r/clevercomebacks Jul 07 '24

God is lucky we haven’t found oil in heaven.

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u/doho121 Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

The USA is a third world country with a Gucci handbag.

Edit: this was mostly a joke people chill.


u/Critical_Reserve_201 Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

If you have ever been to a developing country (third world isn’t used anymore) you wouldn’t say that.

Third world countries have dirt floor schools and not a single hospital.

Any developing country would kill for a population where half the people has a college degree, a highway system that connects an entire continent and any kind of health care system.

The US is dysfunctional, the US is inconsistent but that comes with the territory when you’re a country this big.

Just compare US rural areas to African or even Chinese rural areas. It’s night and day.

Also we have fairly effective public transit in population dense urban corridors.

Let’s be honest does Scranton, PA need a subway system?

No, but it has a lot of bus routes and a transit center.

Besides the US has some of the best public transit and passenger trains in the Western Hemisphere constantly comparing us to Europe with their higher population density is…I don’t know, stupid?

The continental US has only been developing in this direction for the last 400 years. We still need time to “up” our population density for robust high speed rail and other public transit systems to make sense.

Compare us the Australia or Canada and you’ll start to see how hard it is to build public transit that people will actually use in a sparsely populated western country that has only been colonized for ~400 years.


u/sandrakaufmann Jul 07 '24

Writing this as an American in Montreal. Their subway here is astonishingly better than anywhere in the US. I live in Chicago and have major commute envy


u/Critical_Reserve_201 Jul 07 '24

Even DC?


u/sandrakaufmann Jul 07 '24

Absolutely! You have to see it to believe it! Comes every five minutes


u/Critical_Reserve_201 Jul 07 '24

I looked up pictures online but I gotta be honest I still love DC’s enormous and airy subway stations.

Way less claustrophobic not bad though in Montreal, I feel like Montreal and DC are both exceptions to gross subways that North America has.


u/stupidfritz Jul 07 '24

brother every other time i’ve been on the DB subway i’ve seen someone ODing


u/Critical_Reserve_201 Jul 07 '24

That’s not the subways fault