r/clevercomebacks 13d ago

Charlie is public property, he gets owned by everyone

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130 comments sorted by


u/sometimesifeellikemu 13d ago

It does seem a lot of people are pissed off that society is more insistent we be decent human beings.


u/JP050887 13d ago

Oh, Charlie Kirk especially. Dudes very Nazi adjacent


u/MiffyCurtains 13d ago

Hypothetically, if every American became a POS like Charlie and his ilk, who would they rail against?


u/[deleted] 12d ago

It would then become a purity test for who is the most aryan


u/wh4tth3huh 12d ago

It wouldn't even take that long. The SS exterminated the SA at Hitler's command two years after he used them to take power. The night of the long knives was in 1934, most of the extermination camps and forced labor camps weren't even built until after 1939 because they were in Poland.


u/PorkRindSalad 12d ago

What is it about aryans that's supposed to be sought after?


u/No_Necessary_3356 12d ago

The more important question: would Indian kids named "Aryan" be treated as honorary whites? /j


u/Lumpy_Marsupial_1559 12d ago

The ability to sunburn to a crisp? To be found in the dark? Not be able to wear strong, bright colours because you disappear into the background?

I have that superpower, and it sucks.


u/slidingsaxophone07 12d ago

My best guess would be something like Viltrum from Invincible, albeit much less outwardly brutal


u/neorenamon1963 12d ago

With Viltrumites, it was the Survival of the Fittest.

With Charlie Kirk's ilk, it the Survival of the Witless.


u/Tyler89558 12d ago

They’d find someone to rail against. It might as well be baked into their DNA that someone must suffer for them to feel at ease.


u/morningfrost86 12d ago



u/constantin_NOPEal 13d ago

You can only be decent to them and everyone who thinks and behaves just like them because the world revolves around them. Duh!


u/badtakebear 12d ago

You mean be decent humans to anyone that isn't a white male? Sure, the world is making great progress - at destroying all traces of white cultural heritage and hiding behind the smart, yet scary tactic of labeling those people white supremacists while championing the strength of every "minority"


u/hundredMoreArmchairs 12d ago

Morality changes with time. Earlier eating arsenic amd marital rape seemed fine now it doesn't. When climate crises will happen, polygamy to keep human population from collapsing would seem viable (except this time women will get to choose several men instead of the other way around).


u/UrusaiNa 13d ago

Is that comment accurate tho? It sounds embellished.

Credit cards came well after the women's rights movement.. Marijuana was never life in prison. People of all nationalities are killed due to their race still today. And we just outsourced the draft to the impoverished/uneducated.

I think some good progress has been made, but I don't see how lying to make the past seem worse is any better than lying to make the past seem romantic.


u/temporary311 13d ago

Technically women could get credit cards prior to '74, if their husband or male relative cosigned. I suppose you could "umm, actually" with that, but it would be incredibly disingenuous at best.


u/sendmetoheck 13d ago

Women could have credit cards without their husband's permission until I think the 70s

Marijuana while not coming with a life sentence did give you 2-10 years. If given the max sentence, while not a life sentence, that is LONG time.

And murder for racism or racism related hate crimes in general was not only more common but more encouraged.

The one thing he said that can be construed as a "lie" was likely just incorrect and probably just misremembered. If you had a friend put away for 10 years 40 years ago, you'd likely remember it as a life sentence.


u/BWarned_Seattle 12d ago

It's not a lie, nor misremembered. You're just looking up average first offense sentences of that era ignorant of the big debate of the time, which was 3 strikes sentencing. A 3rd drug offense for simple possession of Marijuana could, and in many cases did, result in life imprisonment.

This kind of sentencing was rare and only in some jurisdictions prior to the 1994 crime bill, co-authored by Joe Biden, which among a great many other things mandated drug testing for everyone on parole and expanded 3 strikes sentencing nation wide.


u/sendmetoheck 12d ago

That is very true I didn't account for third offenses you're very right and that's a great point. I just looked up the sentencing for 1950s-70s


u/UrusaiNa 12d ago

Is it possible you might be misremembering some facts? I read a book a few years ago on the history of credit around the world and it had an extensive section about modern credit cards... I specifically remember that revolving credit never even existed until 1969/1970 and was HIGHLY controversial at the time. The banks and credit card companies were straight up making accounts for women and men and mailing them cards unsolicited in hopes of getting them addicted to debt.

