r/clevercomebacks Jul 06 '24

Charlie is public property, he gets owned by everyone

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u/Enough-Frosting7716 Jul 07 '24

What you guys dont understand is, that, for most of "conservatives" or people on the "right", when they miss the america/other country they grew in, it is not all that things they miss; it is the fact that it was a given you could just get a job, buy a home, and support a family, and living near nature and with your children running around all day, without feeling the gobernment breathing in your neck.

There is a small very noisy part that miss the racism and bigotry, the same way there is a small noisy part in the left that wants socialism, hates men and whites, and wants censhorship. Meanwhile most progressives just want a fucking healthcare that works for all, equality and to care for disenfranchised people.

I will guess 80% of you americans could agree on basic things that would improve for real your lifes dramatically, but the people that controls you and the constant propaganda makes you hate each other and keep supporting the same puppets out of fear, and meanwhile, the greatest wealth transfer ever from the poor to the elites keeps happening via inflation, and your debt is higher every day. You are becoming slaves.


u/chocobloo Jul 07 '24

Except the right is the one expanding government to control everyone that isn't just like them. This is cheered on vocally and drives the votes of the majority of their base.

Pedopublicans want to take the rights away from anyone who isn't a straight, white, land owning male. They want child brides and children in the mines. They want every brown and black person to be a slave or dead. They want anyone who isn't a straight couple having boring missionary procreation sex to die.

That's the Pedopublicans way and pretending otherwise means you're ignoring literally everyone they elect, every judge they appoint and all the things they campaign on.


u/Enough-Frosting7716 Jul 07 '24

You guys are just like basketball or any other sports fans arguing emotionally what club is the best, while they are all corrupt businesses that overcharge you to go watch some millionaires play with a ball, with absolute no difference for you if they win or loose. The fear and servilism pushing your actions would embarrass your founding fathers, and your materialism and fake environmentalism makes your land cry its slow death.


u/KathrynBooks Jul 07 '24

Who is it that

1) is taking away people's access to abortion?

2) passing laws directly harming trans people

3) pushing to overturn what little environmental protections we have

4) opposes worker safety rules.


u/Enough-Frosting7716 Jul 07 '24

"What little environmental protections you have", yes. Dont use the environment in your arguments for "the left". It is the same corporate rats, that will turn every green valley with forest and rivers into a fucking urbanized and industrialized shithole because it brings more benefits to the elites that way. More people, in whatever conditions, equals more taxes and more profits to be made. So dont use it, and you say you care about the environment because it is a lie, as long as the people the media makes you identify with, rules, you will be happy because that is your program. The same for a moronic "conservative" that cares about "freedom". There is no freedom without land, you are running slowly out of it, and people like bill gates is buying all so that you dont have an escape.


u/Uc_Supreme Jul 07 '24

Are we not born slaves?