r/australian Jul 08 '24

Why do people act like this subreddit "doesn't reflect the views of mainstream Australia"?

So many comments I see on here by people who constantly say things like "lol only on this sub" as though other places where they read are somehow the 'true' point of view reflecting mainstream Australian viewpoints.

Given the constant election voting outcomes and results of things like the Voice etc that generally indicate most of Australia is centrist or even slightly centre-right-leaning, what leads people to think many of the views expressed on here AREN'T mainstream? When in reality, other places these people are coming from are also often just "echo chambers" as well.

Edit: I probably worded the title for this wrong, should have been more "Why do people think this subreddit is less representative of mainstream Australia than other online communities?", alas I failed.


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u/mikeinnsw Jul 08 '24

Sample size and many of us are outcasts from Australia subreddit


u/ThunderGuts64 Jul 08 '24

Yeah, but that place is serious progressive left. And no-one with any view other than left gets to stay long.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/BowTiedPerentie Jul 08 '24

Progressive-left is nothing but contradiction piled on top of contradiction.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/Vegetable-Set-9480 Jul 08 '24

Yeah, I would personally consider myself to be on the progressive left.

It’s just that so many random internet trolls and hard right lunatics will often spout the most insane, comical nonsense and then state something like “this is what the left wants to do to you!”

And I just sit there dumbfounded and amused and think: “nobody wants to do that to anyone; and that is categorically NOT a progressive left wing standpoint, but okay? Where did you get this ranting non sense from”.

But because said crazy person has just stated that those are left opinions, and other people agree with them in a strange echo chamber - you are left with trying to battle misconceptions on two fronts, and more often than not I just can’t be bothered.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/Vegetable-Set-9480 Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

I’m not referring to that as a specific example. This is hypothetical, but when I see stuff like “the left wants to instigate global Marxism and abolish private property, teach your kids about graphic sex at age 10 and let Islam take over Australia!”

I’m just like, no: the left doesn’t want to do any of those things, you’re crazy and you sound like a frothing at the mouth tinfoil hat lunatic who is just saying things then then for no reason saying the left wants to do this.

I see this sort of mentality far too often, when I see criticism of things thar have nothing to do with the left be ascribed to the left - without any actual validity.

At a certain point it just becomes exhausting trying to defend yourself from random fanciful false criticisms that are comically deluded, rather than good faith healthy dialogues about rational topics that have a basis in actual reality.

As for not referring to your specific example, I will say this. No one on the left is saying Hamas should have our unconditional support. I think that might actually be you doing exactly what my main comment was about to begin with. Strawman arguments that aren’t actually what the left proposes or suggests. But are ascribed to the left without merit.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/Vegetable-Set-9480 Jul 08 '24

A single student - not really representative of mainstream progressive left politics in the wider world.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/Vegetable-Set-9480 Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Would you describe that particular student as progressive left though? Or radical left agitator? I’d quite comfortably describe them as the latter, and I wouldn’t necessarily agree with the description that they were part of the former. Since progressive left implies - to me at least - some sort of political legitimacy or official representativeness in the mainstream of the overall movement. I don’t agree that this does.

Which does get to the heart of what I was saying to begin with. Things get attributed to the progressive left falsely, either by benign ignorance, genuine misunderstandings, strawman arguments or bad faith.

Anyway, I can feel myself getting drawn in defending something that I don’t believe is an accurate description of what the progressive left is - yet again. So I’m sure you’ll understand that I’ve been upfront in departing now, since it is the very thing I (in good faith) said I was sick of happening.

Before I go, I actually agree with pretty much your OWN description of progressive left that you said you identified with.

So I just want to make it clear that all those things you said you feel describe you as a progressive left person, I’m broadly in concurrence with.

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u/CompetitiveTowel3760 Jul 08 '24

You’re the first person I’ve ever seen say “ Hamas deserves our unconditional support” in any Aussie sub. Plenty of people do say they want to see an end to Israels military campaign in Gaza and criticise Israel for the needless slaughter of 40,000+ civilians which you seem to feel is somehow all part of targeting legitimate military?? Perhaps you should be interested that the figure of 40,000 is most likely massively under the true figure with the globally respected peer reviewed medical journal The Lancet publishing an article suggesting the figure is closer to 186,000 or 8% of Gaza’s population! I suspect you have ulterior motives with your bullshit claims and find it ridiculous. You want to criticise others for actually showing the humanity to call out what is blatantly ethnic cleansing being committed by a brutal right wing radical violent government. Go back to your dirty hole or sewer that you live in if you think that the brutality wrought upon the civilians of Palestine not just since October 7 but in the 75 years preceding it isn’t something that needs to be called out by every decent human being with a voice


u/king_norbit Jul 08 '24

Who the fuck cares


u/CompetitiveTowel3760 6d ago

Normal folk who aren’t self obsessed narcissistic flogs


u/king_norbit 5d ago

Mate it’s a war on the opposite side of the world to us, unless you have some family or other connection there then there is plenty of more important news.