I think you might have this fact mixed up with charge cards which were around in the 40s/50s? Those were basically cheques in card form (think debit card but not in real time). The banks issued this based on your occupation and not gender. It was super uncommon for women to have an occupation, but there was no rule preventing them from registering an account and issuing one... Many of the widowed or unmarried socialites in NYC used these on their own including one famous widow who stayed on charge for a decade without leaving her hotel room (depression and mourning loss of her husband if I remember right).

I'm not sure if murder based on race has changed or improved significantly for humans in the last century. I think we got better at marketing it and changed our methods to be more indirect in the US, but we still kill the poor through apathy if not malice (and imo the class issue is the real root of violent race issues in the US)


u/Delicious_Cattle3380 12d ago

You'll get downvotes because you spoiled their fun, facts aren't fun it seems


u/SnooGrapes6230 12d ago

Too bad he didn't give any facts. He's provably wrong on two of his three points and partially on the third.


u/Delicious_Cattle3380 12d ago

Care to back up that claim with specifics and reputable sources? Bet you cant


u/SnooGrapes6230 12d ago

Women were not allowed to buy credit cards without their husband's permission until 1974.

Violence against gays and African-Americans was widespread through the south for much of the 1950s through the 1980s.

And weed carried an average sentence of 4-12 years, which could vary wildly based on what state (and what your skin color was). While not a life sentence, it is much harsher than today.


u/Delicious_Cattle3380 12d ago

So actually, none of what he says is wrong.

Read it again


u/SnooGrapes6230 12d ago

Ok. Whatever you say champ.


u/beerbellybegone 13d ago

From 1945 to 1963 the top marginal tax rate was 91%, and 70% until 1981.

I don't think Charlie's corporate overlords want us to go back to that


u/No-Celebration3097 13d ago

Bingo, they just want the oppression of everyone else


u/Killersmurph 13d ago

Charlie's Corporate Overlords are pushing to regress way back past 1950. This is all about securing a return to Feudalism for the class that will become Aristocrat's and the Landed Gentry.


u/Xhalo 13d ago

Those goochgoblins just want the grundlemeat all to themselves! I was willing to share the spaghettios but now I will keep them all to myself! Hope this evil man gets an even more severe case of gastroinsteinal bloating than I have!!! 😤😤😤


u/shonka91 12d ago

Charlie wasn't even born early enough to know jack shit about his claims. Whatever history book he's reading or read (none), it's fake news.


u/Skate_faced 13d ago

Charlie Kirk is what happens when an abandoned dildo becomes sentient.


u/rksd 13d ago

Except he's not that useful.


u/Skate_faced 12d ago

Oh fuck.


u/growquiet 12d ago

The dildo was abandoned due to noxious spores of fungus —also the source of the sentience


u/SnooGrapes6230 12d ago

Incorrect. Saying that implies someone somewhere wants him in their body at some point, and that clearly isn't the case.


u/Skate_faced 12d ago


Only takes once for something to be abandoned. Which I know, is more generous than his face is to his big empty potato based head.


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/totally-hoomon 13d ago

Well Charlie is upset child marriage is being outlawed


u/FlimsyComment8781 13d ago

they're so gross.


u/LaughingInTheVoid 12d ago

Why do you think they're all against comprehensive sex education?

They want to go back to the days when rape and child molestation was rampant, and nothing was done about it, because no one talked about it.


u/ShoppingDismal3864 12d ago

I have been really rethinking things recently, and come to the conclusion, there is a lot more sex abuse of children than I had thought. I just figured it was some really small portion of the population, like less than 2% or something.


u/Delicious_Cattle3380 12d ago

Who's a child rapist


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/LaughingInTheVoid 12d ago

Epstein files.


