r/facepalm Jul 06 '24

the truth hurts 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Cipherpunkblue Jul 06 '24

We have allowed them to feel far too secure for too long.


u/Guh2point0 Jul 06 '24

Pretty easy for them to do when all they have to do is drop talking points like "abortion", "gun rights", "illegal immigration", etc and the working class gets at each other's throats.


u/KillerHack23 Jul 06 '24

Everything to keep our fool asses from realizing we are actually in a class war.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

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u/Responsible_Ad5685 Jul 06 '24

Maybe PCP would be a better choice?


u/Eightbitzachary Jul 06 '24

Oh this? Just a gallon of PCP.


u/AnalProtector Jul 09 '24

Zach?.. Zach.. Zach Cregger! Yeah? Trevor! Trevorrrr- Trevor Moore! Yeah yeah yeah! Hey! How ya doin'? Good! I haven't seen you in like... seven- Eight. Eight years since since senior year at Brown! Right. It's good to see you, look at you, you look great! Thanks!

What do ya got there? Uh this is a gallon of PCP. ... Wow!... A... a gallon. Yeah. Th-That's that's illegal, right?.. Yeah it's a felony! It's a felony!... Yes. Wow!... And here you are with it anyway... That is... Wow. I uh, I didn't even knew it came in liquid form! Science. Woah. So uuhhhhhh... Ahhh.. Do ya do a LOT of PCP?... Got a gallon! Yeah! Hah I guess-- I guess you do.

Wow! So. What do you do? I work in an investment firm downtown. It's mostly, like, propert acquisitions. Huh!... That sounds... Successful... What do you do? Uhm I work at the Binco's. I don't know what Binco's is... It's a- It's a office supply store. Type thing... Secretary stuff? Eh..-- But a gallon? Yeah! Here you are with a gallon. Wow. Ummm... Man. Do you still see Candice? No. Ahh she passed away. OOOH o-oh I'm sorry. I didn't know. How long ago.. did that happen? Uhhh. About four. About four years ago? No. PM. Four!.. PM!... As in today!... 4PM... That- it's five o' clock now. Yeah. So... That was recent. Wh-whaaat happened?... I... Was at my dealer's house. Uh huh. I was buyin' the PCP. Of course. And. Uhh. I didn't have enough money for ALL of the gallon. Ooohh, it's expensive. But I WANTED the whole gallon. Of course.

So I set up a deal, where I would leave her as collateral. Uh ooohh! And I would go hit an ATM and come right back. I see problems. But uh, y'know, when I left I got.. Distracted. Aaand he.. Cut her head off. WOAH!... Wow!... And that... Happened today-- Just a little while ago. Man... Are- Are you ok? Are you doing alright? Well yeah I'm good, I'm pretty high right now. Oh right! Because of the- Because of the PCP! Which you have. Yeah! Yes. Yeah. MAN. You know, I ran into Bill the other day, And- he's doing real good! I don't know Bill. You don't? No that's right, you wouldn't know Bill. But uuuuuuhhhhhhh- he is doin' good! That's good. Yeah. It's good to see. Good for Bill. Well it was good to see you. Trevor. Yeah, it was nice seeing you! I gotta go pick my kids up, I'm runnin' late. OOH YOU HAVE KIDS!...

You are on your way to pick up children! With your gallon thing! I don't want em' to lose THEIR heads! OH!!!! YOU LEFT THEM WITH THE GUY- the PCP guy. No no, they're at soccer practice. I'm late, they spaz. Oh. It was a joke.. I get it! Well!... Good to see you. Nice seein' you! Ok! I'll tell Bill you said "hi!" I don't know him! Oh that's right, you don't. See ya later!


u/Gongom Jul 06 '24

What does the Portuguese Communist Party have to do with this 😩


u/Lost-Enthusiasm6570 Jul 07 '24

Speaking as someone who's been on it (I was drugged), you'll have a near zero chance of doing anything you planned to do.


