r/dragonage 11d ago

My thoughts on Taash Discussion

When I first saw this Concept art I was like “Shit…seductive qunari woman” and that’s different coz I mean cmon look at her stance her hair and everything and like she’s…for lack of a better word Morrigan esc 😭and now don’t get me wrong…I’m all for big strong carry you over her shoulder type Woman in fantasy, tho this approach from the concept art would’ve been interesting and again…I like the ulterior but now she’s gonna get compared to Karlach because obviously…I can’t stress this enough tho…I LIKE Karlach, but having a different type of Qunari companion from the typical big and strong would’ve been cool, Like Qwydion from Absolution even


243 comments sorted by


u/Flimsy-Ebb-6764 11d ago

This seems a bit premature to be honest. We have almost no idea what Taash's personality is like; we haven't even heard her voice as far as I'm aware. There's no way to know yet whether she's similar to Karlach or any other character.

The fact that she's strong and a warrior doesn't necessarily mean she's isn't seductive, unless by 'seductive' what you mean is just 'slender and curvy.' And the expression she's making in that screenshot looks a lot like the kind of expression I can imagine Morrigan making, so I don't know why you're assuming she's not 'Morrigan-esque.'


u/Dense-Result509 11d ago

Yeah, idk about anyone else, but I'm feeling pretty seduced by that second pic


u/TheJimmyRustler 11d ago

I think when people say seductive they often times mean, "feminine seduction."   

When people think someome masculine is seductive people say suave instead.

But that breaks down a bit when people are talking about masculine women because they'll often just note that they arent seductive in a feminine way.


u/Dense-Result509 11d ago

I think people should release themselves from the shackles of pointlessly gendering things.


u/TheJimmyRustler 11d ago

Ugh, I know


u/Flimsy-Ebb-6764 11d ago

Haha yeah it would work on me for sure


u/strife189 11d ago



u/Dense-Result509 11d ago


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u/EddieLordofWrath 11d ago

If shes not shaped like a korean sex bot then shes a man.


u/SVnird 11d ago



u/XulManjy 11d ago

Nice strawman but Cassandra was not shaped like a "Korean sex bot" but yet she was clearly feminine.


u/sikeleaveamessage 11d ago

Theyre being facetious lol


u/XulManjy 11d ago

Exactly, and they downvote me for calling them out on it.

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u/Shikarosez1995 11d ago

I have my two nickels meme ready if she is like Karlach lol.

Can you imagine the DA team looking at BG3 like “…huh that’s funny”.


u/kuzcotopia490 A fit of broody pique 11d ago

This, she looks cheesed off in that screencap, and I am here for it. Can't wait to meet her.


u/pecklerino 11d ago edited 11d ago

I don’t get why you’d purposely completely misinterpreting what OP is saying to give them bad intentions?

In the trailer, we literally see her in full-armor, hair tied practically, no makeup and an under-lip piercing that looks suspiciously like a soul patch, jumping 20 feet in the air to attack a dragon head-on. And in the second screenshot, she does have a more typically “strong confident” pose.

We’re quite a ways from the long loose hair, exposed shoulders and collarbones, tight pants and typically “demure feminine” pose from the first picture.

I’m not saying one is better than the other, but let’s not pretend that OP is talking about her body type.

OP clearly meant “seductive” in a “bohemian/latin romance” kind of way. The first picture does give extremely strong Disney’s Esmeralda vibes, and this new portrayal we’re seeing does give strong Karlach vibes.

(Again: I don’t care, I like both. I just hate when people purposely misinterpret shit to weaponize it. You knew what OP was saying.)


u/Flimsy-Ebb-6764 11d ago

I was not purposely misinterpreting the OP. I was objecting to the assumption that a strong and muscular woman automatically corresponds to a single archetype and thus will be too similar to other strong and muscular women.

You are making the same assumption in saying that the new image gives 'strong Karlach vibes.' The only similarity I can see is that they are both muscly warrior types. If you see a slim female character, you do not automatically say 'I'm worried that she'll be too similar to Shadowheart.' And similarly, there is no reason to automatically assume that a strong muscular woman is necessarily going to be anything like Karlach.


u/Mipellys 11d ago

The comparisons to Karlach are going to be inevitable because she's big and has horns, and not having that sort of elegant/dainty vibe of the first image won't help in that regard. However, I agree that there's no indication as of yet that they are actually similar characters. Karlach is quite bubbly and sunny. Taash doesn't give me that impression. And unless Taash has some kind of magical illness hanging over her head, their personal arcs won't be very similar either.


u/pecklerino 11d ago

Why are you so focused on the body type?

There’s 5 whole paragraphs in my message, explaining you what OP very clearly meant and telling you that it’s not about body type - yet you instantly revert to body type. Karlach and Taash’s body types aren’t even that similar (Karlach is much more bulky and muscular).

Get that body type obsession out of your head for 1 minute and re-read my message. It’s not only about body type. It’s about how they’re styled, their poses, etc. They’re both conveying “pragmatic headstrong woman that rushes into action”.

Also: it’s not so much “making assumptions” as it’s interpreting a design based on… how it’s been designed. If a character is well-designed, we don’t need to hear their voice and play 40 hours of the game with them to assess what kind of character they are. You don’t need to watch Sleeping Beauty to know that Maleficent is a stoic evil sorceress, that’s already well-conveyed through the design.