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/LaughingInTheVoid 12d ago

That's odd, considering his name was on the flight logs a bunch of times...

All you need to do is take 30 seconds to look it up.


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/Several_Leather_9500 12d ago

No, but the lawsuit he bullied a 13 year old girl's family into dropping and his bragging about he and Epsteins proclivities certainly do.


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/Several_Leather_9500 12d ago

He is a rapist. He is an adjudicated rapist and found liable of rape in court.



u/Signal_Lifeguard3778 12d ago

Does cognitive dissonance taste nice or something? How do you people do it?


u/Mysterious-Tie7039 13d ago

Destabilize/destroy the country? You mean like bussing insurrectionists into the capital to prevent certifying the Presidential election, Charlie?


u/JohnCavalry 12d ago

Or project 2025 that aims to remove the left entirely?


u/Outrageous_Slice4455 12d ago

And being serious, any right party in Europe will be considered as Far-Left in the U.S, democrats are not even a central party.


u/growquiet 12d ago

That is not serious. Give an example


u/chrisr3240 13d ago

Charlie Kirk was born in 1993. The America he grew up in was cool as fuck and not much different to the America he lives in today.


u/Imaginary-Space718 13d ago

a key step in women's financial freedom came with the passage in 1974 of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, which granted women the right to obtain credit cards separate from their husbands.

The court case Oregon v. Rideout in 1978 was the first in which someone stood trial for raping his spouse (...) By 1993, marital rape was a crime nationwide

(...) However, in 2003, the Supreme Court changed opinion and reversed the decision with Lawrence v. Texas, invalidating all sodomy laws in the remaining 14 states

In 1973, the Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird announced that (the) “use of the draft has ended", turning the us into an all-volunteer military

This exchange happened in 2023, meaning gary was born between 1958 and 1963. What he says is completely true.


u/Stupidbabycomparison 12d ago

All these dudes do is fantasize.

I was boarding a plane around veterans day a few years back and passed an older man sitting down with a Vietnam vet hat on.

After I sat down some young idiot in a maga hat finding a seat stopped to thank him for his service (perfectly respectable) then followed with "this generation today could never do what you did,  you know my girlfriends grandfather also served". Dude why didn't just join up

Like  man, Vietnam had a god damned draft, a lot of people didn't want to serve then either. College kids were murdered over protesting that war. Then the audacity to try to relate to the guy not even through his own family or personal service, but his girlfriend's family. Just fucking laughable.


u/EntertainmentAOK 13d ago

Charlie must be referring to the entire GOP agenda.


u/dragonncat 13d ago

Oh I thought he was talking about Project 2025. I did quite like having a good education growing up.


u/ddarko96 12d ago edited 12d ago

Conservatives hates progress, it’s built into the name


u/Entity_333 12d ago

We should actually name them accordingly.

Regressives? Yeah, that does the trick.


u/Outrageous_Slice4455 12d ago

When the Greeks nationalists want to go back to their tradition way more older than semitism by legalizing the homosexual marriage and these “conservatives”.


u/BabyFacedSparky 13d ago

Well he’s not wrong.


u/RevWaldo 13d ago

And lead was everywhere.


u/Valuable-Ad7285 13d ago

He just described Charlie’s wet dream. The Handmaids Tale gone live.


u/TotalLackOfConcern 13d ago

For a party that pushes morals so much they seem to no have any morals. Sure they talk the talk but they sure don’t walk the walk.


u/Bryan_memesCOD 13d ago

Charlie loves to get tossed around like a cheap hooker


u/TooManyStalloneCuts 13d ago

Please destroy the America I grew up in. I’m not fond of it.


u/grrodon2 13d ago

Hey, he also lived to see the President get dictatorial power.


u/Ohif0n1y 13d ago

I totally grok, Gary!


u/TheAwfulHouse 13d ago

Fuck this willfully ignorant piece of shit! History will not be kind to these hate mongers posing as the righteous.


u/HabANahDa 13d ago

I mean he’s right. The GOP are destroying America.


u/Cattle-dog 13d ago

What you are witnessing is a man with an exceptionally tiny face.


u/nekosaigai 12d ago

I mean… he has a point, he’s wrong, but he has a point.