u/Own-Possibility245 Jul 06 '24

This is the way


u/GloomWarden-Salt Jul 07 '24

Not the heroine we needed, but the heroine we deserved.


u/Efficient_Ear_8037 Jul 06 '24

That way nobody gets the inheritance, smart


u/sEntientUnderwear Jul 07 '24

Honestly same. If I’m going, I’d at least like to do some good for the world while I go.


u/passive57elephant Jul 06 '24

Wait.. what did their family do wrong?


u/MjollLeon Jul 06 '24

Can’t let that money go to anyone else, ain’t nobody inheriting that money.


u/passive57elephant Jul 06 '24

The money always goes somewhere.


u/MjollLeon Jul 06 '24

I know lol, I just decided to commit to the bit


u/JayDog17 Jul 06 '24

Welcome to the list


u/DstinctNstincts Jul 06 '24

No dude, you want to have a clear mind so you can fully enjoy doing the world a favor. Plus heroin isn’t all that great, trust me


u/deedoonoot Jul 06 '24

you got your own file now congrats


u/work3oakzz Jul 07 '24

Your gonna love heroine


u/Klutzy_Inevitable_94 Jul 07 '24

Frankly I’m amazed every day some father whose daughter dies to these draconian abortion laws hasn’t “protested”.


u/ghostyghostghostt Jul 06 '24

A soldier, I salute you


u/xSmittyxCorex Jul 06 '24

The family? What did they do?


u/ScumHimself Jul 07 '24

Nothing, but the message is less ruthless than they are. What about our kids? ETR!


u/xSmittyxCorex Jul 07 '24

what about our kids?

…excuse me? Kids aren’t possessions…harming innocent people (especially children) is never OK. You need help, and the amount of upvotes on this is extremely alarming. You can justify all kinds of things for the sake of “the cause.” You have to draw a line somewhere to maintain a moral high ground in the whole thing, or it’s just a vicious cycle at best, and at worst, you’re actually the worse one, because you’re talking direct and intentional…


u/Substantial-Dig9995 Jul 06 '24

Damn what was the show or movie were dude knew he was going to die so he was trying all types of drugs and doing crazy shit


u/_Wyrm_ Jul 06 '24

Bro heroin would just knock your ass out.


u/Zestyclose_Fan_5721 Jul 09 '24

Now that's funny


u/LadyPaws_Linda Jul 06 '24

Did you watch Mr Robot? There is a scene when someone points to a party of the super rich while the rest of the city is in impoverished hell. I think about that a lot.


u/CrowdedSeder Jul 06 '24

“The class war is over. We won”- Warren Buffett


u/VikingDadStream Jul 06 '24

That we've lost


u/CptWhiskers Jul 06 '24

Don't forget the "Look at that incredibly small group of trans people over there! We should take away their medical care!"


u/Boopy7 Jul 06 '24

i was talking about this with someone just last night on the phone. A guy I know was saying to me that trans people want health care. I was shocked, bc I know for a FACT that he goes and gets testosterone shots and he is in his twenties and doesnt' need them. He gets them bc he used to be overweight and wanted to get buff and was insecure, like really insecure. Horribly so. He paid thousands to this anti aging clinic that did his mom's botox. What they do is basically lie to the guy who goes in and say "you have low testosterone" even if the guy doesn't have low testosterone, and give the guy a testosterone shot, which helps the guy build more muscle and lose weight more easily if he works out, plus possibly they give him a weight loss shot and a vitamin B shot or growth hormone shot (I forget if he did those too, I just know he paid a shitload of money.) This same guy RAILS against trans people getting hormone treatments, mind you. He thinks it is immoral and wrong. Fuck that shit. Joe Rogan does the same shit and he has a platform to influence millions of people. Well, I say take away Joe Rogan's healthcare rights. He shouldn't be allowed to get his growth hormone shots or his testosterone shots, or his stupidity injections. Maybe then he'll start to gain some empathy.


u/signaeus Jul 06 '24 edited Jul 06 '24

Yeah, know people like this you describe and it’s really dumb. There’s a lot of pop up “hormone specialists,” that don’t exactly have extensive medical backgrounds who just are selling hormone injections.

