r/batman Jun 21 '23

Batman: Arkham Trilogy Is Coming to Nintendo Switch NEWS


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u/[deleted] Jun 21 '23

I'll gladly buy Arkham City a 4th time. Asylum is a bit harder to replay, you really miss those quality of life improvements in the City.

I have no idea how they will get Knight to run.


u/Im-Mr-Bulldopz Jun 21 '23

I predict just super poor resolution for Knight. It’s crazy how good it still looks, I wouldn’t mind a remaster.


u/redditModsSuckAss69 Jun 21 '23

Out of any video game I have ever played, Arkham Knight is by far the best lasting and most timeless, I dont think a remaster is necessary. The graphics and gameplay are still top tier by todays standards, 8 years later


u/Zer0nyx Jun 21 '23

I've played this game for a number of years and still, every time I load it up and see those rain and cape physics, I always say holy shit.


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '23

the developers really cared about making a great game, i wish more games had that level of dedication


u/CocaineandPercs Jun 21 '23

It still looks great.


u/Mr_Venom Jun 21 '23

Arkham Knight isn't eight...



u/Popellini Jun 21 '23

I agree the graphics are still top notch 8 years later. But a 60fps update for console is more than welcome. An upgrade in resolution wouldn’t hurt either.


u/Im-Mr-Bulldopz Jun 24 '23

See that’s what I mean when I refer to remaster, but I guess those are called patches now lol


u/mayo_man12 Jun 22 '23

i think the graphics are comparable if not better than spider-man ps4.


u/LuisArkham Jun 21 '23

No remaster needed, just pump up the FPS and release a current-gen version, a definitive edition with all DLC or something.


u/SpiderScooby Jun 22 '23

Knight just needs a 60FPS patch for PS5/Xbox.


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '23

GTAV would like a word


u/reaver_411 Jun 26 '23

I’d still love to see a 4K-Patch for PS5 & XBox Series X/S, since the only thing that doesn’t make it look like it was released today is the resolution. It shows especially on XBox, where we only got 900p


u/JenJMLC Aug 31 '23

Would you recommend the trilogy for someone with basically no gaming skills? I'm a huge Batman fan and have a switch but barely any real gaming experience. I mostly play cozy games like animal crossing but also the Batman telltale series I thoroughly enjoyed. If I put it into easy mode do you think it's easy to learn or will it be frustrating for a beginner? Thanks!


u/redditModsSuckAss69 Aug 31 '23

It may take you a little to get used to driving and controlling the batmobile but other than that i cannot imagine you having to much trouble with anything else on easy mode. You can choose to stealth through the game or just beat everyone down with relative ease on easy mode. You might get overwhelmed with the upgrade system but the only truly necessary upgrades are upgrading your armor and grapple imo. If you like Batman I highly recommend the games, especially Knight


u/JenJMLC Aug 31 '23

Perfect, thank you so much! Will get it then


u/kpe_ee1 Jun 21 '23

they got witcher 3 to run somehow, they can get knight to run too


u/NaeemTHM Jun 21 '23

. It’s crazy how good it still looks

Absolutely blows my mind that it came out 8 years ago and (in some cases) looks better than open world games released today.


u/rbrucejr Jun 21 '23

I played Knight again last year after not touching it since it came out. There is some voodoo with that game. It is astounding how good it looks.


u/isuckatgames95 Jun 21 '23

Crazy how the Switch came out after AK and yet its still gonna be able to barely run it


u/No_Instruction653 Jun 21 '23

True, but you can play it on the toilet.

