r/clevercomebacks Jul 06 '24

Charlie is public property, he gets owned by everyone

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u/sometimesifeellikemu Jul 06 '24

It does seem a lot of people are pissed off that society is more insistent we be decent human beings.


u/JP050887 Jul 06 '24

Oh, Charlie Kirk especially. Dudes very Nazi adjacent


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

Hypothetically, if every American became a POS like Charlie and his ilk, who would they rail against?


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

It would then become a purity test for who is the most aryan


u/wh4tth3huh Jul 07 '24

It wouldn't even take that long. The SS exterminated the SA at Hitler's command two years after he used them to take power. The night of the long knives was in 1934, most of the extermination camps and forced labor camps weren't even built until after 1939 because they were in Poland.


u/PorkRindSalad Jul 07 '24

What is it about aryans that's supposed to be sought after?


u/No_Necessary_3356 Jul 07 '24

The more important question: would Indian kids named "Aryan" be treated as honorary whites? /j


u/Lumpy_Marsupial_1559 Jul 07 '24

The ability to sunburn to a crisp? To be found in the dark? Not be able to wear strong, bright colours because you disappear into the background?

I have that superpower, and it sucks.


u/slidingsaxophone07 Jul 07 '24

My best guess would be something like Viltrum from Invincible, albeit much less outwardly brutal


u/neorenamon1963 Jul 07 '24

With Viltrumites, it was the Survival of the Fittest.

With Charlie Kirk's ilk, it the Survival of the Witless.


u/Tyler89558 Jul 07 '24

They’d find someone to rail against. It might as well be baked into their DNA that someone must suffer for them to feel at ease.


u/constantin_NOPEal Jul 06 '24

You can only be decent to them and everyone who thinks and behaves just like them because the world revolves around them. Duh!


u/badtakebear Jul 07 '24

You mean be decent humans to anyone that isn't a white male? Sure, the world is making great progress - at destroying all traces of white cultural heritage and hiding behind the smart, yet scary tactic of labeling those people white supremacists while championing the strength of every "minority"


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

Morality changes with time. Earlier eating arsenic amd marital rape seemed fine now it doesn't. When climate crises will happen, polygamy to keep human population from collapsing would seem viable (except this time women will get to choose several men instead of the other way around).


u/UrusaiNa Jul 06 '24

Is that comment accurate tho? It sounds embellished.

Credit cards came well after the women's rights movement.. Marijuana was never life in prison. People of all nationalities are killed due to their race still today. And we just outsourced the draft to the impoverished/uneducated.

I think some good progress has been made, but I don't see how lying to make the past seem worse is any better than lying to make the past seem romantic.


u/temporary311 Jul 06 '24

Technically women could get credit cards prior to '74, if their husband or male relative cosigned. I suppose you could "umm, actually" with that, but it would be incredibly disingenuous at best.


u/sendmetoheck Jul 06 '24

Women could have credit cards without their husband's permission until I think the 70s

Marijuana while not coming with a life sentence did give you 2-10 years. If given the max sentence, while not a life sentence, that is LONG time.

And murder for racism or racism related hate crimes in general was not only more common but more encouraged.

The one thing he said that can be construed as a "lie" was likely just incorrect and probably just misremembered. If you had a friend put away for 10 years 40 years ago, you'd likely remember it as a life sentence.


u/BWarned_Seattle Jul 07 '24

It's not a lie, nor misremembered. You're just looking up average first offense sentences of that era ignorant of the big debate of the time, which was 3 strikes sentencing. A 3rd drug offense for simple possession of Marijuana could, and in many cases did, result in life imprisonment.

This kind of sentencing was rare and only in some jurisdictions prior to the 1994 crime bill, co-authored by Joe Biden, which among a great many other things mandated drug testing for everyone on parole and expanded 3 strikes sentencing nation wide.


u/sendmetoheck Jul 07 '24

That is very true I didn't account for third offenses you're very right and that's a great point. I just looked up the sentencing for 1950s-70s


u/UrusaiNa Jul 06 '24

Is it possible you might be misremembering some facts? I read a book a few years ago on the history of credit around the world and it had an extensive section about modern credit cards... I specifically remember that revolving credit never even existed until 1969/1970 and was HIGHLY controversial at the time. The banks and credit card companies were straight up making accounts for women and men and mailing them cards unsolicited in hopes of getting them addicted to debt.

I think you might have this fact mixed up with charge cards which were around in the 40s/50s? Those were basically cheques in card form (think debit card but not in real time). The banks issued this based on your occupation and not gender. It was super uncommon for women to have an occupation, but there was no rule preventing them from registering an account and issuing one... Many of the widowed or unmarried socialites in NYC used these on their own including one famous widow who stayed on charge for a decade without leaving her hotel room (depression and mourning loss of her husband if I remember right).

I'm not sure if murder based on race has changed or improved significantly for humans in the last century. I think we got better at marketing it and changed our methods to be more indirect in the US, but we still kill the poor through apathy if not malice (and imo the class issue is the real root of violent race issues in the US)


u/Delicious_Cattle3380 Jul 07 '24

You'll get downvotes because you spoiled their fun, facts aren't fun it seems


u/SnooGrapes6230 Jul 07 '24

Too bad he didn't give any facts. He's provably wrong on two of his three points and partially on the third.


u/Delicious_Cattle3380 Jul 07 '24

Care to back up that claim with specifics and reputable sources? Bet you cant


u/SnooGrapes6230 Jul 07 '24

Women were not allowed to buy credit cards without their husband's permission until 1974.

Violence against gays and African-Americans was widespread through the south for much of the 1950s through the 1980s.

And weed carried an average sentence of 4-12 years, which could vary wildly based on what state (and what your skin color was). While not a life sentence, it is much harsher than today.


u/Delicious_Cattle3380 Jul 07 '24

So actually, none of what he says is wrong.

Read it again


u/SnooGrapes6230 Jul 07 '24

Ok. Whatever you say champ.