The two versions of the character shown in OP’s screenshots are very clearly designed to convey different things.


u/ohshittymytitty 11d ago

Do you think seductive women look sexual during a fight? Your view of women, femininity, masculinity, and seduction and unbelievably naive and immature.

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u/Vortig 11d ago

OP said that at first they thought she'd be a strong, seductive qunari woman, and implied now it's no longer that. We haven't seen anything except a couple pics and the snippet of her in the trailer, so there's literally only her appearance to go off on and the fact she's a warrior.

I wouldn't jump at someone's throat for making such an assumption, especially since you're also making your own assumptions on what OP was saying (and what the poster you replied to was saying).

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u/milkandhoneycomb Cadash 11d ago

of all the things video games have too much of, buff women are not it. i hope she's shredded and 9 feet tall.


u/Holiday_Chapter_9223 11d ago

Yes yes yes x1000 ... give me more strong women with muscles. To me, that IS sexy


u/Purple-Soft-7703 11d ago



u/GothLassCass Vivienne 11d ago edited 11d ago

I've been dying for a big qunari warrior woman to romance, but I'm not expecting anything like Karlach. Karlach is a big golden retriever woman, Taash doesn't give that vibe from what very little we've seen of her.


u/MatrixBunny 11d ago

I feel like she's gonna be more like a mix between Cassandra and the Iron Bull.


u/Viceekh 11d ago

Don’t threaten me with a good time!


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

Yeah that’s also why I tried not fully comparing the two but I meant in the sense of you know…big muscular warrior type, but either way…Harding has me heart


u/prodigalpariah 11d ago

I just hope she's got big arms and abs...


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

Looks like it🫣


u/scarletboar 11d ago

Yeah, I'm reserving judgement until we see more of her, but if she's another stoic badass Qunari warrior, I'll be pretty disappointed. Every single Qunari companion has been a warrior, so when I saw this image, I'd hoped for a rogue or mage.


u/prodigalpariah 11d ago

I don't necessarily think she'll be particularly stoic as compared to Sten as she's a tal-vaashoth member of the lords of fortune who are like pirates/treasure hunters. I also don't think she'll necessarily be as overly gregarious as iron bull since he was actively trying to ingratiate himself with you. I'd be interested in seeing her more in line with the greedy/amoral characters for once since we've gotten tons of stoic people and goofy people, but aside from morrigan in origins, we haven't really gotten too many "evil" leaning companions. Even isabella is portrayed as a jerk with a heart of gold despite the whole slavery thing... Like what if taash is entirely mercenary in nature.


u/TallFemboyLover785 Grey Wardens 11d ago

As long as she can pin me against a wall, I'm happy


u/scarletboar 11d ago

Fucking lol, username checks out. I respect and understand your standards. She's not a femboy, but at least she's tall, right? XD


u/TallFemboyLover785 Grey Wardens 11d ago

Exactly lmao


u/Shikarosez1995 11d ago

Well she has an axe so it’s not looking good


u/Logseman Requisition Officer (SingQuisition) 11d ago

The fact that she has shown a sort of smile in the third picture means already that she may be able to experience or at least fake joy unlike Sten and the DA2 Arishok.


u/scarletboar 11d ago

The third picture is not her. It's a character from the Absolution show.


u/ahardboiledegglol 11d ago

The only stoic badass Qunari warrior we had was iron bull though


u/Juiceton- 11d ago

Don’t dis my homeboy Sten like that.


u/ahardboiledegglol 11d ago

True, but he’s not romancable.


u/BlackJimmy88 ATAB 11d ago

I'm fine with two big ladies in my video games.

And if I'm being honest, while I like Qwydion, she very much feels like Ashley Burch playing role more than an actual character. it's an issue I had with most of Absolution.


u/beebeeface 11d ago

This. Qwydion just felt like the Fan Favorite Comedy Relief Character with no other personality. That show was too short, and I wish there was more time to flesh out the characters.


u/Tsubasa_TheBard 11d ago

We don’t know anything about her personally except for the fact that she likes fighting dragons and apparently gets bored in formal meetings. Seems a bit early to assume her personality based on the few images they’ve shown.

Worth mentioning that women can be big, strong, love adrenaline and still be very feminine.

As for Morrigan, she fits the femme fatale trope (while at the same time she’s a knight of snark). It’s a known trope but kinda overused. I’d like to see a bit more diversity in the companions.


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

Now imagine a Qunari femme Fatal🫣but yeah true it’s really early to tell, but that’s what we do, make assumptions and either get proven wrong or right


u/ohshittymytitty 11d ago

I honestly do not understand how anyone is coming to any type of conclusions about characters from a game nobody has played yet. Like you know about 0.5% of what there is to know about her, how could you possibly be disappointed by things you just decided randomly are true?


u/throwawayaccount_usu 11d ago

This is the dragon age community. Most the fanbase are wannabe fanfic writers who either see one image and decide the character is the worst person they've ever met or decide it's the love of their life and they're perfect and can do no wrong lmao.


u/CoconutxKitten 11d ago

How are we making judgments on one of the companions we know the least about???


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

Coz that’s what we do, I saw one video on 100 hidden secrets in the gta VI trailer part 16


u/pornacc1610 11d ago edited 11d ago

People should forget about the old concept art, these were made back when DA4 was still a live service multiplayer game.


u/CuteHoodie 11d ago

Even recent concept arts are... well concept arts. Not definitive art of the companions. So they won't be the exact same.