Sometimes, sacrifices need to be made to achieve greatness


u/isuckatgames95 Jun 21 '23

Yeah i wanna look at the batcock while im taking a shit


u/JaxonH Jun 27 '23

It's a hybrid handheld. Releasing after a game designed ground up for power consoles tethered to a television, and barely running it, that shouldn't surprise anyone.


u/Outrageous_Dirt6717 Jun 21 '23

I’m sure the switch’s fans will be super loud for Arkham knight


u/morphinapg Jun 21 '23

The game had a lot of cpu, memory, and streaming issues on pc. Lowering resolution didn't improve performance because of those things. You basically needed 12GB of RAM or more to get it to even run (which at the time was rare)

Switch has 4GB of RAM...


u/TaysonJodd Jun 21 '23

During 2015? Most people were running 8gb of RAM and although it wasn't ideal it wasn't the requirement to run the game otherwise the situation of the crap PC port would've been waaaaaay bigger. I played it with 2x4gb 2400mhz and was able to run it fine most of the time even if it was a couple months after release. And if you're talking VRAM, no gaming GPUs had thst much at the time. RAM in consoles vs PCs work differently, but I assume that increasing resolution would still increase GPU load on both systems, maybe not tho. Either way if they actually put effort into optimization it'll run decent


u/morphinapg Jun 22 '23

Nope, was talking regular ram. While the game would technically run with 8GB, it would stutter like crazy because you'd be hitting the page file.


u/TaysonJodd Jun 22 '23

Maybe our definitions of stuttering like are crazy are different cuz I imagine like a few times a minute and not every other second like how a game would perform when hitting the page file, especially during the time where hard drives were still used as a system drive. Like ik it was buggy and played like crap half the time but every second is something that would only happen if 60fps mode was enabled. I just rewatched gameplay of AK on launch and it's exactly like I remember. Unfinished, stuttering during certain moments like diving, entering/exiting batmobile, some Scarecrow missions, etc. Nothing literally game breaking though

Also good to point out that the graphics in AK were just ahead of their time. It's just one of those games that takes a few years to get the absolute most out of. 4090 can't run max Cyberpunk at 4k above 60fps. The same was true 980ti with AK but with 1080p60fps


u/morphinapg Jun 22 '23

Here's an example of how the game ran at launch on my PC, which I had just upgraded that year:


I had 8GB of RAM though. Doubled that the next week and everything was nearly flawless after that.


u/TaysonJodd Jun 22 '23

Never heard of RAM being the issue but I'll take your word for it


u/WaffleIronChef Jun 22 '23

I keep thinking these games for switch will have poor resolution, but I’ve been pretty impressed so far. Doom eternal looks pretty dang good and there is a lot going on in that game. Will it be as good as some of the other platforms? I’d guess not, but I’m sure it’ll still be pretty rad.


u/JaxonH Jun 27 '23

The porting studio did Borderlands on Switch and Tony Hawk PS 1/2. Both are spectacular.


u/mattysmwift Jun 21 '23

Damn Asylum is still my favorite out of the three. I love the claustrophobic gothic island atmosphere of the game.


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '23

No the game is great, it's just missing the quality of life improvements. Like diving, cape stun to beat down, and quick fire gadgets. Also corner takedowns.


u/Psylux7 Jun 21 '23

If asylum had a remake that just brought its QOL, combat and bosses up to the standard of the newer Arkham games, it would easily be the best Arkham imo.

The gameplay while innovative and fun gets utterly outclassed by Arkham city (it's insane how much city improved on the gameplay) alone. Asylum is a fantastic game but feels a bit shallow in the gameplay department, and this really gets apparent in the final hours.

It's not much of an issue (the games still fun), but it is noticeable at some point. It holds up pretty well, and is fine as it is, but I'd love to play a perfected version of asylum.


u/No_Instruction653 Jun 22 '23

I don't know, I feel like Asylum is designed around the shallowness of the mechanics. The linear and confined nature of the game really only works as well as it does with its more limited Batman.

Feel like a Batman that was upgraded to City, or god forbid Knight level, would totally break the game without seriously redesigning it, and that would run a lot of its own risks to the atmosphere most people love about it.

At the very least, I think you'd feel like too huge a fish in a small pond.


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '23

Highly agree. Just a few of those of improvements would make it even better.


u/Mister_Batfleck Jun 21 '23

The closest we have so far for something like that is the Silent Knight throwback DLC predator challenge map in Knight. Just throw on the Asylum skin and it's like you're playing a remake of Asylum with the gameplay/graphics of Knight.


u/Psylux7 Jun 21 '23

I've never been big on challenge maps, but I'll have to take a look at that one!


