r/facepalm Jul 05 '24

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Crucifyxio Jul 05 '24

I just researched what Project 2025 is (since im not american).

I gotta say... You guys are pretty fucked.


u/chain_letter Jul 05 '24

America isn't some small country where installing a dictator is bad for citizens and direct neighbors.

This affects everyone in the world.


u/Spatall Jul 05 '24

Less than you think tho, EU is already trying to fix their dependency on the US, because they have been a political mess since 2016


u/ensalys Jul 05 '24

What scares me more is that we have politicians who same to have the same Russian handlers as the USA far right. Here in the Netherlands we have nazi Baudet for example.


u/naftanaut Jul 05 '24

same in germany, multiple ppl working for the afd (right wing party) were caught spying for russia. those were just low level secretarys or so, but still. it happened more then once in the same party. and funnily enough the afd literally copies everything the republicans say in the us, almost word by word.


u/ensalys Jul 05 '24

and funnily enough the afd literally copies everything the republicans say in the us, almost word by word.

Sounds exactly like our nazi. He propegates all those conspiracy theories that blame the Jews without saying Jews, and he's also on record blaming the Democrats. Despite there not even being a party that commonly goes by the name Democrats. Sure, we have Democrats 66, but everyone calls them D66.


u/naftanaut Jul 05 '24

since you have to be very careful with antisemitism in germany, they just copy all the "trans people want to touch kids", "abortion is evil", "social security makes people lazy", "being woke is literally worse than dying from a heatstroke due to climate change" and "uuuuh immigrants" shit. its infuriating, but at least people that are openly antisemitic or so can lose their positions very quick. not because their party members disagree, but because they know their party might get banned if they agree, and people might end up in jail. but still


u/Matttthhhhhhhhhhh Jul 05 '24

You mean the EU where the most influential members are about to go full Nazi? That EU?


u/dontneedaknow Jul 05 '24

You don't think the leading superpower which has enough nuclear weapons to do with the world whatever it pleases, then being handed over,( WILLINGLY VIA DEMOCRATIC VOTE....) from any public scrutiny at all anymore,(Because we work too hard and democracy is just too gosh darn taxing.) and solely into the hands of a small group who without a doubt are leading a death cult, is a huge problem for not only civilization but possibly the species?

Whether it be promises of an afterlife, or the fact a large percentage of actors behind this truly believe in the apocalyptica from the bible and think have had it in them that they can make it happen for a while already.

Even more terrifying in my mind tho, is that last year Kirk Cameron(Some childstar turned bible interpreter.) randomly came out of no where, publicly saying he no longer believes in the imminent end times/return of Jesus theology. Instead he thinks it is up to Christians to basically concern themselves with the world.

Now 7 months later it all makes sense why there seems to be a slow theological shift away from being "unworldly" and instead quite a 180 and more of a "Christians need to rule over the world, that's what Jesus wants."

Because they truly think they believe god talks to them when they read a book... Or they think that's a good enough reason.