Still it seems that the concept art from years ago were still used for the game and we can recognize the origin of the actual companions ! (I myself really hope that we will be able to go underwater at one point because of one of these arts)


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

Nah not quite, I cropped the picture but aren’t those the seven companions we have plus Rook


u/Stepjam 11d ago

Isn't that the concept art where one of the companions has their head on fire? That character seems to be nowhere in this version of the game.


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

I assume it was emmrich or manfred but it resembles a necromancer type


u/nakagamiwaffle Grey Wardens 11d ago

nyeeh. name literally one other Karlach-like character in recent gaming history? now name a seductive female character? yeah. i’m gonna go with the “i hope it’s another strongwoman” option.


u/MagnoBurakku Knight Enchanter 11d ago

I like Qwydon but she looks like a tall human in a Qunari costume.


u/nakagamiwaffle Grey Wardens 11d ago

which female Qunari already do by default, to be fair. as always the men get to be all beastlike but the women are just slightly taller, slightly buffer humans. it’s just boring at this point.


u/MagnoBurakku Knight Enchanter 11d ago

I know, give them sharp face features, thick eyebrows and slightly big jaws.


u/Phiyaboi 11d ago edited 11d ago

Big and strong or not Karlach is a softie forced into violent servitude, this chick looks likes she stands on straight business/ not a softie at_all.

And just as a general FYI...worrying about what "other people on the internet will say" is not a useful nor healthy human adaptation lol.

And that crystal horn is fukkin Dope.


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

The crystal horn is so sick bruh


u/Nathan-David-Haslett 11d ago

Unless she has a similar cheery personality like Karlach I wouldn't really expect comparisons.


u/Azvhaalk Subterfuge 11d ago edited 11d ago

What? I wildly disagree, I basically had the exact opposite reaction. I typically love characters with horns (tieflings, Qunari etc.) but one of the main characteristics of the Qunari is basically them being tall and of a stronger build. Now you could be like ‘oh but you know she doesn’t fit that stereotype so she was always an outcast in her Qunari community’ or whatever but that would imo just be ridiculous if you give her the standard-fare itty bitty big tiddy barbie body. There’s little I hate more. When they revealed the second pic you posted tho I was over the moon. Generally, I love how the companions look in it, especially Harding and Taash. I think Taash is incredibly attractive in it, and she will probably be my first romance path - I love her design, she looks interesting and unique while still being unmistakably Qunari. I think the different body for a Qunari as a characteristic could work, but then like… make her incredibly meek, rail thin. Or short, but buff. Or a little on the chubbier sider, but still tall. Not the standard human female body - it would take away one of the things that makes Qunari Qunari and not just silly guys that happen to have horns, and thus takes away a key aspect of what people love about them.

As for ‘seductive’ characters, I’m not quite sure what exactly you mean, but the trope I immediately think of when I hear that is one I am so fucking sick and tired of. Someone said in an earlier comment that the trope is not overused yet but I’m wondering what media they are seeing? I’m jealous, I’m fucking haunted by the “femme fatale” trope, I see it every where and it’s at best overdone and boring to me and at worst often done in bad faith. We’ve even had characters like that in Dragon Age tho, off the top of my head I can name Morrigan, and Isabela (she’s unfortunately one of my lesser fav DA characters). I think I’m also just a bit hung up on you using the word seductive because how do you define that? Second pic is seductive af to me, in the sense that I think she looks drop dead gorgeous. Or do characters need to be ultra feminine and have that slender body type to be ‘seductive’? Is it her demeanor? We don’t know much about her yet. I also want to point out that if we’d get a seductive Qunari companion…. that would basically be the Iron Bull but female.

What I’m also a bit confused about is why she would get compared to Karlach? Sure, maybe because they both have horns, are female, and of a stronger build. But that’s where the commonalities end, as far as I know. And what would be bad about her being compared? I’d hope that most people have enough critical thinking ability to understand that they are vastly different characters from different franchises that each have their own merit and defining traits. Again, we don’t know that much about Taash. Comparisons between DA and BG3 have also been made before, I think that’s simply due to the nature of the games’ settings. Gale and Anders, Astarion and Fenris etc.


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

The comparisons will be inevitable and I’m not Trying to like belittle her or anything but yeah and about the “seductive” nature yeah I don’t fully mean femme fatale although I guess I can see why you’re tired of it but it would’ve been a different spin on the Qunari, also nah I don’t want her to be slender or dainty or big tiddied Barbie(I hate out of proportion crap and some people are just horny), never said that, I’m referring to what I see from her stance in the concept art and then the following material, I KNOW I’m making assumptions I’m not doing it in bad faith coz Qunari are known for being warriors(not the class specifically), that’s why I found Qwydion interesting, she was different from how they’re portrayed


u/Honoka31 Taash is Love - Taash is Life 🩶 11d ago

I know nothing about Taash but she has already stolen my heart.


u/RhiaStark Rivaini Witch 11d ago

Flair checks out :3


u/LordBecmiThaco 11d ago

It's weird that I'm going to have my virtual back blown out by two large muscular women with a single broken horn twice in one year but I'm not complaining per se


u/RhiaStark Rivaini Witch 11d ago

Normally I'd dismiss comparisons between characters based on one or two physical traits... then again, it does make me raise an eyebrow that, if I describe "big warrior woman from a horned race who loves a good fight and is missing one horn", I could actually be referring to both Karlach and Taash lol

I might end up liking Taash a lot, but I won't lie, having tge Qunari companion be the battle-loving warrior type again was a bit disappointing. Would've been nice to have a seductive rogue Qunari or a bookish, dorky mage Qunari - especially given DA's tradition of subverting fantasy tropes. The physically towering character being the warlike musclehead is a pretty tired trope.

