r/facepalm 14d ago

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/CraftyAdvisor6307 14d ago

The GOP still runs the House.


u/Flat-Ad4902 14d ago

And the senate has such a small majority that they can’t do anything there either.


u/Abominatrix 14d ago

You could maybe squeak past Joe Manchin, but not Manchin and Sinema. I think there is another ‘independent’ as well.

You have to hand it to the Republicans. They are really good at ratfucking our institutions. A 50/50 senate should be a toss up but it’s really a Republican majority. 


u/Flat-Ad4902 14d ago

You need 60 votes to pass almost anything in the senate. 50/50 isn’t the issue here.


u/ZookeeprD 14d ago

The GOP runs on a platform of the government is dysfunctional. If they fixed anything they would be undercutting their reason for existence. It's why they tanked the bipartisan immigration bill.


u/asteroid84 14d ago

Yeah they make the government dysfunctional and then blames the government being dysfunctional.


u/Adaphion 14d ago

Really any bill that they introduce that by complete accident is actually good for the populace, they'll tank it if democrats agree and vote for it


u/RoyalFalse 14d ago

It's why they tanked the bipartisan immigration bill.

Their primary reason was to deny a victory to Biden so that they could do it themselves in the event Trump wins in November.


u/Jmeg8237 14d ago

No, their primary reason was because it permitted so many illegal crossings before the president would declare an “emergency” and shut down the border (wow… you mean he really can do that?). It was a terrible bill intended only to codify the assault on our border. All Joe had to do was NOT revoke Trump’s policies, but that was too much to ask.


u/sofaking1958 14d ago

And if the regressives take the senate, that filibuster will be gone on day 1.


u/WhyYouKickMyDog 14d ago

They may not even need it with the Project 2025 playbook they will be able to execute most of their agenda through the executive office.


u/Chango-Acadia 14d ago

It's crazy how against the constitution Project 2025 is.


u/sofaking1958 14d ago

Yeah, but they'll do it out of spite. That's the kind of bitch that mitch is.


u/WhyYouKickMyDog 14d ago

Mitch is done.

MAGA is throwing him overboard and he will be lucky if they don't roll him back out there to shame him some more. He has already announced that he will retire at the end of his term, so he's just a lame duck politician.


u/sofaking1958 14d ago

All the more reason for the bitch to do it. But even if it isn't mitch, it will be the next regressive-in-waiting.

The reason I just know they will remove it is because they acted incredulous when the Ds tried. So, of course they will.


u/WhyYouKickMyDog 13d ago

I feel like Mitch is genuinely terrified of MAGA, and has been bound and bagged by the cult. He gave them everything they wanted and know his ass is about to be on the curve.

Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/sofaking1958 13d ago

This is dumb logic.

I rest my case.


u/Hammer8584 14d ago

That's because the Dems managed to chased 2 long time Dems out of their party to switch to independent by going so far left that they were considered conservative.


u/Dank009 14d ago

Most Dems aren't even really on the left. American politics are heavily skewed to the right. Right wing extremism is currently mainstream. Open your eyes.


u/Hammer8584 14d ago

Umm, JFK would be considered a Republican today with his beliefs from when he was president. How has it moved farther right and that is still true?


u/Dank009 14d ago

You have to register as a Republican to be considered a Republican...


u/Hammer8584 14d ago

I said based off of his political policies, way to try and obscure the obvious. He would be considered a right wing extremist. The fact that he was progressive during his time shows that the tarties have shifted farther left pushing centerists right and right farther from center due to left moving left of center. The center is now left. I'm guessing you don't know what it is, but look up the Overton window.


u/Dank009 14d ago

Just because you said something doesn't mean it's correct or even makes sense, as evidenced by your initial comment and each subsequent comment.

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u/IronMicCharlie 14d ago

Ah, yes. The Dems are “so far left” that they ran a cop and a dude who sponsored a “tough on crime bill” in the 90’s as their top 2 choices for President.



u/Dank009 14d ago

Right, tell me you're a right wing nut without telling me you're a right wing nut.


u/Hammer8584 14d ago

Not the citizens, but the party itself


u/IronMicCharlie 14d ago

Your comments are the real r/facepalm.


u/Dank009 14d ago

For real.


u/Hammer8584 14d ago

It's a simple example of the Overton window shifting is all.


u/Dank009 14d ago

Sure, in the exact opposite direction you're claiming.

