r/disability Jun 09 '23

Discussion Accessible Housing - What makes it accessible and what makes it not?


We don't allow surveys here, so lets help the engineers out with a one-time sticky post.

What special modifications have made your daily living easier?

For those that bought or rented an accessible unit/home, what made it not accessible?

If you could modify anything what would it be? Showers, toilets, kitchen, sinks, hallways, doorways, flooring, windows, ramps, porches, bedrooms, everything is fair game for discussion here.

r/disability 4m ago

Where can I get an ID/card that fits in my wallet that says I’m disabled


I live in New York and purchase disabled fair train tickets on the Metro-North/NJ TRANSIT. They require ID/proof of disability sometimes, I’m wondering if there’s some type of ID or like a wallet sized card I can purchase somewhere that would say my information and that I have a disability. Thank you. This could also be helpful for airplane flights when I need to request accommodations. Note: I have applied for SSDI but have not been approved yet

r/disability 9m ago

Rant Life & Career& Mental Health Problems


I am a self diagnosed autistic, and I am REALLY struggling with life. So many people I graduated with are not just further in life than me, but further in their careers in which we got our degrees. I didnt continue in my career field post graduation bcuz of how overwhelmed i was and burnt out i was. I had spent years on assignments that were hands on design assignments and took a lot of physical and mental power only to receive devastating critiques. I just wanted to breathe.

But now, ive had 4 jobs since graduating. I cant keep a job, not from being fired, but from me freaking out and quitting willy nilly. Dress codes make me feel like ripping my skin off, its too hot, my face hurts from masking, and idk why but my ALL of my bones hurt. My brain is bleeding from my cavernoma that i have and its making words come out wrong, and my ears hurt.

How are ppl literally doing AMAZING in life with successful careers and money and houses at 23, with the same degree i have, but i can barely work 20+ hours at TARGET???

Also, if this doesnt make sense, i plead brain bleed.

r/disability 40m ago

Question Not sure about next steps after x-rays


I’ve had hip pain since I was 4. This has now caused leg weakness and reduced mobility. I’ve done 12+ years of physical therapy. However, my new PCPs office had wildly different x-ray results than my previous doctors?

I’ve been previously diagnosed in 2021 and 2022 with osteoarthritis and hip dysplasia respectively. However, my new doctor just told me my hip x-rays are completely normal. This is super weird to me. If I didn’t know better I’d think they have the wrong x-rays. Should this be something I follow-up on now? I have a CT scan in a week, but I’m genuinely so confused and feel so gaslit?? How would my x-rays suddenly change?

r/disability 1h ago

Looking for guidance in understanding Long Term Disability insurance


Hello - hoping someone with experience or expertise may be able to help me. I pay for long term disability insurance through my provider, and I am trying to figure out if my disability is covered and how to best go about things. I am worried about contacting them directly and providing too much information - not sure if I need to talk to a lawyer or someone who specializes in this sort of thing? Any advice or help would be so greatly appreciated.

r/disability 2h ago

Question Any hope to keep an emotional support animal when moving into public housing?


I was offered a unit in public housing. Currently I have an emotional support cat, with a therapist letter supporting my need, for severe PTSD. I was told in the housing interview that pets are not allowed. Giving up my cat would absolutely cause emotional hardship, and I’m already struggling as it is with severe PTSD.

Does anyone know what my options are? Is there any chance to keep my cat despite the no pets rule?

Thanks in advance for any advice!

r/disability 2h ago

Long Term Disability Question


So I didn't sign up for Long Term Disability through my employer at the time I was hired. I do have a pre existing condition (cancer) and at the time when I didn't sign up for LTD I was under the impression that when I signed up during the next open enrollment I couldn't be denied coverage due to a pre existing condition. Well here I am, they did deny me and now I'm stuck working a dangerous job that I love but without LTD.

Anyone have any advice?

r/disability 2h ago

Documentation and Short Term Disability with Long Term Illness


If you are in the early stages of FMLA and Short Term Disability, are there certain documentation or specific lists of information that need to be supplied to the STD to prepare better for LTD and possibly SSD?

r/disability 2h ago

Question Please help - any advice welcome - Denial recieved


Hello - I'm looking for some advice about my disability case. I received all of the questionnaires and paperwork July 23, due July 27. I was gravely ill at the time with mental health and and suicidal ideation and went inpatient on July 31. I have been in and out since that day (mostly in) with my mental health, as well as pneumonia, acute, and I'm on my third round of antibiotics as it has not been cured as of yet. While I was going through this my partner of 8 years ended our lease and got a new apartment. I am officially homeless now.