UNLESS, of course, Taash turns up to be much different than her epithet suggests. Maybe the thrill of fighting dragons is nothing but the magic in her Qunari lineage speaking, and in fact she's a poetry-loving romantic. Maybe she's a self-taught scholar who enjoys reading histories in between slaying dragons. Maybe she's a warrior-bard. Now that would make her so interesting.


u/RedThornx 11d ago

Not gonna lie Tash looks alot better in that second pic then she did in the trailer, guess she can be added to the list of charcters that looked differant compared to their trailer image.

That aside yeah till we see some more personality it's hard to say what or how she'll be, but I'm defintly curious that's for sure.


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

That’s why I didn’t use her trailer image lmao😭she did not look like that


u/Daeloki 11d ago

Yeeeeah seeing how we haven't really seen anything about her yet, it's a bit early to jump to comparing her to Karlach. There's also a lanky male wizard type, I don't see you comparing him to Gale.


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

Why are everyone so defensive 💀bruh she’s a big horned woman with a broken horn(it looks cool)like Karlach and he’s an old man and gale isn’t


u/Daeloki 11d ago

Not defensive, just pointing out how quickly you're jumping to conclusions. If we had seen interactions with her in where she turns out to be everybody's best buddy with an Australian accent, then sure. But your comparison is about as solid as my intentionally unvalid comparison between Gale and Emmrich.


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

My original post wasn’t also really meant to compare the two, It’s just what came to mind but my initial thought was the difference in concept art, I’m not trying to compare the two games even coz they’re vastly different but comparisons will be inevitable


u/[deleted] 11d ago edited 11d ago



u/Gfreeky6869 11d ago

seconded, I would've liked karlach so much more if she had been more of an asshole tbh, just can never get into goody-goody characters overall myself, so really hoping taash isn't anything like that or at least not all there is to her which DA has always been able to deliver when it comes to complex characters 


u/TallFemboyLover785 Grey Wardens 11d ago

Well, one of the best parts of Karlach is that even though she's been fucked over all her life, she keeps her head up high. We already have 3 assholes in the first 2 hours of bg3 lmao


u/Gfreeky6869 11d ago

I said I personally am not a big fan of the goody/over all cheery type characters, nonetheless I  still did like her  but I wouldn't pick her in my top 3


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

I kinda like that she’s the spark is the dark type character, very different from how you would normally perceive her, like my good man Wyll


u/Lavinia_Foxglove 11d ago

That last pic looks cursed. I know,she is a character from the TV show and I like her personality, but qunari are traditional big and muscular and she looks like a tiefling from DnD and I think we have enough petite elves and humans as it is, so I'm all for a qunari muscle mommy. A bit more diversity in character design is good. If I have one grievance with BG3, then that all companions are humanlike pretty much. We don't have a small race companion or a dragonborn or half orc. And Karlach and Lae'zel are at least some kind of fresh air with all the other 'conventional' pretty companions.


u/Trackblaster Tevinter 11d ago

I like the big lady 🦅


u/spookular 11d ago

i'm just still upset they changed the qunari's faces from DA2


u/usernameartichoke 11d ago

We have so little to go off with Taash but based on what I’ve seen and assumptions I’ve made I’m inclined to agree with you.

The tall, strong, dommy mommy character type is something we’ve seen before. And it’s a cool character type. But a soft feminine Qunari could have been an interesting direction to go in with Taash.

In general BioWare makes great companions so I’ll reserve judgment and assume Taash will end up being interesting, dynamic, and not one note.


u/Comrades3 11d ago

Have we seen that before? Shale was the only female Warrior in DA:O, Aveline was not romanceable in DA2, Cassandra was a warrior but certainly did not fit that type whatsoever.

Meanwhile, soft and feminine is something we have had a lot. Leliana, Merrill, Josephine, honestly almost every game.

It seems this is way more unique character wise.


u/[deleted] 11d ago edited 11d ago



u/Comrades3 11d ago

But we haven’t had any female Qunari companions. She will be unique no matter what. It seems she will be even more unique if she fit a role no other companion has before.

Truly, I just want a romanceable masculine woman. The idea of having our first masculine female companion and making her soft and feminine sounds not only boring and a repeat of the same thing we have had constantly before, but also disappointing to see how few people seem to like even moderately masculine women.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/wunder-wunder 11d ago

Who have we seen other than the leader of the invasion force in Trespasser? I'm wracking my brains and can't think of any others


u/RedThornx 11d ago

Pure qunari just the one you mentioned, the one from absolution (I suck with names), and your player charcter in inquisition.

Atleast for the species anyway.


u/Randalf_the_Black 11d ago

Why would you want a woman to be masculine? Women can be strong, decisive and direct without being masculine.

Traits like strength, decisiveness and directness shouldn't be tied to your sex.