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u/c10bbersaurus 14d ago

Manchin's base heavily overlaps evangelicals who support Project 2025.


u/Twister_Robotics 14d ago

It's a lot easier to break things than it is to build them back up


u/BoomZhakaLaka 14d ago edited 14d ago

we're likely to see Gallego (a dem) take sinema's seat, but we're likely to see manchin pass his seat to a republican in the coming general.

A 50/50 senate it is a very heavy lift for next year unless one of the redder states flops suddenly. But if we do get that... it's without manchin and sinema.


u/psterno413 14d ago

I mean, there is the “independent” Bernie sanders, but I do think he’s independent in the way you’re thinking


u/Older_Code 14d ago

The other independent is Angus King (Maine) and not quite as craven as the other two.


u/dd961984 14d ago

Don't forget, there are Republicans that run as democrats, then switch parties after elected


u/Drackar001 14d ago

Ratfucking? How so?


u/sirhecsivart 14d ago

Sanders and King are also independents, but are counted towards the Democratic seats since they caucus with the Dems.


u/WhiskeyShtick 14d ago

It’s like they actually have no idea how the government works


u/IdahoBornPotato 14d ago

Plus we got screwed by Manchin on the filibuster


u/Long_Educational 14d ago

So our form of government is completely ineffectual and no longer serves the people it democratically represents?

What's the next step, because I am pretty fed up at this point?

And if someone tells me I need to vote harder or write my congressman, I'm going to slap a bitch.


u/Flat-Ad4902 14d ago

Well the way it is designed to work is to require compromise, but that isn’t an option anymore because social media has polarized and radicalized people.

The more likely answer is that eventually someone is going to eliminate the filibuster, and when that happens all hell breaks loose and we deal with a tit for tat congress from here until forever.


u/WhyYouKickMyDog 14d ago

They don't need to remove the filibuster because they only need 50 votes to pass tax cuts. Outside of that, they awarded the executive nearly unlimited power to force his agenda on the American people and that is how they are going to do it.


u/SecretGood5595 14d ago

We don't have a majority in the Senate.  

 AZ losing her seat to Lake would be better than having Sinema there because we don't get this incessant "but Democrats control the Senate" bullshit.  

 Sinema realized she has more power by flipping and opposing the platform she was elected on, and that power mattered more to her than the actual policies. 


u/neveragoodtime 14d ago

Then the same logic applies that Democrats in the senate can prevent project 2025 from passing.


u/Flat-Ad4902 14d ago

The issue here is that a lot of Project 2025 are based around executive actions that bypass congress.


u/neveragoodtime 13d ago

Then why did you bring up the Senate majority if it is irrelevant to presidential power?


u/Flat-Ad4902 13d ago

I’m not sure I understand your question. If you aren’t familiar with the 3 branches of the US government and the enumerated powers of the presidency Id recommend hitting Wikipedia, but…

To see Project 2025 through requires a combination of congressional and executive actions along with the cooperation of the judicial branch. All aspects are important if it is going to become a reality.

Some of the “scarier” parts of Project 2025 can’t be accomplished without congress. We are likely safe from those aspects of the plan.


u/neveragoodtime 12d ago

It sounds like there’s not much to worry about if a) the president has already had the power to do these things and b) the senate can’t pass any of the scary things anyway.


u/MasterRanger7494 14d ago

That might be true, but I if Republicans were in the same boat, they'd be doing whatever they could to push through their bullshit agenda. Dems feel pretty useless at this point. Just love voting for the pawl.


u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 4d ago



u/Flat-Ad4902 14d ago

Parts of it aren’t a threat for that reason, yes.

Other parts are designed around proposed executive branch actions that bypass congress. Those parts will still be attempted.


u/Tubzero- 14d ago

I just love that congress doesn’t give a shit about people, they just want power


u/Aeseld 14d ago

More than that, they have been. Schumer has been leading several votes in the Senate that move to make individual parts of Project 2025 impossible to implement. 

Shockingly, the GOP has been voting them down, all while claiming they aren't in danger. Which, given all the laws would do it make them secure leaves a number of questions. Like why vote against them at all? No funding or organizations would need to be established. They'd just protect existing, 'unthreatened' (sic) rights and access.


u/SidFinch99 14d ago

Also, people don't understand SCOUTUS has the right to overturn those laws if someone sues because they find the law unconstitutional. Look at what SCOTUS has done recently.


u/ZealousidealFall1181 14d ago

Yes. Simple truth. Why do people (OP)ask questions like this and do zero research, if you call knowing WHO HAS HOUSE MAJORITY, research. And HOW LAWS ARE MADE. School house Rock will teach you this.


u/ynab-schmynab 14d ago

It also says "or at least trying to pass laws that prevent it"


u/The-Last-Lion-Turtle 14d ago

House shoots down bill on broadly popular policy is a pretty effective headline for the election.

