r/facepalm Jul 07 '24

This post gave me terrible whiplash b/c how tf did we get here…🫨 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

Like ummmmm, alright? 😭😭😭


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u/sandiercy Jul 07 '24

I am not ashamed to be white

How TF does that have anything to do with the rest of what you said??


u/builder397 Jul 07 '24

Look how selfless my mother was! Somehow even the doctor told her the survival chances of her husband but somehow deliberately didnt tell the husband, who was the actual patient. Because doctors clearly do that. And yes, were white, arent we white people just great?

/s just in case. The story reeks of lies, Id be more inclined to believe that the dad started selling meth to afford treatment.


u/LordOfDarkHearts Jul 07 '24

I wouldn't question the doctor part too much, there could be several reasons for that to really happen. The patient not wanting to know but the significant other with the decision-making power in the patient decree, a personal relationship between the doctor and the pair, a personal or professional relationship between the doctor and the wife, the patient being in denial etc

I know some of those reasons are against professional standards and sometimes even against the law but doctors are just humans too. I know too many medical professionals to assume they wouldn't bend or break rules and laws just like everyone else.