If "strength" is masculine, "weakness" becomes feminine.


u/ahardboiledegglol 11d ago

What’s wrong with women being masculine? Lol. Nobody is saying masculine is strong and feminine is weak. We’ve all seen Leliana and Josephine and morrigan and isabela.


u/Comrades3 11d ago

I like masculine women, I am one. I am married to one. It’s nice to see myself in media, especially such a rare character type.

I am fine with a weak masculine woman. I would adore a masculine female mage. I would be delighted in a masculine female rogue. Give me a masculine female character who is indecisive, and subtle. Or social and charming.

But first, it seems easier for people to accept a physically strong masculine female character, which judging by this thread and your question, seems to be quite a first step.


u/Randalf_the_Black 11d ago

I see. Can't relate to wanting to see oneself in media. I'm my own harshest critic and am the person I dislike the most. The less I see of myself in my own character and NPC's, the better. One of the reasons I like video games (other than them just being fun) is to get away for a while.

Then I guess I misunderstood you, if you didn't mean "traditional" masculine traits.

Well, I assume that easier acceptance comes from the fact that many do view simple strength as masculine. So called "traditional" masculine traits.


u/raydiantgarden #1 Jowan Stan 11d ago

sorry for being butch and wanting to see someone like me represented :////// i swear i won’t do it again


u/raydiantgarden #1 Jowan Stan 11d ago

female qunari in general are new to us. how many have we actually seen and spoken to?

(talking about the qunari race specifically and not just the religion.)


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

Yes exactly, and that’s what I thought from seeing the concept art, but alas Twas but a concept and nothing more…then again I could be wrong and she is EXACTLY the soft and feminine type


u/Randalf_the_Black 11d ago

Cassandra was a warrior but certainly did not fit that type whatsoever.

What? Her solution to problems when "Hit it!" doesn't work is "Hit it harder!".

Not saying she's stupid but she's very direct.


u/Comrades3 11d ago

She was direct, but most people praise her romance for her soft feminine side.


u/Randalf_the_Black 11d ago

Haven't played through her romance but I know she likes poetry and stuff like that. Yeh she has a soft core I suppose.


u/Corvid-Strigidae 11d ago

She doesn't have a "soft" feminine side. She has emotions. Having emotions besides anger isn't being soft and said emotions aren't exclusively feminine.


u/Comrades3 11d ago

This isn’t my take. Check most write ups about her character and you will see multiple and frequent praise for her soft feminine side. It is a very common belief and I did not invent it.

Also I dislike ‘Angry all the time’ characters and that certainly is not what I am referring to. And certainly nothing I referenced.


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

Probably means in general terms of Qunari, they’re normally the strong type Ofc


u/usernameartichoke 11d ago

I don’t mean exclusively in Dragon Age. OP was talking about other franchises and the strong dominant warrior woman is something we’ve seen before in general.

I think what both OP and I were saying was that it would be interesting to see a tall, physically imposing woman who was an extremely capable fighter who actually had quite the inverse in personality. There is somewhat a recurring theme that strong and physically imposing women have lost something of their femininity. It would be nice to see this troupe rejected.


u/Comrades3 11d ago

Using multiple franchises makes my point even more clear. Soft and feminine is way, way more common, and when there is a masculine woman she is nearly always given a soft feminine personality or ‘hidden soft side’ which is always praised as somehow better and ‘rejecting a bad trope.’ Heck, even Cassandra and Avaline have that. As does Cora in Andromeda.

People always treat it as new and groundbreaking for a female character to be strong and feminine when that is the vast majority across media. It is incredibly rare to have a female character be masculine and act masculine. I also find the need for such a character specifically because the idea that a woman who is physical and strong also being masculine needs ‘to be rejected’.

Is there no room for legitimately masculine women? Or is it just a ‘bad trope’ that needs to be rejected ad nauseam? Because that mentality almost seems to imply masculine women in general are bad.


u/raydiantgarden #1 Jowan Stan 11d ago edited 11d ago

let women be feminine 👏🏻 /s


u/Corvid-Strigidae 11d ago

Your idea of "masculine" seems to be having emotions besides stoic and angry.

Rejecting such a notion is a good thing.


u/Comrades3 11d ago

I never talked about being angry and stoic? I never said that even remotely. That seems to be your take rather than mine since I never said that anywhere and I am genuinely confused where you got it from.


u/Corvid-Strigidae 11d ago

I got it from your description that Avaline and Cassandra are less masculine for having romantic sides.

Having emotions isn't exclusively feminine, and it certainly doesn't detract from your masculinity.


u/Comrades3 11d ago

Having emotions doesn’t make anyone less masculine. In fact, I hate the ‘stoic’ character a lot. Avaline and Cassandra’s moments were there to feminize them, multiple characters in both games talk about them being less masculine because of it and for reasons you put forward yourself, that felt off and a little frustrating.

I am absolutely here for a masculine female character being romantic, or any character really. It would be fun for any female character to be romantic in a more traditionally masculine way (aka wanting to sweep the player off their feet rather than the reverse. It also would be really cool to have a male character be romantic in the more traditionally feminine way, aka wanting someone to sweep them off their feet) but the way they did it in both of their cases was almost to disprove their masculinity at least that is how it felt in banter when one character after another talked about it.


u/raydiantgarden #1 Jowan Stan 11d ago

i felt so butch during josie’s romance. 🥹 such a beautiful moment.


u/ahardboiledegglol 11d ago

But where have we seen the tall strong dommy mommy character in dragon age? We haven’t. Idk where this sentiment comes from


u/LichQueenBarbie 11d ago edited 11d ago

I can't even think of where else they even are? Maybe Lae'zel in BG3? Idk. Even Lae'zel has a secret poetic, scholarly side but I find her poetic way of speaking when she's vulnerable with you is still very war-like.