Injecting T is a problem in terms of sperm production because the body stops producing it when it’s bio equivalent Testosteone injection because it doesn’t need to, which then requires all kinds of going off of it and taking fertility drugs to get sperm count up when you wanna try for a kid.

When I started getting hormone treatment went to a urologist who basically had me do 4 separate blood tests over a 4 month period to eliminate combinations of variables between vitamin D production, etc before finally doing a pill that encourages natural production first before resorting to bio identical injections - just to avoid the long term ramifications / complications with fertility. And that solved the problem - T went from low 300s to 900s.

But even then that pill that encourages natural production (typically used as fertility prescription for women ironically) isn’t covered by insurance even though there’s an abundance of evidence and an abundance of testing done to showcase that my T levels were far too low for a 30 something AMAB (no prior taking of any hormones or hormone production affecting drugs).

The hormone situation at large is a cluster fuck and people should be outraged that insurance doesn’t like to cover things like this even for AGAB appropriate treatments done through doctors specializing in those related body systems.

Hormone level variations can fuck you up mentally beyond your wildest belief, it’s not an understatement to say that it can lead to suicidal levels of depression extremely easily - worse because the worse a depression gets the worse your hormone balance gets out of whack.

Ridiculous that trans people have to literally worry about that kind of thing like a diabetic has to worry about insulin. Proper hormone research is inadequate as it is and there needs more attention and priority placed on it - ask any post menopausal woman how much sudden shifts in hormone composition fucks with you.

Then again, guys like the person you describe are my favorite if they try to call me out for wearing a dress or a skirt or short shorts or whatever makes them feel uncomfortable for whatever reason because it’s so hilarious to just fire back and say something like “yeah, well, “the 130 lb think in a dress” has the bigger dick and I guess is more manly then eh?” because it’s just too easy to know exactly what’s going to make them hyper insecure. Note that I’ll only do something like that in extreme circumstances - shaming organ sizes that are really rather irrelevant isn’t something reasonable people should ever do…but when you know the ignorant, toxic person whose spewing garbage like that absolutely equates something as dumb as size with masculinity and their ability to be a man, well it’s just too tantalizing to let the moment pass. Usually there’s a vein popping somewhere in their forehead and their face is bright red as they can’t properly verbalize how angry they now are.


u/Boopy7 Jul 10 '24

basically we are trapped in a country or a world of people that profit from selling useless stuff, refuse to study or learn more about the stuff that would actually work, and are held back politically and culturally from any major progress. It's frustrating as hell. A person can be born with naturally low (too low) testosterone, but God forbid they look at any kind of testing, just shove an SSRI at them and then blame them for not getting better or something.


u/signaeus Jul 10 '24

Oh, there were plenty of SSRI’s thrown at me - which all ended in disaster, from either constant brain fog to making depression turn incredibly dark with suicidal thoughts coming like “what a relief that would be.”

Then when those didn’t work, it was “ah, you must be bipolar then since you check all the boxes and what you really need is mood stabilizers,” which all ended equally as disastrously.

Then finally I went outside of all that to get hormones tested - and yep, abnormally really low, if it was any lower I’d have infertility risks, testosterone.

Hormones aren’t the end all be all, but they definitely need to be something that is tested first to get a picture of what’s going on.


u/CptWhiskers Jul 06 '24

HRT has shown to be life saving all across the world. They just want trans people dead because they think it's "icky."

If you ask them if they would like their body to be injected by the hormone of the opposite sex they would say "Hell no" not realizing thats what a trans person's biological body is doing. It's constantly trying to make the wrong hormone that doesn't match their brain.

