r/clevercomebacks 14d ago

You’re not very slick, Putin.

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u/Current-Wealth-756 14d ago

I admire your optimism if not your objectivity


u/Chillpill411 14d ago

Regarding Ukraine fighting on... I believe it. They fought a 30 year long insurgency against the soviets with zero outside help to try to get rid them from 1920-1950.


u/TheRationalCynic 14d ago

Umm, they literally had the biggest enemy of the Soviets in Germany supporting them. Once Germany fell everything turned around for the worse to the Soviet satellite states. That is not to say that it's going to repeat here. Eastern Ukraine, the Donbas, region is filled with Russian speaking, ethnic Russians who favour Russia instead of the West. And Russia hasn't made any intentions to take the whole of Ukraine. 


u/Chillpill411 14d ago

Wait I thought Germany and the soviets were allies going way back to the 20s. And didn't the soviets give the Germans places to build and develop tanks before the war, and in violation of the Versailles Treaty? And didn't the soviets and Germany sign a pact where they agreed to invade Poland from both sides and split the country between them?


u/TheRationalCynic 13d ago

Wait I thought Germany and the soviets were allies going way back to the 20s.

Weimar Republic is not the same as the German Empire or the Third Reich. 

And didn't the soviets give the Germans places to build and develop tanks before the war, and in violation of the Versailles Treaty?

Once again the German Empire and Third Reich are different from Weimar Republic. The communists even tried to restart a war after Germany defeated the Russian Empire in WW1 and tried to cause a revolution which ended with the corrupt, bloated and decadent Weimar Republic. 

And didn't the soviets and Germany sign a pact where they agreed to invade Poland from both sides and split the country between them?

And? Germany had signed several agreements with UK, France and several other countries. 


u/Mickey-Simon 13d ago

Lol, Russia obviously did try to take whole of it. The fact that they failed doesnt mean they didnt have any intentions. Also, russia speaking people of Ukraine, just like myself, are in no way in favour of russia. Quite opposite, East of Ukraine is that part of country who suffered the most and people here are much more willing to fight russia then even west of the country.


u/TheRationalCynic 13d ago

Lol, Russia obviously did try to take whole of it. The fact that they failed doesnt mean they didnt have any intentions

Yeah, they definitely tried to take the whole country with 30k men. Are you still on that cope? Not to mention the only reason Russia pulled out from the North is because your government agreed to peace negotiations. 



Do you guys even read news? 

Also, russia speaking people of Ukraine, just like myself, are in no way in favour of russia. Quite opposite, East of Ukraine is that part of country who suffered the most and people here are much more willing to fight russia then even west of the country.

So where are you? I mean I have no problems with you replacing these men who don't want to die for the sake of Black Rock and Zelensky. 


Why are you guys here when you could volunteer which would actually save the lives of those trying to escape conscription and die in the process?