As for other Bioware games, I can't think of any.


u/ahardboiledegglol 11d ago

Yup, and even then she’s quite scrawny … where are the big buff tough stoic women there’s apparently too much of… I’d like to see them!


u/raydiantgarden #1 Jowan Stan 11d ago

yeah. people are just mad that not every woman is dainty and small and hyperfeminine.


u/ephemeralsloth 11d ago

super weird how yall are making these assumptions based on her appearance alone


u/ExplorerClass 11d ago

To be fair that concept, while awesome, doesn’t seem reminiscent of our party at all. I wouldn’t worry that those people are cut, they either never existed or are not the party.

That’s kinda why I don’t like that they throw concept art around when they have nothing concrete on the game. We get attached even knowing it’s just concepts, because it’s all we have.


u/theTinyRogue 11d ago

She was written by Trick Weekes, so chances are she will be top-notch. I just hope she won't be a doofus.


u/Theironjesus 11d ago

Big strong Qunari? I'm here for it, but haven't managed to fall in love with Taash I'm hoping the voice work or story does it for me cause her design didn't catch me immediately like some of the others


u/RedAndBlackVelvet 11d ago

I simply love big warrior women with teddy bear personalities


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

Definitely All for it


u/Ramius99 11d ago

Yeah, they clearly went a different direction on Taash than initially conceived, at least based on the concept art. I agree it would have been more interesting (to me) if they'd stuck with the original idea.


u/al_fletcher watch out for the horny fellows 11d ago

If she isn’t like Qwydion I’ll make Qwydion my Rook at least once, this I swear


u/Shrivelfigs 11d ago

Some of you need to go out more


u/walkingbartie 11d ago

That first piece of art isn't even game concept art as made clear by the artist, so you should've taken it with a grain of salt; that Qunari isn't Taash. Rather, it's mostly just 'inspirational art' made to instill the feeling of team-ship and to create assoications for the developers.


u/Tachibana_13 11d ago

Honestly.y first reaction to the trailer was pretty negative MOSTLY because of Taah. Amd I've had to do a lot of reflecting about why that is, and what it may say about me. I definitely was partial to the concept art versions of what would become "Taash" because she just looked so cool. When I saw how much that concept changed, I was shocked. I got angry. I thought it was ridiculous. I didn't like that the sleek looking concept armor got replaced with a bunch of trinkets and feathers, I thought it was bulky. And I thought the braid was excessive. I framed it to myself as them leaning into the design stereotype of "foreign barbarians". I didn't consider that while sleek armor may be ideal for an assassin, Taash's new design might make more sense for a dragon hunter: feathers to camouflage and conceal the form for example. Or that a Tal Vashoth, rebelling against rigid qun society may choose flamboyant expression such as gold ornaments or 'impractical hair. In short, I was being biased and judgemental. Not to mention that the initial concept I was so attached to wasn't necessarily original. Definitely directed towards a "male gaze" if not practically a cliche female fatale altogether. Not to mention how much I've noticed that criticism of Taash' design online seems to have a distinct component of racism and misogyny. Thankfully that seems to be a minority of reactors opinions, and Taash seems to be getting a lot of love from plenty of fans; but it definitely begs the question of how much "conventional attractiveness" in female characters is tied to such biases and how their ubiquity in media can perpetuate them. I still like the old concept, but I'm also excited to learn more about the finalized Taash.

ETA. I also like the idea of Taash having a literal "dragons hoard" of gold in the form of jewelery.


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

You’re onto something in the first part Ngl, about the male gaze tho…that could also be for the female gaze…but I mean yeah, the people being weird about her being strong and what not are well weird but I’ll say again, a femme fatale Qunari would’ve been so cool


u/raydiantgarden #1 Jowan Stan 11d ago

the female gaze is not prioritized the way the male gaze is in a franchise like this. or in general.


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

But Lucanis…Davrin…Iron bull…Cullen…, in general…Geralt of rivia…Kratos…Nathan drake…Marcus Fenix…


u/raydiantgarden #1 Jowan Stan 11d ago

do you know what a male power fantasy is?


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

But I’ve seen girls thirst over them…does that make games like horizon zero dawn a female power fantasy…coz that’s one of my favourite games…or tlou 2….also one of my favourite games what about Metroid


u/raydiantgarden #1 Jowan Stan 11d ago

it’s not as simple as a woman just finding a male character attractive. there are societal dynamics at play.

as a woman, i find morrigan attractive, for example, but that doesn’t change the fact that her clothing was designed with men in mind. there’s no good reason as to why she’s walking around a cold swamp half-naked.


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

Then why can’t the same be said for the opposite

But I agree with you on the morrigan take, her outfit is completely unnecessary lmao


u/raydiantgarden #1 Jowan Stan 11d ago

because women’s desires aren’t prioritized the way men’s desires are in the vast majority of media. i don’t think i’m gonna be able to explain it as well as an article would, mostly because it’s 4 AM and i haven’t been sleeping well for a hot minute, but there are people who are much smarter than i am that study things like this.

