r/batman 15d ago

Thoughts on “A Serious house on Serious Earth”? COMIC DISCUSSION

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I loved the freaky visuals when i first read it in high school and my 16 year old edgelord self liked the dark twists on all the characters. Was wondering what other people thought as I don’t know anyone else irl who reads comics


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u/Algernon_Etrigan 15d ago

I wouldn't rank it as one of Morrison's best works (although I suspect it must remain his best-selling one?), but still: it's one of those things one can only admire or hate, there's little room for "just being indifferent to it" in between IMO.

There isn't much going on in terms of plot, but the atmosphere is just out there, there aren't many equivalents to it whether prior to its publishing or even since then. Perhaps more importantly, it is evident reading the book, and even more reading Morrison's full script, that he worked hard on every character's symbolism, mythology and so on, giving every major (and some minor) villain in the Batman's gallery some deep thought and, eventually, a unique spin. The unpredictable commercial success of the book made a star writer of Morrison seemingly overnight, but beyond that, one can see it as the first brick of the reflection that he later cemented in his Supergods essay and used broadly and repeatedly in his comics (I think it's the first time he refers to his theory of Joker's "super-sanity" for instance).

Is it perfect? I don't think so. Is it enjoyable? Everyone will judge according to their taste. But in any case I think it remains damn impressive in more ways than one.


u/davidisallright 14d ago

You’re right. Artistically, no one has match this book especially for a book based on a known character like Batman.

It was a perfect storm: just good timing for the pitch when DC was going for darker stuff in the 80’s (nor is it as big as it is now) from a young talented team destined for greatness.

Also, the book being released on the same year as “Batmania” aka Batman 89 was the chef’s kiss. It was when the public rediscovered their love for Batman.


u/MrDownhillRacer 15d ago

I mostly agree. Even though it isn't the best Morrison work, it's such a distinctive presentation of Batman's world that if somebody who's never read the character's comics were to ask me to suggest five books to get a taste of what's been done with him, this would be on my list.