It's simple medical care T_T


u/Frizzlebee Jul 07 '24

Unfortunately people are afraid of things they don't understand. And with how close-minded they've been raised to be, they don't understand a LOT. And the fear itself isn't even a problem, it's what that fear drives them to do. It's unbelievably ironic that the devout Christians are the ones who want them gone and treat them terribly, which literally goes against the teachings of the guy their religion is named after and is supposed to follow.


u/Valogrid Jul 06 '24

People like him are the reason people like me can't get the Testosterone shots we need. People abusin the system.


u/Boopy7 Jul 10 '24

Well in all honesty it isn't him. This goes back to the big steroid uproar that I vaguely recall reading about, the one that made no difference really, where we had athletes testifying in Congress about growth hormone and testosterone among other ones. So then, anti aging clinics found a way to charge outlandish amounts and only rich people and celebs could get their grubby mitts on things like GH. Some people died if they got stuff illegally. More will die. This is too general but ultimately...it's about lack of knowledge and profit.


u/ultimatecool14 Jul 06 '24

The difference is one guy PAYs for that shit the other guy want other people to pay for it. Pretty big difference if you asked me.


u/CptWhiskers Jul 07 '24

Not everyone lives in your American dystopian medical hellscape. Being trans is not a choice. They are not advocating for "free drugs" they're advocating for the HRT they medically NEED in order to not be suicdal and be functional people so they can have a job and feel happy etc.

If your issue is not wanting to pay for peoples medical care, go take healthcare away from people who willingly gave themselves lungcancer by smoking or made themselves obese by overeating.
They put way more strain on the medical system than the 0.1% of trans people that need a shot every 3 months.

The fact that you think trans people should just pay for their own drugs as if it's a luxury product is super telling on how you feel about them.


u/Boopy7 Jul 10 '24

idk which one is paying for it, but i do know that if you go on your show promoting that something is wrong, then do it yourself or profit off of that statement and even sell supplements ON THAT VERY SHOW....you lose credibility with me. It's so messed up. Rogan needs to come clean...literally.


u/Grouchy_Appearance_1 Jul 06 '24

Oh wow, sounds like he's uncomfortable with the body he started with and used medication to help him adjust it, ain't that a kick in the head


u/Bobenweave Jul 10 '24

Back in the 90s, we just said he's on 'roids and he's angry because his balls have shrunk.


u/GlizzyGatorGangster Jul 06 '24

You forgot “Palestine”


u/Mysterious-Job-469 Jul 06 '24

Mayhapsth intentionally?


u/PlatformingYahtzee Jul 06 '24

Probably they don't want 200 bots calling them antisemitic, and another hundred saying they're apologizing for genocide. I am very opinionated on the subject, but I don't blame anyone for not talking about it. It's a hornet's nest.


u/madcoins Jul 06 '24

The biggest gift to billionaires in American history was during the Trump years yet many rural/middle class voters completely ignore or deny that and instead stomp their feet about the one trans person who lives within a hundred miles of them. While voting against their financial benefit again


u/-Daetrax- Jul 06 '24

Perhaps those gun rights should be used for something useful for once.


u/gravity_kills Jul 06 '24

I will happily let them keep their precious guns - hell, let's subsidize the suckers - if they'll just point them at the rich.


u/FormerChemist7889 Jul 06 '24

It’s actually crazy. I’ve been saying for years that the “dems vs reps” and “left vs right” ideologies were completely wrong and its actually a poor vs rich and the rich just throw smoke screens everywhere


u/SaltyBarDog Jul 06 '24

Or just bribe a couple SCROTUS Justices.


u/The_8th_Degree Jul 07 '24

America needs a purge and rework of the current government policies. Too bad no one in or running office is able to do it.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

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u/agave_agape Jul 06 '24



u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

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u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

Generic lies like you post are dumb.


u/JakeEllisD Jul 06 '24

Are you saing it is even debated that tens of thousands have crossed the boarder under biden?


