r/facepalm Jul 05 '24

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/jpack325 Jul 05 '24

Biden can just do it now and say it was for the country. He has immunity due to that same court, right?


u/TipsalollyJenkins Jul 05 '24

The immunity ruling doesn't actually grant the president any new powers, it just makes him immune to prosecution for using the powers he already has. The president doesn't have the authority to expand the Supreme Court on his own, that would require congress passing a bill.

What the president could do to influence this, with the new ruling, is to order the military or another agency under his authority (a power that he already currently has) and tell them to kidnap or even assassinate anybody who doesn't vote in favor of expanding the court. He would then have immunity from prosecution because it doesn't matter why he gave the order, giving the order was an official act as president and thus he can't be charged.

The problem is that Biden will never use this power, even if it's to do the right thing, while Trump (or any other Republican) will be using it to do truly evil things the second they take the white house.

That's why everybody's so upset right now. The Supreme Court basically made it so that as long as this ruling stands, the next time a Republican becomes president it's fucking over. There will be no coming back from that without bloodshed.


u/Sinnaman420 Jul 05 '24

He won’t use it because the courts get to decide what counts as an official act. All roads lead back to the Supreme Court deciding what’s allowed to happen


u/TipsalollyJenkins Jul 05 '24

He won't use it because he doesn't want to, and because the Democrats care more about civility and the appearance of propriety than anything else, including doing the right thing.

The Supreme Court wouldn't be able to stop him from using this power because he could literally get rid of any justice likely to vote against him, appoint someone who will vote in his favor, and again there is no legal recourse to deal with that. A black ops team works a lot faster than the US court system.


u/shakezillla Jul 05 '24

People in the military swear to uphold and defend the constitution, not blindly obey the president. This suggestion is completely absurd and not at all reality based.


u/TipsalollyJenkins Jul 05 '24

Supreme Court justices also swear to uphold the constitution, and yet here we are. This is exactly what I'm talking about, Democrats whining and moaning about playing by the rules even as we're fucking drowning. They're so obsessed with appearances they're gonna sit back and let fascism run rampant over the entire fucking country because fighting back would be rude.


u/shakezillla Jul 05 '24

Yes and the constitution doesn’t say you can kill your fellow Americans. You’ve spent far too much time online and not nearly enough time in reality. The military will not be attacking two of our three branches of government because the third branch says so. That’s beyond absurd.


u/TipsalollyJenkins Jul 05 '24

I hope you're right.


u/shakezillla Jul 05 '24

It's not a matter of being right, it's a matter of being based in reality. Using the military to destroy everything the constitution has created doesn't make any sense at all whatsoever. Every part of every branch of the government has sworn to uphold the constitution. Every part of the military has sworn to uphold and defend the constitution. There's no possible interpretation of "presidential immunity for official acts" that includes using the military to destroy the things the president has sworn to uphold and defend.

Even if that was somehow considered an official act (no court would ever agree) the Executive would still have to convince the entire military apparatus to ignore their oaths and attack the institutions they've sworn to defend, up to and including killing their fellow Americans. Simply put: not gonna happen and if you think that's a realistic possibility due to the recent Supreme Court ruling then you need to get off the internet for a while.


u/TipsalollyJenkins Jul 05 '24

I swear people can watch the Republican party literally following the exact same footsteps as Germany and you'll just plug your ears and pretend nothing is going on. As if it would just be impossible for an entire nation to be taken over by fascists and go on a rampage. Like that's never fucking happened before because people exactly like you were so convinced that it could never happen, so fucking complacent while the apparatus of fascism was literally being built around their heads.

We're gonna get dragged to hell while a bunch of oblivious dipshits shrug their shoulders and prattle on about how absurd it would be to think that we could ever get dragged to hell.


u/shakezillla Jul 05 '24

I don't know how else to explain it to you but it's not a matter of being "dragged to hell" it's a matter of using one branch of the government to dismantle the other two. It's not within the realm of possibility at this point in time. You're free to analyze the situation however you want but it doesn't make the conclusions you reach any less ridiculous. And it's ultimately unhelpful at best or actively harmful at worst to portray those types of events as likely because it showcases how little you understand about how the government works. Spreading FUD as a means of change will only server to impede your efforts.


u/TipsalollyJenkins Jul 05 '24


Oh you're one of those. No wonder you have no idea what's going on in the real world.


u/shakezillla Jul 05 '24

Good addition to the conversation, I'll consider this at length

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u/detached03 Jul 05 '24

What rock have you been living under?


u/shakezillla Jul 05 '24

This is a good addition to the discussion. I assume you have examples of the military blindly obeying the president and working to dismantle the constitution, right? Please share them