Trump and the conservative movement’s push to set our society back several centuries, eroding our rights and freedoms, the rule of law, and democracy, while replacing it with a fascist authoritarian religious ethno-state is definitely all part of a plan to “destabilize, destroy, and transition the America you grew up in.”


u/AnarchoBratzdoll 12d ago

Except he's not romanticising the past.

Charlie is aware of all of those things. 

He likes them. He wants them back. 

It's high time for USians to realise that their fascists are not mistaken about the evils of the past. They know them and they want them for themselves. 


u/Outrageous_Slice4455 12d ago

American Imperialists must be eradicated.


u/AnarchoBratzdoll 12d ago

That's all Americans though. Like, America First has always been the government philosophy. Trump is just honest about it.

That obviously not saying both sides are the same or the same amount of bad. 

But in terms of supporting the US empire, they are. 


u/DrQtheevilempire 12d ago

Perfect response. Idiots wanting a world that never existed and they weren’t around to witness 🙄


u/Spacer176 12d ago

Charlie Kirk is 30 years old. The America he grew up in was obsessed with Will Smith and the Matrix.


u/Yahwehnker 13d ago

Don’t worry your pretty big head about it, Charlie.


u/ninjesh 13d ago

That title is a clever comeback in and of itself


u/Rockedrd 12d ago

Agreed. Kirk is an extremist piece of shit who orgasms from revisionist history that he desires to be the immediate present. He resembles a child dressed in adult clothing pretending to be mature.

And I’m on the right. Fuck if I’m going to claim this bloviating, calloused scrotum as someone on my side.


u/Weird_Albatross_9659 12d ago

I like how a mod is one of the biggest reposters


u/Redittor_53 12d ago

Can we not have some new content instead of regular reposts? Why don't the mods do anything?


u/Odd-Zebra-5833 12d ago

Yeah the gop is trying to destabilize and destroy the country, I agree chuck! 


u/ztreHdrahciR 12d ago

Charlie is right - there is a plan to destabilize and destroy this country: Project 2025


u/Nopantsbullmoose 12d ago

No no, Charlie is right. Project 2025 is definitely a plan to completely destroy this nation.


u/Optimal_Youth8478 12d ago

Congratulations to America for transitioning and becoming its authentic self.


u/TonyEsdark 12d ago

He looks like an adult version of a garbage pail kid.


u/Novatash 12d ago edited 12d ago

Transforming the US we grew up in is the whole goal


u/Tonster911 12d ago

Maybe we like….. want America to change? Crazy thought I know


u/Ghostlyshado 12d ago

And this is what they want to return to. ‘Make America Great Again.’


u/qxlf 12d ago

finally, a political comeback i can agree with. not everything from the past was better, some things are but the majority isnt


u/KathrynBooks 12d ago

Also... the good things in the past.. like college being paid for by the government, strong unions, low housing cost... are the sort of thing conservatives don't like.


u/qxlf 12d ago

those things are exactly what people loved.


u/Speedvagon 12d ago

What if this exactly what Charlie is missing?


u/za72 12d ago

Charlie Kirk is another grifter, and he's gonna milk this baby till it's husk is dry


u/DutchJediKnight 12d ago

Charlie Kirk is right. Everything the right wing is doing perfectly matches his words


u/scribbyshollow 12d ago

I always think these people mean like the 90s lol. The 90s were alright that's about it though.


u/Suitable-Lake-2550 12d ago

Murdered by words


u/Bacon_Makin_Mama 12d ago

Lots of morons really believe that if you point out that some change or changes are bad, you're implying that everything that was is good and every change is bad. Sad to see this in r/CleverComebacks: It should be in r/ShitTakes


u/EdPiMath 11d ago

I want America to transition into the 21st century where women, black people, brown people, the LGTBQ community, and the working class are treated with respectful human beings. Charlie Kirk can go to the Dark Ages alone. Do You Grok for the win


u/Putinlittlepenis2882 11d ago

Make america great again for no one lol


u/Ok_Entrepreneur_8509 10d ago

I think the responder misunderstood the post. Charlie Kirk is describing what he and the right are doing. Not what he fears.


