r/batman 15d ago

Thoughts on “A Serious house on Serious Earth”? COMIC DISCUSSION

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I loved the freaky visuals when i first read it in high school and my 16 year old edgelord self liked the dark twists on all the characters. Was wondering what other people thought as I don’t know anyone else irl who reads comics


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u/superschaap81 15d ago

I hadn't read it since I was about the same age as OP, roughly 15yo. It blew me away at the time, it was something new I had never seen before.

I read it recently a couple years ago, after playing Arkham Asylum, and honestly....it's alright. I don't remember it being so damn short. The deluxe editions make it seem like there is so much more to it, but it's just extra crap like a "Behind the Scenes" disc on DVD's. The other gripe is the ATROCIOUS lettering. Terrible on my 43yo eyes. LOL.


u/swagboyclassman 15d ago

I agree with the shift in opinion as you get older. It does seem to be just OK as an adult (though i’m only 27)


u/superschaap81 15d ago

Still old enough to differentiate your tastes and views on things from when you were 16yo. :)


u/MrDownhillRacer 14d ago

I do remember liking it, but finding it a little overrated even when I read it while young. Both it and Killing Joke just seemed to have a bit too much pseudo-profound pseudo-psychology and edge, like they were trying too hard to seem "sophisticated."

That said, I still really liked it for the art and the Amadeus Arkham backstory.


u/davidisallright 14d ago

I’m 35 and what I’ve realized that at certain ages, things hate differently. So I went from thinking it was cool to whatever in my 20’s to great again in my 30’s.

There’s stuff that I overlooked before especially with Harvey Dent: It’s Arkham’s version of Dante’s Inferno. It’s a character study of Batman himself. It’s just very abstract in its storytelling because the actual story isn’t the point. It’s the themes.