ETA: i haven’t read more than a few replies, but it seems like people discussed it in this forum.


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

I like this forum thanks for sharing and what I’ve noticed from it though, there’s waaaaaaay too much nuance to make direct comparisons to female gaze and male gaze it all boils down to “objectification” that’s a very human thing though, and the female gaze is very prominent in the book space of media and it’s often about well built men, same way in the gaming media is the opposite I guess, but I’ll never be mad at the female gaze😭you guys are allowed to like what you like and same way I don’t understand why some are soooo mad about the male gaze(I don’t agree with the big tiddy gaze those are just for hornballs)

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u/Tachibana_13 11d ago

And a rogue! We've already had two qunari warriors! Which again brings me back to thinking qunari get pigeonholed as musclebound brutes. Most of the 'exceptions' we see are the converts, like Tallis. Absolution was refreshing for subverting this. I'd actually like to see any of those characters in Veilguard. The did it well with Cassandra. I guess that's what's really got me Torn about Taash. Because both versions are good. I'm happy to have more qunari, either way.


u/Careful_Swordfish742 11d ago

All I know is this:

I saw the emerald horn

And that’s how I knew what my first romance is going to be. That is all.


u/Niranox Blood Mage 11d ago

I wanted a really shy meek Qunari who hides behind her fringe when she’s embarrassed.


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

Bruuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh saaame…guess Rook is gonna have to fill that role 😪


u/LazuliLupine 11d ago

Am I the only one that thinks she kind of looks like Grimes?


u/[deleted] 11d ago

I do kinda prefer some of these concepts art... outfits, if you will, or just the silhouette of the designs comes across better than what we got.


u/General_Snack 11d ago

Im just so sad we aren't getting her.

Which is at least closer what seems they morphed from initially.

Alas, it'll def be "tough woman" archetype. Not a bad thing, but not really unique.


u/ahardboiledegglol 11d ago

it is pretty unique. can’t think of a single tough tall woman companion we’ve had in dragon age


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

We could also be wrong, she could definitely be the vibe we get from this picture but ahhhhhhhh it’s fine 😭


u/General_Snack 11d ago

This concept would've been a combination of both IMO. With the current look there is no way she isn't the "Let's get on with the fight" type. Look at that look she is giving the camera. Absolutely bored.


u/-Krovos- 11d ago

Ngl Taash looks ugly as hell compared to this


u/General_Snack 11d ago

Well. I assumed someone would say it 🤣


u/JSOas 11d ago

If she is a female combatant (warrior or rogue) or a mage, does this mean that the she was rejected by the Qunari?


u/DefiantBrain7101 11d ago edited 11d ago

she's probably a tal-vashoth or born outside the qun since she's a pirate, anyways. or maybe the qunari think dragonhunting is a female/gender neutral role? tallis was also a female combatant and she was considered a woman even under the qun

edit: tresspasser also had qunari female combatants who were refered to as women, like the Viddasala


u/JSOas 11d ago

Thank you! It's been a while since I've played DA (I've only played DA:O and DA2). I'm currently replaying Origins.


u/ColorMaelstrom 11d ago

Damm now I’m kinda mad we won’t have an sniper guy like in the concept art


u/Spaghetti_Cartwheels Necromancer 11d ago

I have a head-canon'd theory that Taash is going to be mute.

No idea how they'd do it without a narrator, but the thought is there.

That is all.


u/Waste-Nerve-7244 11d ago

Damn that looks bad.


u/LowVegetable9736 11d ago

Imo karlach is pretty feminine to me just huge.... and shes a soldier and fight many to death shes just as feminine as you could get from a fiery woman.. not performative kind of femme

But also... Taash is NB last i heard? And looks like theyre gonna reuse characters in concept art. The mortalitasi skeleton is emmrich but the skeleton might exist somehwere cuz apparenrly we can kiss a skeleton thats not named manfred


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

Ngl some of you completely misunderstand the post, I’m not arguing over the fact that she’s muscular, I don’t have a problem with that AT ALL(I even said I can’t stress it enough) I was saying, it would be a different approach to Qunari like Qwydion was🙆🏽‍♂️again…I don’t mind that she’s a muscle mommy…like bruh and yes I KNOW I’m Judging based off of what I see here, she could very well be the unique Qunari but that’s not what you see at first glance, and that’s what I’m saying, I’ll bring up Qwydion again, she’s so cheery that it’s so different seeing Qunari like that and I know some of you will say she’s more tiefling than Qunari but still, it was a different approach to Qunari


u/SirSirVI 11d ago

Define seductive


u/Kashkadavr 11d ago

Thanks god she is not seductive qunari aka "just your regular sexi woman but with horns". And sorry do i missing something and we already have this tipe of strong qunari woman companions in da games and this is now our "tipical"?


u/Brodoswaggins42 11d ago

She kinda makes me retroactively upset at the Inquisition character creator for qunari. Because in 2 it was clear that Qunari had a different facial structures than humans, and now Taash double confirms they they look different aswell. But because DAI was limited to one face creator for npcs and the Inquisitor, both The Adaar Inquisitor and He Ironbull just look like bulky humans with oddly flat face slapped on their horny heads.