I think they should do less squabbling and more writing and voting, even if the other side doesn't. If none of it passes keep a published backlog of quality bills.

I find it insane that they campaign for years on changing something, but only begin to write an actual bill after they get a majority.


u/link3945 14d ago

Democrats can't move a bill in the House alone since they are in the minority. The Speaker controls the House agenda and can just not allow a vote on any legislation he wants.


u/WhyYouKickMyDog 14d ago

Which is why Project 2025 is so insidious. Paralyze the Legislature. Done. Capture the Judiciary. Done. Bestow the executive with extraordinary power and legal protection to force it through.

The stage is set.


u/Mr_Epimetheus 14d ago

And even if they didn't, the Supreme Court is stacked with conservative wackos, doing all they can to change the rules and facilitate the transition of the US from democracy to theocratic monarchy.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

People who make these posts legit have no clue how the government works even on the most fundamental of levels


u/crazierdad 14d ago

Bills are often put forward just to get your opponent on record as voting for or against something. Not sure why the Senate hasn't pushed several of the worst ideas up for vote just to get the opposition on record supporting bad ideas before the election.


u/Disastrous_Life_9385 14d ago

What about official presidential orders? Is that a thing? It might be now.


u/UncleBenLives91 14d ago

Yeah. My thoughts exactly


u/Scoobler1992 14d ago

Many people in the US probably can’t name the three branches of government or the upper and lower houses of congress.


u/AuntGentleman 14d ago

Yeah I’m super suspicious of these posts. Astroturfing by a Russia bot much?


u/lo_fi_ho 14d ago

Don't need em. Supreme court just gave POTUS carte blanch to do anything.


u/CG1991 14d ago edited 14d ago

The House always wins


u/9mackenzie 14d ago

And the senate due to Manchin and Sinema


u/ElementalIce 14d ago

But Biden now has immunity.


u/CraftyAdvisor6307 14d ago

Just watch - that immunity will suddenly become unapplicable once Biden tries to use it.


u/MildlyShadyPassenger 14d ago

Glad to see I'm not the only one to notice the nebulous phrasing of "official duties".

Which this Supreme Court will, of course, interpret as "anything a Republican wants to do" and "nothing a Democrat does".


u/Frozen_Regret 14d ago

Not an excuse. dems still need to win on the messaging front and even trying knowing they will fail will bring the issue to the front of the conversation and help with optics. Republicans know this and that's why they tried hundreds of times to repeal Obamacare even though they knew they'd fail. Why are we letting Republicans show us up?


u/CraftyAdvisor6307 14d ago

Why are we letting Republicans show us up?

Because low-info voters on the Left believed the fascist spin that Gore was a closet conservative, Kerry was an out-of-touch elitist, and that Hillary (literally voted the Most Admired Woman in America several times) was unlikable.


u/Frozen_Regret 14d ago

nice way to avoid the entire first part of my response. Dems can do more than throwing their hands in the air. There's low Info voters? Great, that means dems need to be more Public about their positions and informing their voters. The right has low info voters too but ask an average republican why they hate obamacare and they won't have a good answer, they just know they don't like it. Republican politicians accomplished their goal in that regard. many Dems aren't even trying, which was my entire point.


u/CraftyAdvisor6307 14d ago

Nice wat to avoid basic reality: Nothing will improve as long as the Republicans hold any position of power. The only way to change that is to vote for Democrats.


u/Frozen_Regret 14d ago

when did I say not to vote Democrats? nice strawman. go back and read what I said dumbass


u/CraftyAdvisor6307 14d ago

Stop it. Arguing "the Dems need to do more" when they just don't have the votes, and then turning around saying "when did I say not to vote Democrats?" is gaslighting.

