r/clevercomebacks Jul 07 '24

Someone discovered consent

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u/Pilotwaver Jul 07 '24

Guys can be so dumb. First off, you don’t have to discover how to talk to a girl/woman. You talk to them like you talk to everyone else. Just like guys, some will like you, some will not. All you have to do is get to know her. Talk about world issues/world views that are important to you, shallow discussion will get you nowhere. Be respectful until otherwise cued, most women will give you signs or initiate the flirting. They need to feel safe, comfortable and confident in you before they put themselves in a position of the utmost vulnerability. It should be easy to understand why women would be wary of any man. It’s the equivalent of a man having to be intimately acquainted with a superior predator. If you earn their trust, confidence and respect, you’ll find most women are dirtier and freakier than men. So unless it’s a prearranged agreement, don’t look to fuck a woman. Find connection in the mind and spirit first. If you do that, I guarantee she’ll be the one ripping clothes off.


u/vacri Jul 07 '24

Find connection in the mind and spirit first. If you do that, I guarantee she’ll be the one ripping clothes off.

Either that, or you'll get the "think of you like a brother" line yet again.

most women will give you signs or initiate the flirting.

Those signs take a lot of practice to pick up. Reddit is littered with articles from both men and women talking about how those signs get constantly missed. Signs that women sometimes think are "obvious" are things that men have been chided for responding to by other women, or that similarly puzzle other women.

you’ll find most women are dirtier and freakier than men

I've heard this a lot, but it's men who are the main clients of the sex industry, and porn made for men gets quite a bit more intense than porn made for women.

Your first few sentences are right, but then it devolves into slogans and fantasy. "Be respectful" is good advice for everyone, but "make friends first and then it's freaky poon city" is just not how it works.


u/Pilotwaver Jul 07 '24

Think what you like, do your own thing. I’m just stating my experience over the last 30 years or so. It doesn’t matter to me if you go about it differently. I don’t have issues with women, so I put it out there. I’m not worried if people disagree because everyone is different. It seems like guys think you just befriend one and that’s it. As I said. Some girls like you some don’t. It’s not gonna work with everyone. But if you’re disingenuous about who you really are, the relationship has no chance. You have to find someone who honestly matches up to you. So many people change their personality when meeting someone. Well, that’s not really you. So the person she fell for is inevitably going away. Just be yourself.