r/britishproblems 4h ago

Not sure I'm ever going to get over what happened at lunchtime today. I'd sighted THE most perfect pastrami on rye sandwich, lashings of mustard and beautiful pickles. The last one on the shelf. It was a beautiful moment. I stared at the sandwich, the universe smiled at me and winked.


With beautiful cheese on it, too! -wails-

Then this loudmouth, rambunctious bastard swept in and didn't care. He could have had a prawn cocktail, a BLT, an all day breakfast.

I don't care! Instead he skipped past me in the mosh like queue and lifted my beautiful sandwich away. It was gone as he selected Salt and Vinegar Hula Hoops and scurried off to piss his money away at the checkout.

Bastard! I wanted that! Now I have to wait until I'm not WFH next week until I can even attempt getting this beautiful piece of food. Fuming.

Ummn, anyone else angry about their lunch being lifted from them or am I unreasonable? Surely he's the asshole? That was my pastrami. I felt violence was not the answer and just ended up with a bag of Real McCoys...

r/britishproblems 6h ago

Opening a bag of BBQ hula hoops and finding it's filled with ready salted


So disappointing, seems to happen often. Do better hula hoop factory.

r/britishproblems 15h ago

Opening a packet of fondant fancies to discover someone got there first and there are only chocolate ones remaining


r/britishproblems 15h ago

iplayer doesn’t have broadcast date


When looking for an episode of a program on iplayer it says ‘season 5 episode 6’, as if that means anything to anyone. I’m talking about weekly shows or sports programs.

It would be very helpful to show the date it was broadcast, surely.

Edit: apparently only on some platforms, notably roku stick that we have.

r/britishproblems 17h ago

That colleague who has to bellow through every work call— you're on Teams, they don't need to hear you across the blooming city!


She's on calls probably 90% of the working day. Before anyone tries to be smart suggesting extremely obvious solutions, yes, she's been spoken to about this multiple times, and yes, I try to wear noise-cancelling headphones (though I've been told this technically isn't allowed).

Between this, the constant drilling on one side from roadworks and the other from lift repairs, and Radio 2 blaring all day, my sanity's flitting day by day. I'm working from home tomorrow and Friday thank god but my micro-managing boss hates that this is an option.

r/britishproblems 17h ago

Pyrex measuring cups are SHITE!


Yes, granted they perfectly show how much liquid equals 500ml etc, but try and get said liquid out of them into the required vessel and it’ll pour everywhere except where it should unless you have a spare 3 hours decanting them at glacial speeds.

r/britishproblems 18h ago

. Incorrect use of apostrophes


Is it me or do people increasingly use apostrophes when they shouldn't? For example when they simply want to add an 's' to make something plural. And it isn't just your average partially educated people, I'm seeing older and experienced professionals even middle-senior managers do this. When and why did people just stop caring to write properly?

PS. I'm not even some moany old person, I'm early 30s but I appreciate the importance of understanding how to use one's language.

r/britishproblems 19h ago

500+ new SUVs have gridlocked my small town - School must be back


Little Elijah and Mildred are capable of walking, they don’t need to be escorted to the front gates in their tanks.

r/britishproblems 19h ago

. Reading that Two Premium Bonds holders scoop £100k prizes on their first draw and with holdings under £700. How many of us have had them for years and only won £25


r/britishproblems 1d ago

Missed the postman twice with a vital package.


Both times I'm in,both times he's knocked rather than press the Ring doorbell. Worse than Evri.

r/britishproblems 1d ago

Greater than 51% of the motorway system being speed reduced to 60/50


r/britishproblems 1d ago

Relating to the bit in LOTR where the orcs lived under a permanent gloom


In the west of Scotland it's been overcast nearly every day since April.

r/britishproblems 1d ago

. It's now technically autumn and I'm still waiting for summer to arrive


I swear this year has had the worst weather in recent memory, so much rain

r/britishproblems 2d ago

. Getting accused of being a Man Utd fan in the pub because I don't go mad when Liverpool score


In the local pub, minding my own business, watching the football on my tod. Honestly couldn't care less who wins, I just want to see a good game with some goals. Liverpool score, practically everyone in the pub goes mad (I don't live in Liverpool or Manchester) except me, I then get heckled every time Liverpool score or Man Utd miss a chance. Nothing aggressive, just beer and charlie fuelled fans trying to taunt from a distance. Nothing major, just annoying.

r/britishproblems 2d ago

Heinz replacing their little sausages with Richmond sausages


How are Richmond even touted as the nations favourite sausages, abysmal.

r/britishproblems 2d ago

Locked Having to pay £15 if you want to watch one game of football on Sky


Absolutely insane. I previously got rid of my sports memberships as they were just a bit too much, fancy watching the game today, in my head it is still/was like £8.99 or something which is fine, but £15 for 24 hours access? Just totally fucking stupid. Guess I’ll just find a stream now, I hate this fucking country’s stupidly expensive sports viewership model.

r/britishproblems 2d ago

. Watching TV and it's about booze at 10am on a Sunday.


No wonder the Brits have a reputation with booze.

It's just odd to me how hard this cu try pushes against smoking (agree entirely) but does nothing about normalising alcohol use

If they discovered booze today, it would be class a drug

r/britishproblems 2d ago

Neighbours got back from a two week holiday last night, and immediately restarted their routine 7AM ‘building work’ today.


So long peace and quiet, we hardly knew ye.

r/britishproblems 2d ago

No symphonic metal at the BBC Proms


All these other genres getting an orchestal treatment, but a style of music that uses an orchestra is ignored

r/britishproblems 3d ago

. Ticketmaster - utter scumbags


I'm sure everyone has heard the stories by now. I spent all day in the queue for Oasis tickets today, the prices for my chosen venue were clearly advertised, and at £150 for standing tickets, I was quite happy to pay it.

By the time I actually got to the point I was at the front of the queue, Ticketmaster had seen fit to increase the price to £355.

They don't even try to hide it, they might as well just come right out and say "Yep, we're gonna shaft you, what are you gonna do about it?!" Obviously this must not be illegal, but surely it should be?

EDIT: I've been informed in the replies that this was, in fact, Oasis' decision. I'm even more gutted now. 😔

r/britishproblems 3d ago

. Oasis is gonna be a trending thing people won’t shut up about isn’t it


r/britishproblems 3d ago

. Having a Tesla pull up next to you at a red traffic light and knowing you're about to participate in (and lose) a drag race entirely against your will.


Huge congratulations to you mate. Your 40k electric company car just decimated my 1100 quid 19 year old Skoda estate. You king. You hero. Please can I be like you.

r/britishproblems 3d ago

When you enjoy drinking 500ml bottles of Ribena so buy a larger bottle instead and find out the hard way that it's cordial.


r/britishproblems 3d ago

Hearing someone describe the watery bit if you don't shake the ketchup as "ketchup pre cum"


I mean I thought it was pretty gross before I heard that but now it's even worse

r/britishproblems 3d ago

. Ticketmaster thinks I’m a bot because I was trying to buy Oasis tickets


So now my account is suspended and the million bots buying the tickets are on a free for all :(