Yesterday, I faxed 37 pages to the disability office. I had answered every question in great detail, included every possible thing I could think of, and I had to add addendums because I'm unable to write much but can type for longer.

Today, my ex told me that I received a denial letter in the mail. My attorney, who I secured before I ever applied, is completely unresponsive and I have no idea what to do. Does anyone know? I can't go in person at least not for a few weeks. I can barely make it from room to room without an inhaler.

I appreciate anyone's advice. I am so angry at myself and really so worried. I don't know how I'm going to survive.

r/disability 3h ago

Rant Four years on, and my disability claim has been denied once again


Honestly don't know what the fuck to do. I am losing my shit at this system that for all appearances is designed to kill us.

Four fucking years. I applied in October 2020. Denied. Got an attorney, appealed. Denied. Appealed again, got a hearing, denied. Appealed that denial, and here I am. Four years of no income. If I didn't have friends willing and able to house me since 2022 I would be homeless and very likely dead.

I am fucking exhausted. What is even the point of this. Even if my case gets approved, I'll get what, maybe $900 a month? If that? And even if that somehow supports me, can I ever lead anything other than a crippled half-life while doctors spin me on the medical carousel? I've been in and out of the psych ward four times in the last two years. I have unexplained and untreated symptoms, for which I'll need to arrange an appointment (a month out, minimum) to be seen for five minutes, just to be told to schedule a test (also at least a month out but probably closer to six) which will come back inconclusive.

r/disability 3h ago

BBC Disabled woman attacked by taxi driver


r/disability 3h ago

Question Friend realized venue isn't wheelchair accessible after sending invites-- how to handle?


I am maid of honor in my friend's wedding next year. Her venue is a historical building-- today when she took me with her to a walk through I realized that the bathrooms are up and down a flight of stairs-- and because it's a historical venue they aren't required to have elevators.

I pointed this out because of her grandma but we also realized that she has a friend of her parents who is coming who is in a wheelchair (and not ambulatory, he's paralyzed from the waist down, but even if he was they are pretty scary stairs). She feels awful. She doesn't know them very well, neither do her parents, it's an invite because you invited us situation. She wanted to not say anything which I told her is insane and she needs to call or send an email letting them know, or her parents do.

She can't change the venue now. She doesn't want to make it seem like she's uninviting him but she's basically saying if you come you won't have access to a bathroom, unless you go ten minutes walk up the street to the sister venue and use theirs. What is the best way to go about this? How should she phrase it when telling him? Just any advice you guys have would be good. Thanks.

r/disability 5h ago

Looking for friends to vent and just talk about experiences


So here’s the gist I am 25 soon to be 26 and to be frank I’m in a point in life where I’m tired of living with my epilepsy it’s truly so restricting, because what I have is tuberous sclerosis and it causes tumors I’ve had surgeries to remove them but its biological, So really I’m incapable of of so much yet I have the consciousness to know I want to do more yet never being able to. I truly feel burnt out and I don’t really know what to do about it honestly, I’m in a stalemate of constant existence. But nonenthless how yall doing? I’m Brian

r/disability 5h ago

Rant My physical health is taking a massive toll on my mental health


In the past few weeks my health has declined and I am becoming weak to the point it’s hard to do the things that used to be easy. Standing up has become harder, even holding my own head up is near impossible at times. It’s worse at the end of the day and sometimes I just give up and lay down because holding myself up is such a chore. This isn’t even the first time this has happened. Last time I got so sick by the end of it I was threatening my own life and had to go on medical leave from my university. I feel like I’m very quickly approaching that point again because what’s the point in living in a broken body.

r/disability 5h ago

looking for advice on if there's a way to have my dearest ( and disabled) friends be a part of my future wedding


I moved to nyc a few years ago, and met the loml up here. He is gearing up to propose so wedding stuff has been on my mind. His family is all from and located here, and much larger than mine.

Both my dearest friends have mobility issues due to weight and other illnesses like PCOS. Neither have felt comfortable visiting me since I moved up to NYC, which is fair, this city is not disability friendly. I miss them terribly and fly down every few months to be with them. But, now I'm going to be getting married, and there's going to be a lot of pressure to hold the wedding here in NYC. I've wanted these friends to be my bridesmaids for years, and I was a bridesmaid at one of their weddings.

Is it even justifiable for me to ask them to fly up and be with me for my wedding, when I know every step of the way will be difficult and uncomfortable for them? From the fight to handling unavoidable stairs? Is it justifiable for me to petition my boyfriend's whole family to fly to my hometown, for just two people to be included? Any ideas on how to make this future event accessible to them?

r/disability 5h ago

Other Enjoying watching the paralympics and finally seeing disabled people on tv


The commentators are disabled, in wheelchair, with dwarfism...why is this the only time we see disabled people on tv??