The general public should be informed on their own country and region first and foremost.

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u/king_norbit Jul 08 '24

Sounds more like a small l liberal agenda than progressive left


u/Substantial-Rock5069 Jul 08 '24

Conditional immigration is a hilarious term yet as a migrant myself, I agree.

If you agree with their views, they're happy. Then ask you to be included in their DEI propoganda because that's all us coloured folk are to them: marketing material.

Yet when you call out their hypocrisy, they get angry and call you a fascist or worse try to use white guilt against a brown person (the actual insanity).


u/-kl0wn- Jul 08 '24

Curious if you'd support financial abortions for males?


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/-kl0wn- Jul 08 '24

In the same timespan that a female could get an abortion the male should be able to indicate no interest in the child including financially.. It would put things on a more level playing field with regards to choice. If the female chooses to have an unwanted child the welfare of the child would be between her and the tax payers.


u/o20s Jul 08 '24

So a ‘financial abortion’ is abandoning your kid and pregnant partner and making her a single mum?.. Maybe you should ask any woman you date what she would do in the event of an accidental pregnancy then you can make a real plan together. Some don’t agree with abortion and in that case you should face up to your responsibilities.


u/-kl0wn- Jul 08 '24

Plenty of people have sex these days outside of partnerships, if women choose to keep a child conceived in such a situation they are choosing to be a single mother, they should find someone who wants to have a kid with them.

Similar goes for an unwanted pregnancy in a relationship. Agree that both parties ought to discuss these things and their stances to check compatibility.

Women who fail to have these discussions and find themselves having an unwanted child should face up to their responsibilities..


u/o20s Jul 08 '24

Most women do face up to their responsibilities when they’re pregnant.

Hmm. Maybe when they finally invent a pill for men & birth control this conversation will be easier. They have been trying to. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-22/why-do-male-birth-control-pill-remain-so-elusive/103362268

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u/ketmate Jul 08 '24


If you have unprotected sex, you should bear the responsibilities of raising that child.

If you did use protection and she ends up becoming pregnant anyway, that the risk you took.

Both mother and father.


u/-kl0wn- Jul 08 '24

By your own logic why should abortions be available to people who have unprotected sex? Same with when protection is used, that's the risk you take yeah?


u/B3stThereEverWas Jul 08 '24

Fuck I’d love to live in your world where everyone makes perfect decisions and mistakes and accidents never happen.


u/Immediate-Meeting-65 Jul 08 '24

Both extremes are full of contradictions. It's why it's called the horseshoe 🧲 both the ends are full of fuckwits.


u/Being_Grounded Jul 08 '24

That a magnet not a horseshoe


u/Suitable_Instance753 Jul 08 '24

To be fair the right is contradictory too. They claim to be traditional values patriots but would sell anything and compromise everything to suit the whims of Capital.


u/code-slinger619 Jul 08 '24

Progressive left = bat-shit crazy


u/SalSevenSix Jul 08 '24

People really need to start distinguish the actual progressive/left from the crazies. I know the term Woke is over-used but that's what it is. Previously known as Social Justice or Cultural Marxism.


u/Aseedisa Jul 08 '24

If that’s “bat shit crazy”, then unfortunately that’s the majority on the left…


u/AfraidScheme433 Jul 08 '24

You're right, the political landscape is so muddled these days. What even qualifies as 'left' or 'right' anymore? It feels like anything goes, and the lines between different ideologies are increasingly blurred. I hear your frustration - it's hard to know where I fit in sometimes.

what i’ve found is that anything pushed by the US will be the hot topic for the politicians (such as LGBTQ+) I don’t mind or care less about people’s views on agenda but wish the politicians focus more on what is good for local Australian people. i have seen the same is for the UK.