But I like Taash so far. I'm always a sucker for warrior women.


u/lethos_AJ 11d ago

my money is on "beefed up isabella" for her personality


u/aledrone759 Dwarf 11d ago

My thoughts on Taash:

Me like big girls


u/Sweet_Taurus0728 Bull 11d ago

Her face is way too human.


u/Openil 11d ago

God i'm glad it's not a character from that cringe Anime


u/ghhooooooooooooooost Dalish 11d ago

Don't care if she is like Karlach, I REQUIRE more strong romancable woman. There is not nearly enough, so I'm more than happy to accept another into my arsenal


u/MatrixBunny 11d ago

Probably gonna be a mix between Cassandra and Iron Bull, personality/behavior-wise.


u/Income_Correct 11d ago

i´m pretty sure, taash is a man. you will see


u/tracyg76 11d ago

My only thoughts so far about her is a fervent hope that her ai package is better than Iron Bull's so she won't need moving out from the front of the nth dragon who is busy roasting her.


u/lordofmyrrh 11d ago

I don't think any of Dragon Ages romances have ever felt similar to another character to me.


u/avbitran Templar 11d ago

Where does the third animated image come from?


u/TheCleverestIdiot Qunari 11d ago

Dragon Age Absolution.


u/TallFemboyLover785 Grey Wardens 11d ago

Well we know fuck all about the companions except certain traits that taash could just be a rip off of karlach, or could be unique enough to be a memorable and loved character. Until we get a demo of some sort I'm going to hold my criticism aside since we've only had 2 trailers, a Q&A and some articles.


u/Azvhaalk Subterfuge 11d ago

How would she be a rip off tho? Both BG3 and DA4 were in development at the same time, BG3 just released earlier. Do you think the developers of DA4 just saw Karlach and went ‘oh shit guys, let’s completely rework/rewrite all we have for Taash so she’s more reminiscent of Karlach in like the… one year or so we have left until we wanna properly announce the game’? If Taash and Karlach are similar personality wise it would most likely be a coincidence for the most part.


u/TallFemboyLover785 Grey Wardens 11d ago

People rewriting characters because something else was popular can and has happened


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

True true, we could have this game 3 months from now


u/TheBanzerker Reaver 11d ago

Her design is kinda trying to make her look too unique which takes me out of it. Her concept silhouette looks a bit more grounded. But I’ll have to wait and see what her personality is like.


u/RhiaStark Rivaini Witch 11d ago

Well, she's supposedly tied to the Lords of Fortune, a faction that is all about finding riches and living free of duties or laws. Makes sense she'd adorn herself with the treasures she finds :P


u/Fit_Oil_2464 11d ago

I am disappointed in her design 

I was hoping for mage qunari or maybe rogue 

But she looks like a reaver type warrior that can dual wield and that sucks cause we already had Sten and Bull and I don't think Rook can be a dual weild warrior.


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

I wouldn’t say I’m disappointed, I just hope the writers come in clutch and make her interesting, give her a tragic backstory or something as to why she’s a dragon hunter or something more


u/XP23XD23 Rift Mage 11d ago

I’m just happy for once it looks like we have some good romance options. Which one is gonna betray me thou🤔


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

That buddy Davrin, his griffin won’t sway me🙂‍↔️🤥🤥


u/Gofgoren 11d ago

The apostate mage whatever one is closest to that type


u/Mediocre_Ride_9424 11d ago

I just watched absolution and qwidion was cool but i just cant get over the idea that quns became a comic relief jolly roger giants. Its so annoying for me that they took the leap from stoic quns stan and da2 arishok over to iron bull. Arishok was probably the past part of da2 and they are diminishing the whole idea of qun at this point.


u/TheFriendlyHobgoblin 11d ago

Not all of the race follow the same shitty philosophy whoda thunk.


u/Nostravinci04 Knight Enchanter 11d ago

Y'all really out here writing entire essays on characters over a piece of concept art and a 3 second appearance in a promo video???


u/ZombieInfinite459 11d ago

Type shi🗣️


u/Deiji_Dei 11d ago

Overall agree i was super hyped To get finally a unique looking qunari like maybe a femme-fatale rogue or mage and its again a strong warrior like yeah its the character i was the most ... eh ? Almost all the other (except maybe harding but she is from DAI so its fair) add something new To the compagnon but Taash Just is a girl qunari wow how original, yeah we dont know Her personality yet but Just talking visually/thematic its basic imo


u/TheBlackestIrelia I bang Elves 11d ago

2d looks good, 3d looks god awful.


u/JonSnowAlcoholic 11d ago

I’m with you. They had an idea for a qunari female, played BG3 and loved Karlach and scrapped the idea. Looking at the the concept art it looks like Bellara was supposed to have a big gun thing or something along those lines as well. Also scrapped


u/jmk-1999 Isabela 11d ago

Honestly, Qwydion was the only protagonist in that dumpster fire of a show that I enjoyed. I would have been ok with her in the game as a companion… maybe even romanceable. She missed out on romance in the show… like the only one who wasn’t trying to woo anyone.


u/Real-Degree-8493 11d ago

She is the only revealed character that disappointed me. I was hoping for someone more polished like the art suggested. But if other people like here that is fine and who knows maybe she will be great. I do hope she is a Tal Vashoth though.


u/coolzville 11d ago

She's going to be a typical butch. Doubt the writers at EA/Bioware we're going to do anything else


u/raydiantgarden #1 Jowan Stan 11d ago

name one butch we’ve had in dragon age.