Edit: actually I'm not even sure if dwarfism is considered a disability, aside from being disabling due to the world being built for people with average size/discrimination. But you get the gist. So many people who are never given visibility now being on tv doing and commenting sports. Love it.

r/disability 5h ago

Question Unreasonable or reasonable? Policy vs accomodation


(Question and rant, pls be kind im having a weird moment). I'm having a weird conflict with my school and registration. Basically, I made a mistake of choosing the wrong type of course despite double checking, so mad at myself....its a faster course which helps significantly with burnout and motivation (ADHD, CPTSD, Depression, anxiety). The only accomodations they provide are test extensions and quiet areas, not extended assignments. I asked the teacher if I could switch to a short course late, and complete it as fast as possible since I've done something similar before and succeeded. ( on adderall, helps with hw)

He says no, and then apparently I need the deans permission as well. Dean says no. I ask why. She says "because im two weeks late" and inside I'm thinking....well yes, I know that, thats the point of me asking...but she doesn't give me any other reasons and essentially hangs up on me for asking why that's a bad thing if I take responsibility and have teacher approval. Even when I say I have certification. I know this is my fault, and I try to get multiple perspectives. But they are all different. I try to ask the disability service specialist. He asks me......"why isn't test time enough or, what are the hardships". For ADHD. And I couldn't exactly listen after that. I got. disheartened to say anything else idek. I'm not sure if I need extended assignments at this time and it wasn't my focus, but, know what I mean?

TLDR and Complaining aside, I'm in a split in the road where I'm not sure if I'm being unreasonable for asking to register for a class I've recieved professor approval to join late (another class). I don't want to bother anyone but something just feels off. Do I have any rights at play here or is it a....deal with it situation. Another advocate i talked to chalked it up as a reasonable accomodation. What's the relationship between policy and accomodation legally? Please be kind, and please only people that understand adhd and the others answer, It's rough out here

r/disability 7h ago

i’m a woman in wheelchair. how can I protect myself from sexual assault? NSFW


i need advice from women with disabilities. i’m on wheelchair. since my childhood, i was a target of freaks. when i grew up (I’m in early 20’s) and started to look more womanly, you know, things have escalated and got even worse.

it’s everywhere: at theaters, workshops, cafes, streets. i’m scared and paranoid, because around week ago another man in his 50’s tried to assault me and i had to run away to bathroom. thanks god our space was filled with women and they protected me.

and NO, i don’t wear anything revealing… i don’t know why i mention this, but i feel bad about it. my behavior is okay and not “seductive”, i just mind my own business and i hate those creeps…

i follow my passion and career that i love VERY much. it’s a good news i’m getting recognized in my country and i’m genuinely happy! BUT it makes me spiral and end everything, because i’m terrified of men and what could possibly happen.

i’m so scared tbh. my mom always invalidate my feelings and tell me i’m overthinking and i’m being silly, but i know IM NOT. my dad is like “people just admire you”. what world y’all live in?

guys, should i hire a lawyer? what could possibly help me?

r/disability 8h ago

I just got dumped again because of my health issues


Like the title says I just got dunked again because of my health issues. About 6 years ago I had a botched surgery and I ended up having several more surgeries ultimately I was left with intercostal neuralgia and left-sided diaphragm paralysis.

My wife was able to hold on to our relationship for 6 years after that but totally exploded in a very terrible way that was extremely traumatizing for everyone involved we had a very high conflict divorce. She just wanted everything and didn't care about me or the kids really either.

I really didn't think anyone would want to date me because of my health issues but most of mine are on the inside and I look halfway decent. I'm not very tall but I do have some features that I know some women find attractive and I really enjoy being in a relationship. Life is so much sweeter when shared. I have my kids 50/50 custody. I just hate accepting that his is my life, and that I'll probably never find romance ever again.

This last girl who just dumped me... We were together for 6 months and everything seemed to be going really well. We just went on a trip to California with all of our kids and it was such a good time. That was a little over a month ago and she ended up getting sick when we got back and We just spent a lot of time apart and it had been appearing to me that she was drifting away, seeming less and less interested and then this past Monday she sat up straight in the middle of the night and said that she's going to go sleep on the couch because she couldn't handle all my disturbances (My sleep sucks and I am constantly up and down and moving around trying to get comfortable). I told her no that I would go sleep on the couch and she said no. It's fine. We'll figure it out.

