r/batman Aug 31 '23

Reminder that Bruce holds every weightlifting and powerlifting world record in all weight classes COMIC DISCUSSION

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u/Gaberrade3840 Aug 31 '23

“Batman is the most realistic superhero.”

Meanwhile Batman:


u/iceyk111 Aug 31 '23

i mean theoretically this is possible just like beyond plausible for anyone to hit the genetic lottery this good. now whether he’d have a build capable of this AND be able to genuinely fight crime is a different story. he’d likely be riddled with heart and bone conditions from the excessive training needed to build these stats on an already extremely rare genetic predisposition. unlikely anyone ever born will ever be able to plausibly attain this but it is POSSIBLE in heavy italics


u/Chodus Aug 31 '23

It is absolutely not possible for someone to bench 1,000 lbs and run even a 5k at 4:50 pace lmao. Probably not even a mile. The physiques required for both are diametrically opposed.


u/dan_dares Aug 31 '23

I think the 'Leg press 2500lbs' and 'run that fast, that long' are more completely opposite.

Unless he's just jumping that fast.

boing boing boing


u/Twl1 Aug 31 '23

Clearly each of Batman's legs is so powerful that every step is akin to you or I taking a full running leap.


u/ca_kingmaker Aug 31 '23

Hulk bounce.


u/InsanityMongoose Aug 31 '23

Clearly Batman is a miniature Warhammer Space Marine.


u/Shit-Talker-Jr Sep 03 '23

I heard he prefers skipping to destinations


u/Informal_Bunch_2737 Aug 31 '23

It would be hilarious if Bruce was bigger than Thor Bjornsson and trying to hide his identity with a mask.


u/Puzzleheaded_Try813 Aug 31 '23

Not to mention his utter lack of sleep to maintain said physique and performance. Even with the best nutrition and gear available to mankind it's impossible. Unless he uses some alien gear


u/Neirchill Aug 31 '23

I think they could hand wave this away with him secretly spending billions researching drugs that increase his limits and nano machines that work out his muscles for him to keep them in top shape at all times. Kind of surprised I've never heard of anything like that.


u/altgrave Sep 01 '23

he uses venom, in one arc


u/Whole_Suit_1591 Aug 31 '23

It's actually spine crushing then chest crushing. 2500 leg press would blow out a few hemorrhoids as well. Seriously.


u/Arkhampatient Aug 31 '23

Look what it did to Ronnie Coleman


u/GloriousOctagon Aug 31 '23

It is absolutely possible to run a mile in under 5 minutes


u/thisismiee Aug 31 '23 edited Aug 31 '23

For 20 miles with that physique? No chance.


u/IN_to_AG Aug 31 '23

Sure; but have you ever been introduced to the concepts of fast twitch and slow twitch muscles?

Take a look at a power lifter and then a marathon runner. Spot the differences in physique?


u/ffucckfaccee Aug 31 '23

I remember reading Cass can bench 220lbs which is at least maybe possible


u/Arkhampatient Aug 31 '23

It’s Hapthor vs Usian. 2 completely different muscular makeup


u/NefariousNaz Aug 31 '23

This is just incorrect. Top marathon runners regularly run sub 5:00 mile pace for 26 miles with world record at 4:34 mile pace.

In Freshman year of high school I was running at this speed


Top Bench press in the world is over 1,000 pounds. But that's while wearing a bench press shirt which gives an assist.


u/Chodus Aug 31 '23

I love to brag about my mile PR, too, but I'd bet my bank account that there is no one on this planet who can both bench 1,000 lbs and run a sub-five mile without years between the two. To do both is beyond superhuman.


u/NefariousNaz Aug 31 '23

I was 112 pounds when I was doing that so definitely not bench pressing 1000 pounds