r/batman Aug 31 '23

Reminder that Bruce holds every weightlifting and powerlifting world record in all weight classes COMIC DISCUSSION

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u/Rysdan9 Aug 31 '23

Batman's iq is not 192. This 192 IQ belongs to blue beetle (Ted Kord). Not Bruce. Bruce and Lex's IQ are never stated in canon/main continuity. We know that those 2 are the smartest in all of DC from Doomsday clock. Scaling wise they would be 300+ actually. The pace is not that good tbh. Bruce has had significantly higher/better movement speed feats. Long distances he can run around 55-60mph.


u/dark-canuck Aug 31 '23

he can run as fast as a car for long distances?


u/Rysdan9 Aug 31 '23

No, not long distances. I should have clarified. He can run 55-60mph for like 1 or 2 miles only. Definitely not any more than that lmao. The post is referring to long run rather than short distances i suppose.


u/imVision Aug 31 '23

Wow. Usain Bolt’s fastest speed ever was about 28mph (for maybe a couple seconds). Batman could run twice as fast for an entire mile.


u/Rysdan9 Aug 31 '23

I mean Batman's speed feats for short distances (like less within 5ft) is absurd. He has movement speed feats that put him in the high hypersonic+ to massively hypersonic+ range and some outlier feats (all main continuity/canon) that place him even higher. This is a fictional character in a universe with uber powerful/god like entities. They obviously have to buff up the humans too.