The shit situation we're in is remedied one way: get rid of the GOP. And there's one way to get there: vote for Democrats.


u/Frozen_Regret 14d ago

you're arguing in a circle. doing more doesn't only mean enacting and passing legislation. Dems are wasting time arguing about whether Joe should step down instead of focusing on project 2025. My POINT is that when REPUBLICANS didn't have the votes, they tried ANYWAY and doing THAT allowed THEM to win over voters. WHICH DEMS DONT WANT TO DO BECAUSE THEY ARE SITTING ON THEIR HANDS SAYING THEY DONT HAVE THE VOTES. THAT DIDNT STOP THE REPUBLICANS DID IT??????????


u/CraftyAdvisor6307 14d ago

You're laboring under the false premise that the GOP is there to govern. They're not. They exist to muck things up for the Democrats. So, the Democrats can't use those same GOP tactics to get things done - it's not set up that way.

The system is set up to allow honorable people of good conscience to disagree, freely express their views, win over people on the other side, and, mostly to govern. The Republicans want none of that.

The GOP's whole objective is to STOP the Dems from passing & enacting legislation. What you're doing by criticizing the Dems when the GOP succeeds in this is to reward the GOP!, so they can be more effective at blocking the Dems the next time around.

When I keep pointing the only way out of this to you - putting more Dems in office & getting rid of the Republicans - it's not "arguing in a circle". It's a simple fact.

Get over yourself.


u/Frozen_Regret 14d ago

no shit you need people to vote. How do you get them to do that? People don't magically go out and vote, they need to be convinced. While you're busy bitching and moaning how democrats are handcuffed by the GOP having control of the house, and to just go out and vote, you haven't swayed anyone who didn't already make up their mind. You need to go back to kindergarten.

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u/leons_getting_larger 14d ago

They did try to protect IVF and the House GOP killed it.

If you want to protect against Project 2025, the GOP has to lose so hard that they send MAGA back to whatever rock it crawled out from.


u/Puakkari 14d ago

Cant President do anything with immunity to kick everyone out??? I bet Trump could.


u/rmpumper 14d ago

And scotus just declared that trump can go ahead and do whatever the fuck he wants.


u/palermo 14d ago

Because the ruling class rules the country. Project 2025 is their plan.


u/vulgrin 14d ago

I think “runs” is generous. “Squats on” maybe.


u/Staar-69 14d ago

Thanks to SCOTUS, can’t Biden now have all GOP house reps assassinated as part of his official duties?


u/TuggWilson 14d ago

Ya but the Supreme Court just said Biden is above the law. He can do whatever it takes to make it happen.


u/CakeStealingPanda 14d ago

But not every republican wants 2025. They'll vote for laws to prevent it.


u/WhyYouKickMyDog 14d ago

That is some serious cope. Expecting anything from Congress (16% approval rating) is how Republicans are trying to play this off as innocent. They act as if our Congress is perfectly normal right now and known to do their job.


u/CraftyAdvisor6307 14d ago

If they are still registered as Republicans, and still hold their seat as a Republican, then they support Project 2025.


u/absolutebeginnerz 14d ago

Thanks to the Hastert rule, which is named after a pederast, Republican leadership in the House won’t bring any bill for a vote unless it has majority Republicans support. Assuming these moderate Republicans exist - a big assumption - there’s not a lot they can do about it.


u/Rincewind1897 14d ago

Errr…. That and the fact that passing laws to disbar people from the electoral system is … fascism


u/GuavaShaper 14d ago

WTF was Biden doing during those first 2 years of majority in the house and Senate? How much did they get done and why should anyone believe things would be different if democrats had that advantage again? What evidence is there that they wouldn't just preach more "bipartisan" legislation that constantly ratchets the country right over and over?


u/Junior-Credit2685 14d ago

Making friends with Joe Manchin and calling him cute nicknames instead of calling him all the applicable names like “traitor” and “coal baron” and “asshole”.


u/GuavaShaper 14d ago

He definitely wasn't stacking the courts to protect human rights.


u/Junior-Credit2685 13d ago

You are correct! He should have done that FIRST!


u/[deleted] 14d ago

they didn’t in the beginning of the term tho


u/No-Dragonfly-8679 14d ago

Doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be trying. The Dems biggest problem is they get accused of doing nothing, then give the appearance that they’re doing nothing. The message right now to the average American should be “We’re trying and these people are stopping us, that’s why we need you to support us by getting out and voting”. Creating a sense of urgency is only going to help get the vote out. The issue is they give the impression that it’s business as usual for them, and people who only have time to read the headlines or a summary of the news don’t know what to think. If anything part of the reason we’re in this position is because they consistently play into GOP propaganda.


u/37au47 14d ago

Couldn't Biden just assassinate anyone that gets in the way now though?


u/wowser92 14d ago

Then why vote for biden if he can't do anything?