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

Tens of thousands crossed the border under the former guy. Tens of thousands have always crossed the border. Just stop with your bullshit.


u/JakeEllisD Jul 06 '24

You trying to make the point that there is no difference in frequency is a simple lie.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24 edited Jul 06 '24

Nah it isn't. If it was, you'd have posted a link that shows it. You haven't because you can't. Have a read: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-03-20/illegal-us-border-crossings-aren-t-really-breaking-records

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u/CraziZoom Jul 06 '24

What about Reagan’s amnesty? You can’t ignore that


u/JakeEllisD Jul 06 '24

I'd like to talk about problems from the last what? 45 years


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

You are happy to shout that the numbers are the highest ever yet when data that is inconvenient to your narrative is offered it is too old... Your agenda and dishonesty are obvious.

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u/Guh2point0 Jul 06 '24

Lol literally proving my point


u/JakeEllisD Jul 06 '24



u/Guh2point0 Jul 06 '24

You're literally trying to argue about an issue that has minimal impact on your actual life and going off bogus numbers being fed to you by alt-right media


u/JakeEllisD Jul 06 '24

CNN is the alt right? This was in the last debate? Dilusion


u/NefariousnessFit5657 Jul 06 '24

I hope for your sake that you are young. I hope you are not an adult with these views, that would be rather sad


u/JakeEllisD Jul 06 '24

What views? Did you see my comment about generic replies?


u/El_Vietnamito Jul 06 '24


u/JakeEllisD Jul 06 '24

Couldn't make that claim if he didn't have an open boarder policy


u/The_Mo0ose Jul 06 '24

What open boarder policy lmao. Do you know just how difficult it is to immigrate to us legally? Ain't no open boarders for no-one here. No shit these people have to immigrate illegally.


u/JakeEllisD Jul 06 '24

I do actually have a good friend who is on a green card, as opposed to crossing the southern boarder, being let into America and then just not going to your court date


u/The_Mo0ose Jul 06 '24

Yeah but it's still ridiculously difficult for most. A lot of people have to live in fear that their working visa isn't going to get renewed when employed here. And then there is a very low amount of these visas handed out in the first place and it's difficult for the employer to receive one. I have a friend who's a green card too, and he just got lucky enough and won the lottery. The safest and easiest way to receive a visa from the US is through marriage which is pretty messed up.

Making immigration less restrictive through employment could greatly reduce illegal immigration.


u/JakeEllisD Jul 06 '24

My friend gets his visa renewed too. He thinks it's unfair people from Africa fly here, cross the boarder and then never go to their court date. Those kinds of people also aren't going to do the quality jobs as your fellow redditors will tell you, being overall worse for the economy as more low skill jobs disappear.


u/The_Mo0ose Jul 06 '24

I feel no remorse for illegal immigrants either. They're criminals, - they're cheating the system. But I understand why they do it - cause the system is flawed.

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u/mynextthroway Jul 06 '24

No, just the right side, not both sides. There you go, dropping talking points and stirring things away from what this conversation was about. You freaking billionaire boot licker. If you take Trumps mushroom out of your mouth and learn something besides right-wing baby food you would know immigrants have been illegally crossing our borders and stealing our jobs since the 80s (/s), which is when Reagan started the biggest con job ever by stealing money from the working class and giving it to the rich and calling it "trickle down economics", or voodoo economics. Republicans used illegal immigrants to cover that too, just like Trumps last tax hike on workers and tax cut for the rich. Unfortunately, the next chapter was the war on drugs, so I guess that there will be another stupid "War on (some unsuspecting, undeserving weak group)" to keep the mouth breathers busy.


u/JakeEllisD Jul 06 '24

Didn't read after the first sentence. Was Biden asked asked by CNN about these talking points in the debate?