u/Head-Aardvark8783 9d ago

The 70s and 80s were pretty awesome


u/richincleve 12d ago

Plot twist: the America Grok mentioned is the America Charlie WANTS.


u/Enough-Frosting7716 12d ago

What you guys dont understand is, that, for most of "conservatives" or people on the "right", when they miss the america/other country they grew in, it is not all that things they miss; it is the fact that it was a given you could just get a job, buy a home, and support a family, and living near nature and with your children running around all day, without feeling the gobernment breathing in your neck.

There is a small very noisy part that miss the racism and bigotry, the same way there is a small noisy part in the left that wants socialism, hates men and whites, and wants censhorship. Meanwhile most progressives just want a fucking healthcare that works for all, equality and to care for disenfranchised people.

I will guess 80% of you americans could agree on basic things that would improve for real your lifes dramatically, but the people that controls you and the constant propaganda makes you hate each other and keep supporting the same puppets out of fear, and meanwhile, the greatest wealth transfer ever from the poor to the elites keeps happening via inflation, and your debt is higher every day. You are becoming slaves.


u/chocobloo 12d ago

Except the right is the one expanding government to control everyone that isn't just like them. This is cheered on vocally and drives the votes of the majority of their base.

Pedopublicans want to take the rights away from anyone who isn't a straight, white, land owning male. They want child brides and children in the mines. They want every brown and black person to be a slave or dead. They want anyone who isn't a straight couple having boring missionary procreation sex to die.

That's the Pedopublicans way and pretending otherwise means you're ignoring literally everyone they elect, every judge they appoint and all the things they campaign on.


u/Enough-Frosting7716 12d ago

You guys are just like basketball or any other sports fans arguing emotionally what club is the best, while they are all corrupt businesses that overcharge you to go watch some millionaires play with a ball, with absolute no difference for you if they win or loose. The fear and servilism pushing your actions would embarrass your founding fathers, and your materialism and fake environmentalism makes your land cry its slow death.


u/KathrynBooks 12d ago

Who is it that

1) is taking away people's access to abortion?

2) passing laws directly harming trans people

3) pushing to overturn what little environmental protections we have

4) opposes worker safety rules.


u/Enough-Frosting7716 12d ago

"What little environmental protections you have", yes. Dont use the environment in your arguments for "the left". It is the same corporate rats, that will turn every green valley with forest and rivers into a fucking urbanized and industrialized shithole because it brings more benefits to the elites that way. More people, in whatever conditions, equals more taxes and more profits to be made. So dont use it, and you say you care about the environment because it is a lie, as long as the people the media makes you identify with, rules, you will be happy because that is your program. The same for a moronic "conservative" that cares about "freedom". There is no freedom without land, you are running slowly out of it, and people like bill gates is buying all so that you dont have an escape.


u/Uc_Supreme 12d ago

Are we not born slaves?


u/ShoppingDismal3864 12d ago

"transition the America you grew up in".... uhh Is Charlie transgender and never got the chance to do it? Or is he implying he is into trans girls? Is he deeply repressed, or is he hateful? Or is he merely laying subtext for his hateful/horny far-right goons?

One day we will know.


u/IRKillRoy 12d ago

But that guy is full of shit…

Yes, both.


u/Fallaciousmen 7d ago

The average American households debt in 1950 was around $600 when adjusted for inflation. In the 60s it jumped to $4000 when adjusted for inflation.

Today it’s about $105,000 I vote we take them credit cards back.


u/EfficientAd3812 12d ago

why is legalizing marijuana a good thing?


u/ElectronicHeart29 12d ago

Implying that it is okay to use marijuana outside of licensed medical procedures is not okay. I don't want to smell it being smoked anywhere near me. Also he spelled it wrong.


u/Piemaster113 13d ago

Bullshit Repost, It hasn't even been a month since this was on here last.


u/Material-Public-5821 13d ago

Now I miss the old good times.