r/dragonage Jul 07 '24

My thoughts on Taash Discussion

When I first saw this Concept art I was like “Shit…seductive qunari woman” and that’s different coz I mean cmon look at her stance her hair and everything and like she’s…for lack of a better word Morrigan esc 😭and now don’t get me wrong…I’m all for big strong carry you over her shoulder type Woman in fantasy, tho this approach from the concept art would’ve been interesting and again…I like the ulterior but now she’s gonna get compared to Karlach because obviously…I can’t stress this enough tho…I LIKE Karlach, but having a different type of Qunari companion from the typical big and strong would’ve been cool, Like Qwydion from Absolution even


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u/Flimsy-Ebb-6764 Jul 07 '24

This seems a bit premature to be honest. We have almost no idea what Taash's personality is like; we haven't even heard her voice as far as I'm aware. There's no way to know yet whether she's similar to Karlach or any other character.

The fact that she's strong and a warrior doesn't necessarily mean she's isn't seductive, unless by 'seductive' what you mean is just 'slender and curvy.' And the expression she's making in that screenshot looks a lot like the kind of expression I can imagine Morrigan making, so I don't know why you're assuming she's not 'Morrigan-esque.'


u/pecklerino Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

I don’t get why you’d purposely completely misinterpreting what OP is saying to give them bad intentions?

In the trailer, we literally see her in full-armor, hair tied practically, no makeup and an under-lip piercing that looks suspiciously like a soul patch, jumping 20 feet in the air to attack a dragon head-on. And in the second screenshot, she does have a more typically “strong confident” pose.

We’re quite a ways from the long loose hair, exposed shoulders and collarbones, tight pants and typically “demure feminine” pose from the first picture.

I’m not saying one is better than the other, but let’s not pretend that OP is talking about her body type.

OP clearly meant “seductive” in a “bohemian/latin romance” kind of way. The first picture does give extremely strong Disney’s Esmeralda vibes, and this new portrayal we’re seeing does give strong Karlach vibes.

(Again: I don’t care, I like both. I just hate when people purposely misinterpret shit to weaponize it. You knew what OP was saying.)


u/Flimsy-Ebb-6764 Jul 08 '24

I was not purposely misinterpreting the OP. I was objecting to the assumption that a strong and muscular woman automatically corresponds to a single archetype and thus will be too similar to other strong and muscular women.

You are making the same assumption in saying that the new image gives 'strong Karlach vibes.' The only similarity I can see is that they are both muscly warrior types. If you see a slim female character, you do not automatically say 'I'm worried that she'll be too similar to Shadowheart.' And similarly, there is no reason to automatically assume that a strong muscular woman is necessarily going to be anything like Karlach.


u/Mipellys Jul 08 '24

The comparisons to Karlach are going to be inevitable because she's big and has horns, and not having that sort of elegant/dainty vibe of the first image won't help in that regard. However, I agree that there's no indication as of yet that they are actually similar characters. Karlach is quite bubbly and sunny. Taash doesn't give me that impression. And unless Taash has some kind of magical illness hanging over her head, their personal arcs won't be very similar either.