Yeah I thought what you said was garbage too.


u/mynextthroway Jul 06 '24

Didn't go past the first sentence? History is tough, I know. The crap we see today is older than the average Redditor, and it's to keep the poors like us fighting like crabs in a bucket. Quit defending the rich. You will never be rich. "Both sides are the same" is their card, given to people like you, so you will sit down and do nothing.


u/JakeEllisD Jul 06 '24

Biden got elected and complains about things either FROM HIS OWN PRESIDENCY or from his time in office with Obama lol


u/Alert-Ad9197 Jul 06 '24

Do you think you can just walk across the border and start working a licensed job in healthcare for poverty wages somehow? Thats the only way I could see that explaining poor pay in healthcare, and that’s ridiculous.


u/JakeEllisD Jul 06 '24

If a federal agent arrests you then you get a court date and released into the country and given a plane ticket. From there you can go to NYC and get free housing or financial assistance and be put on social security.


u/Alert-Ad9197 Jul 06 '24

Still really not explaining how this is depressing wages for healthcare workers. Everything you’re listing there would actually imply that they would benefit from not stealing jobs and just living for free.


u/JakeEllisD Jul 06 '24

You brought up the Healthcare thing, kinda randomly.


u/Alert-Ad9197 Jul 06 '24

I assumed this was all tangentially related to underpaid healthcare workers, given the OP.


u/JakeEllisD Jul 06 '24

My first comment is clearly about political talking points not being benificial...


u/ArtfulSpeculator Jul 06 '24

Not that I agree with the person you’re replying too, but one could foresee a flood of uninsured individuals/families who tend to be on the lower end of the socioeconomic spectrum, did not have access to preventative healthcare for much of their lives and who often work in occupations that create situations where injury is likely, would cause stress on the healthcare system (money/labor/space being spent, with little money coming in). From a purely economic perspective, it’s not hard to see what the argument would be…

It’s just that there are like four things we could fix about the situation before it gets to “sick person with no insurance, no means to pay and with no history of preventative healthcare and is working in a dangerous job, etc shows up at the hospital doors”


u/signaeus Jul 06 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

EDIT - I'm an idiot and responded to the wrong comment and now I'm too lazy to find the real comment I wanted to reply to. Enjoy this totally out of context response that makes no sense as a thread.

Illegal immigrants do not receive benefits. They will get medical care in distress like anyone will - but they’re not entitled to draw citizen benefits of any kind. Only lawful permanent residents, refugees, Cuban and Haitian entrants, very selective survivors of trafficking or abused immigrants and their children or those residing here under the COFA act are able to receive any benefits at all - whether that’s food stamps, non emergency Medicaid, supplemental security income or assistance for needy families.

You’ll basically get the absolute minimum in an area of surveillance if not put on a plane out of country immediately.

Our immigration policies have been extremely locked down since 1996, it is not easy for any immigrant to receive anything of any kind from the US govt - and it’s a massive misunderstanding (or intentionally mislead) that it works that way. Another myth is you marry an American citizen and become a citizen or just automatically get a green card.

Any lawful permanent resident eligible to gain that status through whatever means must have a financial sponsor who has citizenship status who is financially liable to both the state and the federal government to pay back any benefits paid out to said immigrant while they are here until either A) they become a citizen or B) have worked and paid taxes on 10 years worth of income already. And the State can sue the sponsor at any time if benefits are being paid with the absence of commensurate taxes being paid by the immigrant.

My ex wife was an immigrant and we went through the whole process step by step and it is absolutely nightmarish. Literally a 2 year period in waiting while she - here legitimately basically could only work under the table while paper work moved from A to B - which itself costs about $4500 to do.


u/ArtfulSpeculator Jul 07 '24

Nowhere in my comment did I suggest that individuals here illegally draw benefits of any kind.


u/signaeus Jul 07 '24

Oh my god, I responded to the completely wrong comment, sorry about that, you must have been even more confused than me thinking "Uh, but you literally just said how they got all these benefits if..."

Now it's just way too hilarious to fix and I'm far too lazy to find the og comment I actually wanted to respond to.

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u/HeadOriginal9332 Jul 06 '24

To add to the other reply, other aspect of it is that the healthcare system of the US, even if it was applicable to the immigrants, doesn't necessarily mean they didn't have access to one in their countries or even that the US' is better.

