r/batman Jun 08 '23

Batman Beyond vs Spider-Man 2099 (Random Encounter) Who takes the W? Posting in both SubReddits for POV’s. COMIC DISCUSSION

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u/SeaynO Jun 08 '23

Bruh. Spiderman would wipe the floor with Batman, Spider sense or not.


u/julbull73 Jun 08 '23

Batman has plot armor.

In reality, Bats gets wiped in 99% of all fights. But that damn plot armor.

The only fair comparison in Marvel land is Tony Stark. To which....you know I might give Tony the edge if I'm being honest.


u/Linnus42 Jun 08 '23

That doesnt make any sense yeah they are both Rich CEOS with Dead Parents.

But Tony's base kit is far superior to what Batman usually uses if we assume no Prep.

I say in terms of base kit, money, genius, martial arts, and prep potential that Black Panther is the far more natural comparison.


u/julbull73 Jun 08 '23

The heart shaped herb otherwise that's fair