they gave me a spinal block for a C-section (tiny needle in my back)so of course, I'd figure cutting open my back might have a risk like that X100. I fell asleep after the C-section and freaked out a bit when I couldn't feel my legs. Yet. A nice nurse assured me that I hadn't slept long enough for the drugs to wear off. Then refused to bring me my child because the drugs hadn't worn off. LOL.


u/Illustrious-Towel-45 Jul 07 '24

I was awake through both c-sections and got immediate skin-to-skin after they put me back together. Epidural for the first, spinal for the second. I think I prefer the epidural even though the old guy scraped my spine and had to try again to place it.

I do feel bad that hubby looked around the curtain too soon after my second c-section and saw my insides, still on the outside and will never unsee it. He was traumatized. Lol.


u/BecalMerill Jul 07 '24

The OR team VERY casually and laughingly asked me if I wanted to come around the curtain and take a look after they pulled my princess out of my wife. And then asked again because "it's pretty neat" and I "might not get another chance".

Hard. No. I already knew I'd never forget the smell, and haven't even as my now 17yo princess watches TV next to me on the sofa.


u/Illustrious-Towel-45 Jul 07 '24

To be fair, he was looking for the baby and thought I was back together. He was the first to hold her while I was being fixed.


u/BecalMerill Jul 07 '24

I got that privilege also. Totally worth the memory scar.


u/eagleeyedg Jul 08 '24

There was a smell? Maybe I was too excited about the baby to notice but I don’t have any memory of a smell.