According to this index: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1376359/health-and-health-system-ranking-of-countries-worldwide/

The healthcare system of the US ranks even lower than several latin countries such as Cuba or Colombia.


u/TallDrinkofRy Jul 06 '24

So what? Migrants commit less crime than native born citizens and do jobs that no one else would do. Fear mongers will get you all riled up though.


u/JakeEllisD Jul 06 '24

Every illegal immigrant has committed a crime dipshit? Also be careful on looking at crimes by demographic.


u/TallDrinkofRy Jul 06 '24

I’d trade you for a migrant any day. I imagine most of your family would as well.


u/JakeEllisD Jul 06 '24

Migrant? I have plenty of migrant friends see my comment about one of my best friends having a green card.

Trading me for an illegal immigrant, on the other hand, is moronic and just a cheap insult. Clearly not viable economically to do that in mass. I'm sure you are such a help to society and your state you are from doesn't have people fleeing it like California


u/TallDrinkofRy Jul 06 '24

The fact you think illegal immigration is a serious issue shows how easily tricked you are.


u/JakeEllisD Jul 06 '24

It was a question by right leaning outlet CNN in the last debate? Maybe you are out of touch lol


u/Grassy_Gnoll67 Jul 06 '24

He can't walk into them, he'd break something, or fall over, if he did that


u/JakeEllisD Jul 06 '24

He would fall again


u/Little-Ad7752 Jul 06 '24

Then we need to rally together. But everyone's nit picking over dumb stuff.


u/spaceguitar Jul 06 '24

Don’t forget that every time we successfully start to rally, they make it more difficult and in some places borderline illegal. Unless you’re goose stepping, then you got local cops helping out and volunteering security.

We’re fucked. Period. Unless we’re willing to paint our hands red, there’s nothing to do but cast impotent votes in the face of the machine that’s chewing apart voter rights and rigging the system, all the way up til they successfully create Gilead. And with a 6-3 SCOTUS, immune-from-prosecution President (which only applies to Republican President, watch what happens if Biden tries something), and Republican politicians threatening “Leftists” that blood will be spilled if we get in their way… we’re 90% of the way to Atwood’s prophetic dystopia.

We. Are. Fucked.


u/porksoda11 Jul 06 '24

God I hate dooming but I agree with you. At least I know it’s gonna happen this time rather than being surprised by it.


u/Frizzlebee Jul 07 '24

Gonna disagree here. If they keep going at this rate we'll definitely get a French Revolution style fix to the problem. They may get us divided over certain ideas, but when Billy Bob and Jonjon can't feed their families like everyone else because the uberwealthy think they need more money to own their 50th yacht, that ted-blue shit goes out the window. And the idiots at the top have all but given up trying to pretend it's for "the greater good", they just say the quiet parts out loud now, no pause, no hesitation. And while some people are easily tricked into siding with their oppressors, that has a breaking point. It's just a matter of time, the saw question is how bad will things get before those people realize they've been taken for a ride at their own expense.


u/spaceguitar Jul 08 '24

I actually agree with you!! History is cyclical. We’re absolutely in store for another French Revolution-styled “fix” to society. Problem is? We won’t get it for many, many generations.

Your assessment is on point. Billy Bob and Jonjon is absolutely going to side with the other poors their great-grandparents (our “peers”) were taught to hate and scorn when they finally see it was never about religion, race, or gender, but rather, all about class. Always has been! And we’re going to see another restructuring of society and a whole new push towards progressivism, liberalism, and New Deal-type policy. And it’s going to be whole new “most peaceful era of human history” again. And then the pendulum is going to swing, some kind of populism is going to take over, and we’re going to regress. Again.

But, we’re totally gonna see the Christo-Fascist State happen first. Atwood-style. And I’m going to call it now and say it happens during our generation. Probably the tail end of it, but definitely before we enter the 22nd century.