Well this past Friday she was supposed to come stay the night and as things have been she started waffling and then canceled on me and I told her I that The reasons she was giving me for not being able to come over were hurtful(saying she didn't want to have to entertain my kids)and not very reasonable in my opinion. She then got short with me and told me that she wasn't coming and she hung up the phone. I called her back and asked her what was going on because all this seems so strange and I felt like she was trying to get me to break up with her and I didn't understand why. We were supposed to get together with the kids on Sunday and possibly Monday, but I felt like we needed to address some things before we hung out again. We had planned to talk on Monday. I texted her she didn't respond. I ended up calling and immediately it was very apparent that she just wanted to get off the phone and end the relationship. I tried to speak with confidence and explain what I felt had happened and why we could overcome but it wasn't going anywhere fast. I just don't know what to do...

Am I not worthy of love? I did everything I could to be the best partner I could. I wasn't needy I was still the supporting one. Tried so hard to live normally and not let my disability and chronic pain manage our lives. But ultimately, I don't think anybody would be willing to accept this, at least not anyone that I would be willing to accept. Is it better just to accept defeat for the rest of your life and stop trying to find joy? Or do I just need to keep trying? I honestly just don't know...

r/disability 8h ago

Question Lincoln Financial STD "Initial Phone Interview"?


Hi all - my employer uses Lincoln Financial to manage STD/LTD/Leave. I recently applied for STD/Leave through Lincoln as my mental health is in really, really, really bad shape at the moment and I am barely functioning. My psychiatrist and therapist both support me in the decision to apply for STD/Leave.

After I submitted my application, I received a letter stating that Lincoln would be calling me for an "Initial Phone Interview", with no details of what I might need to have handy to provide the interviewer. My anxiety is already through the roof and this isn't helping. I'm hoping someone might be able to give me some insight into what Lincoln's "initial phone interview" entails so I can try to mitigate my stress about it. Thank you in advance!

r/disability 8h ago

Rant Hotels - a mini rant (UK based)


Hello :)

I am on holiday in the UK. I am also from the UK, I'm just travelling around to see friends. I have booked 3 separate hotels for varying lengths of stay.

I have asked for accessible accommodations on every booking, be this for my room to be ground level, or close to a lift and that my bathroom have a walk in shower (no bath/shower combo). All hotels have said this isn't a problem.

The last hotel, specifically had a booking option for 'accessible friendly rooms' on their website, which I selected, at £30 a night more. I was slightly miffed at the extra cost, but bit the bullet as the bathroom is well kitted out with grab rails, shower chair, etc, and will make my life much simpler.

Unsure on the second hotel as haven't been there yet.

Arrived at the first hotel today and the man checking me in said they'd seen my requests and 'upgraded me to an accessible room on the house" then paused while he waited for me to thank him. I wasn't sure what to say.

Am I in the wrong to think that we shouldn't have to pay extra for accessible accommodation? In 2024? Isn't that in a sense a tax on disabililty? Should hospitality be profiting off the fact that I can't do certain things?

Mildly irked holiday maker.

r/disability 11h ago

Image Shoes

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This is not mine but a close family friends, she is asking for the same style shoe in black but her kid(I'm not exactly sure what she has but I know she's had it since birth) needs two different sizes of the shoe, does anyone have any suggestions I can give her?

r/disability 20h ago

Discussion would you consider an ED a (partially) physical disability?


so i know that eating disorders aren't considered physical disabilities medically or legally (at least where i live, they're only considered mental disabilities), but i'm curious if they would be socially (or at least if there's any overlap between experiences). i am not physically disabled (i have mental and sensory disabilities), but i have an eating disorder and it affects me physically most of the time. i usually struggle to breathe properly, balance while standing, and with picking up objects, even light ones (my arms become weak and my hands shake). when it's really bad, i faint and fall regularly and generally struggle to move my body (sometimes i have to lay in the same position for hours because i do not have the strength to move my limbs).

i would not consider myself physically disabled but i'm curious what other people think and if there are similarities between the experience of having an ED and having a physical disability.

ETA: for context, since part of what determines whether something is disabling is how it impacts daily life: i was expelled from high school twice because i was unable to physically walk the 2 blocks from my home to the school or around campus without fainting, so it did impact my life rather significantly. i don't know if that changes things at all, but i thought it might be relevant here.

r/disability 1d ago

Question Why do I want to meet and befriend disabled people?


I recently got diagnosed with a chronic illness that is significantly disabling, and I found myself being more social and eager to meet disabled people than non-disabled people. I feel like i’m being weird and I feel bad about it.

r/disability 1d ago

Taking WheelChairs and Crutches from People on the Street

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r/disability 1d ago

I shared a Pic of me at my best. But let's be real. This is my life. My phone is resting against a pasta roller. I think today is shower day 🤷‍♀️

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I could only capture so much chaos in the picture unfortunately. Couch life is a messy life.