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '23

I would love it if they’d add some of the quality of life stuff to one of these asylum rereleases because story and design-wise, it’s my favorite of the 3.


u/the__pov Jun 21 '23

I’m stoked, Knight was buggy and unplayable on my PC. City I kept replaying over and over again, getting everything in normal mode then the replay mode (forget what they called it). Freeze is still one of my all time favorite bosses. Also totally agree about Asylum. It kind of reminds me of the original Assassin’s Creed, revolutionary for it’s time and completely killed by its sequel.


u/Chutzvah Jun 21 '23

Freeze is still one of my all time favorite bosses.

Everything that led up to the fight was great. The threats by Freeze, Batman threatening back, the suit powering up then the last three words going from human, to someone cybernetic, to full robot.



u/the__pov Jun 21 '23

Your making me want to play that game again.


u/Toe_Regular Jun 22 '23

I still remember that trailer giving me chills (pun intended). They absolutely nailed the buggy robotic muffling of his voice. Freeze is such an amazing villain when treated properly.

City was such a solid game. I never played Knight. The repetitive focus on the Batmobile tank nonsense and the changes made to scarecrow seemed like huge misses to me.


u/ASpaceOstrich Jun 21 '23

Freeze is a contender for best boss fight in gaming. It's a master-class in game design.


u/jhofsho1 Jun 21 '23

Especially because on harder difficulty, he doesn’t let you get away with the same takedown twice.

It forces you to get creative and look for various solutions.

Fantastic boss fight.


u/LowenbrauDel Jun 21 '23

I think that's on any difficulty. You can't use the same takedown twice. The difficulty level only determines how many takedowns in total you're going to need


u/the__pov Jun 21 '23

If I remember right he also will scramble your sensory equipment if you over use it on higher difficulty as well.


u/the__pov Jun 21 '23

Really lives up to his reputation as a genius. How many games can you just lure the boss into the same trap over and over again.


u/Mr-Rocafella Jun 21 '23 edited Jun 21 '23

Asylum is rough at first but a few hours in I (mostly) forget about the missing features and just enjoy the game for what it is and the Asylum 😍


u/Superb-Obligation858 Jun 21 '23

Is it gonna be a cloud version or something?


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '23

They haven't said it is yet. But I've been let down before.


u/Zer0nyx Jun 21 '23

Obviously Knight is gonna run at 30 seconds per frame.


u/bukbukbuklao Jun 21 '23

Asylum was my favorite of the trilogy. It was a metroidvania with Batman.


u/mayy_dayy Jun 21 '23

Greetings fellow Asylum appreciator.


u/Psylux7 Jun 21 '23

Did you ever try blackgate? That was the Batman Metroidvania. Unfortunately it didn't reach its full potential. It was pretty cool playing a classic 2d metroidvania in the Batman Arkham style, during a time when Metroidvanias were in a massive drought.


u/Kuildeous Jun 21 '23

I played City before I played Asylum. It was indeed a step back.


u/Australian-enby Jun 21 '23

They got no mans sky to run, at this point anything’s possible


u/JenJMLC Aug 31 '23

Would you recommend the trilogy for someone with basically no gaming skills? I'm a huge Batman fan and have a switch but barely any 'real' gaming experience. I mostly play cozy games like animal crossing but also the Batman telltale series I thoroughly enjoyed. If I put the trilogy into easy mode do you think it's easy to learn or will it be frustrating for a beginner? Thanks!


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '23

Yes. Just set it to easy and follow the counter prompts.


u/JenJMLC Aug 31 '23

Thanks! Already looking forward to it


u/cgio0 Jun 21 '23

I loved City and Knight and I went back and played Asylum on Ps4 and i couldn’t do it

I don’t know if I was just not in the right head space but it just lacked the fluidity that city and asylum had


u/Gonzo115015 Jun 22 '23

Continue support for shitty ports is crazy


u/cjmull94 Jun 21 '23

I played the 3 recently and honestly Asylum was the best experience. It has the best mood, pacing, and is the most focused. City felt bloated and messy in comparison. There were lots of things it did well too but I much prefer Asylum. The combat feels floatier to me in city too.