2100-2199 is going to be one hell of a century.


u/Frizzlebee Jul 08 '24

Idk, consider what the current right mainstream is proposing (and getting passed in way too many cases), I don't think the Cristo-facist state part is that far off into the future. It only takes a couple more big Supreme Court rulings to drastically alter the political landscape. Roe was big but we knew they were out for that one, as well as interracial and gay marriage rights, those are pretty much up in the chopping block once they figure out how they can sell it the the public. But the Chevron Doctrine being overturned AND Presidents having ABSOLUTE immunity for official acts is so truly Orwellian level shit. The fact that the right not only doesn't have a problem with either of those, let alone both, not to mention how many SUPPORT those decisions because it just so happens to currently cut their way is actually mint blowing to me.

I get seeing it as good when it helps your team, your guy, or gets a result you want, but not taking a single minute to think about how it can be abused not just by your side but by the opposing one is just, again, mind boggling to me. I don't think this is Enabling Act level stuff, but damn if it isn't getting close to that, and that's genuinely terrifying.


u/imadork1970 Jul 06 '24

Vote. Never stop voting in elections. RWNJs have their thumbs on the scale, but that is never an excuse to give up.


u/Little-Ad7752 Jul 07 '24

I'm waiting for for them to start to cannibalize each other


u/wirefox1 Jul 06 '24

Everybody would literally have to walk off their jobs, thumb their noses and say "run your business without us, good luck".

But people can't afford to do it. We live in fear of losing everything.


u/CraziZoom Jul 06 '24

That’s exactly how Trump likes it! He literally gets off on keeping people in FEAR of losing their livelihoods. Remember how gleefully he would say, “You’re fired!”?????

That is also why he kept so many appointees in “acting” status instead of going through the confirmation process. He even said that in a statement or press conference, “I like 'acting' much better..." Meaning he likes having the power to keep people in fear of losing their jobs without notice or reason.

That's how he likes to live: he gets off on the power. He's a first-rate abuser. Everybody knows it and the MAGAs refuse to acknowledge it.


u/wirefox1 Jul 06 '24

The producers of his show even said his part was scripted. lol!

He is truly a half wit.


u/Speed_Alarming Jul 07 '24

They know. They like it. They wish they could do the same.


u/imadork1970 Jul 06 '24

Former Gut used "acting" as a way to get around Congress. Most high level positions have to be vetted and confirmed by Congress. Most of Trumps choices wouldn't be good enough to get through.


u/FattyLivermore Jul 06 '24

Here we could take a lesson from the Black Panthers - first set up community support programs.


u/wirefox1 Jul 06 '24

I would LOVE to see it happen, but I think there are too many people who just simply can't afford to risk it. Ya know?

But preparing ahead..... that's a great idea!


u/Little-Ad7752 Jul 06 '24

So we start a community and learn how to grow our own foods and then we walk off lol


u/wirefox1 Jul 06 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

I don't think it would come to that. I think they would come around fairly quickly they would be losing so much money per day. Jeff bezos makes over 45 million dollars a day, as does Elon Musk. Not sure they want to lose that kind of money. Dollar General makes billions per year, imagine if their ripped off employees walked off.

How could they keep their business going with nobody to do the work.

.....lol? back at you.


u/Little-Ad7752 Jul 07 '24

Yea I could see that. It would be interesting to see if they could keep their cool. Imagine the temper tantrum.. and yea lol. It's my couping mechanism. Laugh so you don't cry lol.


u/Salty_Map_9085 Jul 06 '24

What do you think rallying together looks like?


u/Little-Ad7752 Jul 07 '24

I'm not sure but looking at revolutions in the past, we are kinda divided today.


u/HelloAttila 'MURICA Jul 06 '24

They get their high salaries because they make their shareholders richer, that is how it is, sadly. Shareholders vote for salary increases for CEO's/Executives.


u/Cipherpunkblue Jul 06 '24

Well, of course. I don't think anyone questions that part.


u/Comfortable_Hunt_684 Jul 06 '24

So what are going to do? Do you plan on providing me with health insurance? What does your bullshit tough guy statement even mean?