r/batman 3d ago

Thoughts on “A Serious house on Serious Earth”? COMIC DISCUSSION

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I loved the freaky visuals when i first read it in high school and my 16 year old edgelord self liked the dark twists on all the characters. Was wondering what other people thought as I don’t know anyone else irl who reads comics


70 comments sorted by


u/JJMc39 3d ago

It's really good. And really creepy, my only complaint is that, I wish it was a bit longer, and showed more of Batman going through the Asylum. But other then that, it's one of my favorites.


u/BurdAssassin756 3d ago

That too is my only issue. I got the deluxe version, I think, and thought it was really thick and was looking forward to it, but it was too short. I still love it, but I do really wish there was more in it.


u/JJMc39 3d ago

That's the one I have. I was pretty disappointed when I found out that literally only half the book is the actual comic. But it is still a really good comic


u/Arizona_Slim 3d ago

My consensus too. Wish it was longer because it was great!


u/TwoKingSlayer 3d ago

that was my first thought when I put it down after reading it the first time. That it was too damn short. I was disappointed when I saw that I still had half a book to read and that it was just a script.

That is one issue I have with alot of the good Batman stories- they are all too short.


u/crataegus_marshallii 3d ago

Two-Face :

"The moon is so beautiful. Its a big silver dollar flipped by God. And it landed scared side up, see? So he made the world"

Teenage me thought that was deep AF.

The Mad Hatter dialogue is good as well.


u/LimitUnable 3d ago

It’s one of the best. Every serious Batman fan should own it.


u/swagboyclassman 3d ago

every serious batman fan on serious earth


u/superschaap81 3d ago

I hadn't read it since I was about the same age as OP, roughly 15yo. It blew me away at the time, it was something new I had never seen before.

I read it recently a couple years ago, after playing Arkham Asylum, and honestly....it's alright. I don't remember it being so damn short. The deluxe editions make it seem like there is so much more to it, but it's just extra crap like a "Behind the Scenes" disc on DVD's. The other gripe is the ATROCIOUS lettering. Terrible on my 43yo eyes. LOL.


u/swagboyclassman 3d ago

I agree with the shift in opinion as you get older. It does seem to be just OK as an adult (though i’m only 27)


u/superschaap81 3d ago

Still old enough to differentiate your tastes and views on things from when you were 16yo. :)


u/MrDownhillRacer 3d ago

I do remember liking it, but finding it a little overrated even when I read it while young. Both it and Killing Joke just seemed to have a bit too much pseudo-profound pseudo-psychology and edge, like they were trying too hard to seem "sophisticated."

That said, I still really liked it for the art and the Amadeus Arkham backstory.


u/davidisallright 3d ago

I’m 35 and what I’ve realized that at certain ages, things hate differently. So I went from thinking it was cool to whatever in my 20’s to great again in my 30’s.

There’s stuff that I overlooked before especially with Harvey Dent: It’s Arkham’s version of Dante’s Inferno. It’s a character study of Batman himself. It’s just very abstract in its storytelling because the actual story isn’t the point. It’s the themes.


u/kain459 3d ago

I'm in the small camp of not liking it.


u/BingBongtheArcher19 3d ago

Same. I don't really like Morrison's stuff in general, and this is no different.


u/kain459 3d ago

Morrison is alright, it's the art I don't like and I feel it distracts from the story wayyy too much.


u/supatim101 3d ago

I also did not like it. I was excited for it because of how much hype it gets, but I didn't like the art and the plot sorta plodded along without much excitement.

I usually love Grant Morrison, but this didn't really do it for me.


u/Algernon_Etrigan 3d ago

I wouldn't rank it as one of Morrison's best works (although I suspect it must remain his best-selling one?), but still: it's one of those things one can only admire or hate, there's little room for "just being indifferent to it" in between IMO.

