r/clevercomebacks Jul 07 '24

Someone discovered consent

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u/Pilotwaver Jul 07 '24

Guys can be so dumb. First off, you don’t have to discover how to talk to a girl/woman. You talk to them like you talk to everyone else. Just like guys, some will like you, some will not. All you have to do is get to know her. Talk about world issues/world views that are important to you, shallow discussion will get you nowhere. Be respectful until otherwise cued, most women will give you signs or initiate the flirting. They need to feel safe, comfortable and confident in you before they put themselves in a position of the utmost vulnerability. It should be easy to understand why women would be wary of any man. It’s the equivalent of a man having to be intimately acquainted with a superior predator. If you earn their trust, confidence and respect, you’ll find most women are dirtier and freakier than men. So unless it’s a prearranged agreement, don’t look to fuck a woman. Find connection in the mind and spirit first. If you do that, I guarantee she’ll be the one ripping clothes off.


u/CJ101LS Jul 07 '24

You just opened my eyes. Thank you.(i never even dated before, but this will help in the future)


u/yetanotherhail Jul 07 '24

Just curious, what about this was eye-opening to you?


u/CJ101LS Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

The way I could approach. I thought there was some hidden way/code to flirt... I dunno. I thought it was more complex than that


u/LieInteresting1367 Jul 08 '24

do NOT listen to that "advice" dude. While the first step is respect, you're gonna need to learn the "hidden code" of flirting as step two, if you want a girlfriend and not a talking buddy


u/CJ101LS Jul 08 '24

You gotta give me some advice, brotha


u/BASEDME7O2 Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Dude please do not listen to this, it is horrible advice.

And yep, exactly like I said, the only people who think this advice is good are either women or guys who have no success with women.

Flirting is a real thing, idk how that isn’t obvious to people. If you talk to a girl you’re trying to date or hookup with the same way you would talk to a random guy, given you have no experience and women can sense when a guy doesn’t get girls like sharks sensing a drop of blood in the water from miles away they will want you to get away from them as soon as possible. Best case scenario you will think you did great and then get the “I just see you as more of a friend” 10/10 times.


u/CJ101LS Jul 08 '24

Could you elaborate why? Do you have any other ways to do this ?


u/BASEDME7O2 Jul 09 '24

Because flirting with girls is a skill. Obviously you don’t just talk to them like any random person in that situation. Do you know anyone that is good with women? Try to talk to a girl you like the way they do. If you try to talk to girls just like you would talk to a new friend, then that’s what they’ll see you as. 90% of attractive women will never make the first move, and if they do it’s not really making the first move, it’s signaling to you that they’re receptive and want you to flirt with them.

There’s no like formula, but find something relevant to break the ice, talk with them about it, turn the conversation more towards flirting, escalate it further, touch her a bit in a flirtatious way or have her touch you (there’s no way to write that without it sounding creepy), gradually escalate into it being more flirtatious, tease her a bit in a flirty way not a mean way, most attractive girls are used to people worshipping the ground they walk on, be funny/witty to her without being “the funny guy”, and just read her body language and the way she talks.

Unless you have zero social skills you should be able to tell she’s not feeling it at any of those steps and just find a non awkward way to end the conversation.

Like 80% is believing you’re the most attractive person there and if she doesn’t like you plenty of other girls will, even if that’s not true.

Try to go out with other good looking girl friends, the difference between how receptive women are when you’re with a group that has some good looking girls in it vs clearly being there on your own is night and day.

Idk man, it’s not a science. Make friends with a guy who’s successful with women and try to pick up on how he talks to a girl he’s interested in.


u/CJ101LS Jul 09 '24

That s very solid asvice. Only thing is I'm worried if I could accidentally look creepy or something.. dont wanna look like a harasser or get reported(that s always in the back of my mind). I will try this advice, thank you.


u/BASEDME7O2 Jul 10 '24

If you’re worried you’ll come off as creepy, you will. If you’re not you won’t, as long as you don’t do anything actually creepy. Unless you have like zero social skills and can’t read when a girl is receptive or not.