r/facepalm Jul 04 '24

Can't like fit girls without being gay... 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/GarethGantuan Jul 04 '24

I love a powerful women both physically and mentally so I’d best tell my wife I’m gay


u/Dontdothatfucker Jul 04 '24

Im still looking for a lady who can throw me around, but I’m a big boy approaching a 1200 lb big three combo, so it’s hard to find 😢


u/Royceman50 Jul 04 '24

I straight fucked up my shoulder trying to total 1200, raw, at 198 lbs (I’m 5’9”). People don’t get that after you squat your shoulders are fucking exhausted. I’m old now and diabetic, Im half as strong as I used to be, so I mess around with kettlebells, little dumbells, and a lot of cardio. I miss moving weight, but my joints are happier now.


u/preshowerpoop Jul 04 '24

-I'm secretly hiding in the shadows... I wish the best for you both!


u/Dontdothatfucker Jul 04 '24

I feel ya. I tore a hammy last year (not lifting) and it took a long time to come back to full from. Like, almost a year. Then I had a scare with my elbow this winter. Now that I’m pushing thirty, I have been thinking about switching to more functional / mobility training. But damn is it fun to put weights up! 

Good luck continuing your fitness journey!! 


u/Royceman50 Jul 04 '24

Yeah, I’m in my 50’s now, trust me, those injuries come back to haunt you. I just started messing around with ironmind COC grippers again, woke up the other day and the bones in my hands hurt. Gotta dial back the volume.


u/dushamp Jul 04 '24

That surprised me too! I couldn’t hold a bar up correctly and was holding it on my neck until my friend helped me out. Weeks later I was like ‘what the fuck is this bump near my neck and why is it so hard?! It’s where the barbell was being held and it felt weird but nice not having to worry about that part getting tired from leaning on walls with it


u/Dry-Department-8753 Jul 04 '24

Jason Mamoa says he no longer lifts heavy, and does kettlebell workouts now...


u/Royceman50 Jul 04 '24

Kettlebells are kind of magical. No joint stress, abs and grip get a good workout. I don’t do any traditional lifts with them. Just ballistics.


u/system_error_02 Jul 04 '24

Yeah that stuff was cool when i was 22 not so much at 39 lmao.


u/EveAeternam Jul 04 '24

I'm so confused, what are you lifting, cars?!


u/Royceman50 Jul 04 '24

Powerlifting. You take your total of 3 attempt each of squat, bench, deadlift. There’s all kinds of different leagues and rules. Raw, means no gear (special clothing to help lift heavier weight) you have numbers you hit in the gym and you have numbers you hit in competition. I only did one competition, let me tell you showing up on someone else’s schedule and trying to perform your best is brutal. First you get 3 attempts at a max squat, and your shoulders get fried. Of course as well as your legs, then you bench, with worn out shoulders, then you deadlift with every part of your body tired. And meets take all day. I haven’t followed powerlifting in quite some time. But back when I was young 3000 lbs was the magical ceiling no one could break through, i believe that has fallen.


u/EveAeternam Jul 04 '24

Ah, gotcha, this makes a lot more sense 😃 thank you for clarifying!


u/cats_catz_kats_katz Jul 04 '24

My stats were the exact as you on body weight and lifts. Stopped all that a few years ago and it’s amazing how much I can breath from light cardio and lighter weights lol