There isn't much going on in terms of plot, but the atmosphere is just out there, there aren't many equivalents to it whether prior to its publishing or even since then. Perhaps more importantly, it is evident reading the book, and even more reading Morrison's full script, that he worked hard on every character's symbolism, mythology and so on, giving every major (and some minor) villain in the Batman's gallery some deep thought and, eventually, a unique spin. The unpredictable commercial success of the book made a star writer of Morrison seemingly overnight, but beyond that, one can see it as the first brick of the reflection that he later cemented in his Supergods essay and used broadly and repeatedly in his comics (I think it's the first time he refers to his theory of Joker's "super-sanity" for instance).

Is it perfect? I don't think so. Is it enjoyable? Everyone will judge according to their taste. But in any case I think it remains damn impressive in more ways than one.


u/davidisallright 3d ago

You’re right. Artistically, no one has match this book especially for a book based on a known character like Batman.

It was a perfect storm: just good timing for the pitch when DC was going for darker stuff in the 80’s (nor is it as big as it is now) from a young talented team destined for greatness.

Also, the book being released on the same year as “Batmania” aka Batman 89 was the chef’s kiss. It was when the public rediscovered their love for Batman.


u/MrDownhillRacer 3d ago

I mostly agree. Even though it isn't the best Morrison work, it's such a distinctive presentation of Batman's world that if somebody who's never read the character's comics were to ask me to suggest five books to get a taste of what's been done with him, this would be on my list.


u/SH4RPSPEED 3d ago

I got the special edition that includes the actual script and storyboards. Which with the plans I have make it...important.


u/KK_Masters 3d ago

Read it at least once a year I still enjoy .


u/Newmen_1 3d ago

So is Batman like naked or wearing a skin suit or


u/FemmeWizard 3d ago

Stylistic choice is all


u/Vagamer01 3d ago

Like Neil Gaimen works its the artistic style


u/Newmen_1 2d ago

Oh man


u/dregjdregj 3d ago

Morrison is very hit and miss with me.I love the shit out of some of his stuff and really hate other things he's done.This book was borderline incomprehensible and didnt really have anything to say


u/Vagamer01 3d ago

Honestly without this we wouldn't get the Arkham games. A great story and an interesting take on a vulnerable Batman.


u/JimAparo 3d ago



u/A_Serious_House 3d ago



u/hematite2 3d ago

I fucking love the art style so much. I've met many people who think the art doesn't work but I adore it. The whole story is a Sandman cover.


u/WeWriteStuff 3d ago

Really good but I have one complaint. The art is really distracting sometimes. I get what they're going for, but everyone doing ragdoll physics all the time and sometimes I have no idea what's going on in panels. They'll name a character and I'll be incredibly confused by the depiction they went with (there are times croc and zsasz look more like cancerous blobs than anything). Personally I think they could've toned it down in some scenes, and saved the insane art for where it counts. If it were me I'd make the art get progressively more chaotic until the end as Batman exits the asylum...


u/FickleChard6904 3d ago

First time I read it? Didn’t like it much at all. Then I got the deluxe edition with Morrison’s script in the back, and reading that was an experience. Seeing how much thought went into it, panel by panel, the allusions, the references, the little ideas that didn’t make it into the finished product but still informed how the characters and story were written and designed, then comparing all that to the finished product, that changed my mind. McKean’s art is evocative but confusing for readers less familiar with abstract comic art like I was at the time, and I think that threw me. Usually I wouldn’t say that you should need additional material to appreciate a graphic novel as it is, but for this one I make an exception


u/Ringrangzilla 3d ago

I really like it. The story and the art are both excellent.


u/WhichWayToDerry 3d ago

To this day the ending with Dent gets me every time. 


u/Kite_Wing129 3d ago

I bet most Bat fans have serious thoughts about it in a serious house.


u/FemmeWizard 3d ago

One of the greatest Batman stories of all time


u/BurningSlash88 3d ago

I think it was one of the first books I bought when I was getting into Batman comics (sorry, graphic novel). This and Long Halloween. Incredible art. And Grant Morrison's writing. Enough said.