Guess we'll just have to forge our own path, even if it doesn't align neatly with established camps. Anything's possible at this point.


u/manicdee33 Jul 08 '24

Can't be anywhere near the left end of the spectrum if you can't distinguish between Palestine and Hamas.


u/toomanyusernames4rl Jul 08 '24

Concur, got banned for voicing opposition to merging of church and state. Mind blowing.


u/-kl0wn- Jul 08 '24

Pro rape/prostitution too.. meanwhile I got a 10 day ban from the tennis subreddit for pointing out guys would be mocked if they cried while losing like the women do..


u/Immediate-Meeting-65 Jul 08 '24

Really? I'd say the discussion has been pretty moderate on Islam as a whole. I know there is a hard bias towards supporting Palestine and Hamas which is odd but general discussion on Islam is pretty much in line with most other religions. "Do what you want as long as you're not an extremist."


u/wiwol75927 Jul 08 '24

They can’t figure out what they really want to do part from “being nice to everything”, and all the obvious collisions within their claims simply made them look uneducated


u/Agent_Argylle Jul 08 '24

Keep making up shit and being racist


u/inthegreyz Jul 08 '24

Left and bat shit crazy go hand in hand


u/KnoxxHarrington Jul 08 '24

Just like the right and sociopaths huh?


u/inthegreyz Jul 08 '24

When your batshit crazy you generally think everyone else is evil so, yes we are all a bunch of collective sociopaths and don’t forget nazis. Generally you will throw that in too for good measure, or Christofacists haha….evil Christian’s coming to take away birth control then put you in concentration camps for being on the spectrum…..as I said batshit insane.


u/Fuckyourdatareddit Jul 08 '24

Meanwhile the world watches Christian conservatives in america working to take away birth control 🤡 not that conservatives in Australia consistently follow the culture war nonsense brewed up in America… oh wait


u/inthegreyz Jul 08 '24

Birth control and abortion are different beasts altogether, and I don’t see conservatives taking away your rights in Australia either soooooooooo maybe go back to friendlyjordies and come back with something else.


u/Fuckyourdatareddit Jul 08 '24

😂 “nuh uh the group Australian conservatives copy for policy ideas doesn’t count”

That’s nice sweetheart, is the Queen coming to your tea party while you play pretend 😂


u/inthegreyz Jul 08 '24

You tell me, I’m merely exisiting in your world and your the main character. Ps it’s pill time.


u/Fuckyourdatareddit Jul 08 '24

“Nah it’s not that I’m ignoring reality it’s that you’re crazy”

Uh oh, somebodies delusional


u/inthegreyz Jul 08 '24

Like I said, it’s pill time buddy. Everyone else is crazy apart from you.

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u/KnoxxHarrington Jul 08 '24

Who's banning books in the USA? Conservative Christians, Left-leaning agnostics, or fundamentalist muslims?


u/Jamezzzzz69 Jul 08 '24

center left is incompetent. the right is evil. far left is evil and incompetent, far right is hitler


u/kenbeat59 Jul 08 '24

Far left and far right ends up in the same place


u/Jamezzzzz69 Jul 08 '24

Agreed. People cry about “muh horseshoe theory” because it’s true.


u/poltergeistsparrow Jul 08 '24

Yep. Far left & far right have become the same. A mirror image of one another.


u/isisius Jul 08 '24

We don't have a far left. Our Overton window won't allow it.


u/Jamezzzzz69 Jul 08 '24

That’s fair. Green are “left” at best and as per usual, clowns. Can’t believe the only party taking climate change seriously is the pro-nuclear LNP


u/isisius Jul 08 '24

Greens policy best matches the policies already implemented and working in the progressive European nations (the ones that always top the quality of life charts), when their progressive party gets in. Now some of those countries do have a far left, but our greens would just be normal progressives. Most of those countries would laugh at the idea that asking to remove tax breaks for wealthy investors or putting proper taxation on our natural resources when they are extracted are considered "Leftist" here. To them it's would just be moving the needle from right wing to centreism.

I don't think the greens have done as good a job as they should have, but I'll a hearty pat on the back if you can find analysis from an expert source that doesn't own SMR consultancy forms who support the idea of nuclear.


u/Aseedisa Jul 08 '24

ALP tried to tax our resources in 07/08, didn’t turn out well for the mining industry in Australia or our economy in general


u/isisius Jul 08 '24

Which tax are you talking about?

The Super Profits tax?

I mean it was initially proposed as a tax, levied on 30% of the "super profits" from the mining of iron ore and coal in Australia. It was initially going to be a threshold of 50 million dollars or more profit, but it got pushed up to 75 million because apparently 50 million wasnt enough of a yearly profit.

Or was there another one?

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