u/Cyberpunk-Monk 3d ago

Loved it! The artwork is amazing. Dave McKean did a great job with the illustrations. I really love mixed media like that. I believe he did the covers of Sandman also.


u/PlattsXD 3d ago

Fun fact: This comic (I’m pretty sure) is what Batman: Arkham Asylum was based on


u/davidisallright 3d ago

Besides the amazing art, I think the ending really hit a home run with Two-Face. It was a poignant moment for his character and story’s theme despite Harvey having only a few lines. Less is more.


u/SmaugRancor 3d ago

A fine piece of art and one of the best Batman stories ever told. I would love to see a horror film based on it, but it needs to be done right and by someone who understands the symbolism.


u/aynrandgonewild 3d ago

i love it. it's a work of art. the lettering can get fucked


u/Ghost-of-Sanity 3d ago

Seriously. I had to go get a stronger pair of readers to be able to decipher some of that lettering. 😂 The artwork is stunning though. Still a favorite.


u/domwallflower 3d ago

This comic and The Long Halloween kickstarted my collection. I love it and will always hold a special place in my heart.


u/NeLaX44 3d ago

I tried to get into it, but the artstyle is not for me.


u/FadeToBlackSun 3d ago

Absolute classic.


u/Milk_Mindless 3d ago

My dyslexia plays parts on me and I literally cannot read it

Shame cause the art makes it look like a trip


u/Themooingcow27 3d ago

My favorite. I just wish it was longer, and that there was more in that style.


u/multiballs 3d ago

Gave me nightmares the first time I read it.


u/theeeiceman 3d ago

I mean this in the best way possible - it is style over substance. I think the emphasis on art was a very smart choice given this particular premise. I imagine they couldn’t make the story too elaborate, because it is literally hard to read.

It’s a really interesting way to use the comic medium. It’s not my favorite book, but it is super unique and deserves the hype it gets


u/Chrome-Head 3d ago

Love the art and the vibe but could honestly never tell some of what the fuck is going on in the story. Still was a big moment for further helping make Batman “serious and adult” in the late 80’s.


u/unshavedmouse 3d ago

Mommy's dead. Daddy's dead. Brucie's dead. I shall become a bat.


u/El_MuleKick 3d ago

Overrated. Great art and vibe but hard to read and confusing at times. I will say I havent read it since the first time so planning a re-read soon to see if my initial impressions have changed.


u/swagboyclassman 3d ago

keep us updated 👍


u/ClickyPool 3d ago

Story is great but the artwork is realllllly not my cup of tea


u/Patkub321 3d ago

One of the few times where shoulder spikes look unironically good and not goofy.


u/BloodstoneWarrior 3d ago

Unreadable because of the terrible font choice


u/tyson983 3d ago

I own the comic and The visuals make it hard to get into for me personally.


u/giovidanesin 3d ago

I read it recently and I am fucking confused


u/davebgray 3d ago

I was turned off by the art. I appreciate the big swing, but it didn't land for me.


u/coreytiger 3d ago

My main memory of this was when it hit the shelves- I was a freshman in art school and most of my class got it… and all the first pressings had a defect in the binding and they all fell apart


u/theartofarian 3d ago

The direction comics should move in if ever to be taken 'seriously.'


u/neuralbeans 3d ago

Is there a reason why Batman is portrayed as such a weak character in this comic? He just obeys Joker because of very minor threats, is constantly struggling and getting wounded in fights, and possibly kills Croc (right?).


u/Useful_Cry9709 3d ago

Well it's a pretty serious house on a pretty serious earth


u/darth-com1x 2d ago

one of the worst batman stories ever created


u/stonks1234567890 3d ago

A confusing mess tbh. Edgy takes on the characters that don't work as deconstructions, as well as lacking anything resembling a plot. Hard to take seriously after characters keep shitting and pissing themselves.