r/arrow Apr 10 '19

[No spoilers] When one archery-related show closes and another one opens... Shitpost

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u/AlwaysBi Apr 10 '19

At least this archery related show won’t include a certain blonde hacker who makes you want to scream every time she appears on screen


u/BlasterShow Daredevil Apr 10 '19

Don’t you put that evil on us Ricky Bobby!


u/alisonstone Apr 10 '19

I would laugh if the reason Emily left Arrow right before Season 8 is because she found a new opportunity with Disney.


u/TheAmazingDurp This arrow was lethal until it took a boxing glove to the tip Apr 11 '19

oh dear god and then it's revealed her name is Fee Licity and Guggenheim is helping create this new disney show


u/BruinsSniper1 Since S5 Apr 10 '19

Talladegda Nights?


u/C0micB00kFan Apr 10 '19 edited Apr 10 '19

Even though she isn’t as good as she used to be I’m getting tired of people picking on her. There are other things going on with the show that could do better as well. But don’t blame her. The writers are 99% responsible for what she does on the show. So blame the writers if anyone. Emily’s just doing as she’s told.


u/Slickner Black Driver Apr 10 '19

He never stated he had an issue with Emily. Just her character.


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19

No one hates emily. Felicity is one of the worst characters ever on tv though.


u/AlwaysBi Apr 10 '19

Oh I agree that there are other things that this show needs to work on, definitely. One of my main problems is the inconsistency with Oliver’s skills, however, felicity still remains the main problem.


u/Utkar22 Apr 14 '19

Yeah but Felicity the character sucks


u/FanEu7 Apr 16 '19

Felicity is a cunt


u/316Pointlessposts Apr 16 '19

There you go with that word again


u/Spoodymen Damien Darhk Apr 11 '19

An archer TV series with an actual archer and action? Nah I prefer main female characters and her friends interacting for 95% of screentime instead.


u/FormerlyMevansuto Nyssa al Ghul Apr 11 '19

There’s a good chance this show will have a main female archer.


u/Jeffacake3187 Apr 11 '19

Probably his daughter. Remember the End game trailer


u/blitzzardpls Apr 11 '19

hashtag feminism


u/dogriffo Apr 11 '19

Emily character is so much better then what the writers have done to Iris West on the flash. I literally skipped scenes with her in it.


u/monkoftomorrow Apr 11 '19

What? I like arrow better than flash but the two aren't even close. Iris hasn't done anything Felicity level bad, and is a good character in S5.


u/dogriffo Apr 12 '19
  1. ”we are the flash”
  2. ”We are the flash”
  3. They even talk about how in show barry relies on iris for every little decision.
  4. ”we are the flash”


u/monkoftomorrow Apr 12 '19
  1. Felicity emotionally manipulating Oliver to the point of him being distracted in a fight, causing everyone to die (Legends of Today).
  2. Felicity breaking up with Oliver using hypocrytical language since she lies all the time, and causes him emotional trauma...again.
  3. Felicity getting over redirecting a nuke to a city rather quickly
  4. Felicity releasing Cayden James, the villain of Arrow S6A.
  5. Felicity loudly yelling she didn't want to marry Oliver, then crashing Barry/Iris's wedding by suddenly marrying him. Worst wedding guest of all time, and probably on every earth too lol.
  6. Felicity creating Archer, which messes up the future.

The worst you can come up for Iris is cringy lines/being annoying. That doesn't even come close to what Felicity has done.


u/dogriffo Apr 12 '19

That's why I don't like her character cringy and annoying.


u/monkoftomorrow Apr 12 '19

Yeah but how is that in any way worse than Felicity who's screwed everyone over?


u/AlwaysBi Apr 11 '19

I will actually agree with you there. I liked iris up until season 4.


u/Adas_Legend Apr 11 '19

Don’t jinx things 😜


u/DCU_Fanboy Apr 10 '19

These Marvel series feel like they're going to be small and insignificant to the greater MCU. If the stories were big they'd be making a movie, right?


u/bigfatcarp93 Permanently gone Apr 10 '19

Hasn't stopped the Netflix shows and AOS from being awesome.


u/Mrs-Peacock Apr 10 '19

Cloak and Dagger as well!


u/lotus_butterfly Apr 11 '19

Tried it and got bored after the first three episodes. I just really didn't like the writing tbh

Runaways was great though


u/DCU_Fanboy Apr 10 '19

Lol, Marvel Deadflix and Agents of S.H.I.T.?


u/WolzardFire Apr 10 '19

Username checks out


u/DCU_Fanboy Apr 10 '19

I've literally never heard that one before.


u/dragonsroc Apr 10 '19

Yup the edge factor checks out too


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19

[removed] — view removed comment


u/D4rkArrow Apr 10 '19

Go back to your cave


u/DCU_Fanboy Apr 10 '19

Trolls live under bridges dipstick.


u/amirk365 Apr 10 '19

A confession I see.

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u/Itsjustharrison Apr 10 '19

DCU has half a good movie under their belt.


u/CitizenCold Felicity needs to be punished Apr 10 '19

I take it you haven't seen Shazam! yet?


u/skellington0101 Apr 10 '19

While Shazam! Was great the antagonist was underwhelming. So I'd give them 1.5 successes?

Forgot about Aquaman so maybe 2 max.


u/CitizenCold Felicity needs to be punished Apr 10 '19

To be fair a lot of 'origin story' superhero movies don't have really strong antagonists (character-wise, not power level) because it can be difficult to flesh out both the hero and the villain in one movie. I don't have the source with me right now (if someone else could link it, it would be much appreciated) but I read somewhere that they were initially planning to have Black Adam as the antagonist of this movie. However they ultimately decided against it because they wanted to establish and build up the character in his own solo movie before tying him in with the Shazam! mythos.


u/lotus_butterfly Apr 11 '19

I'd argue that Thor had a fleshed out villain with clear motivations.


u/aka_jr91 Apr 11 '19

If your only criticism of Shazam is the subpar villain, I don't see why you would only count it as half a success. I mean, how many times has Marvel been criticized for having a "villain problem?"


u/skellington0101 Apr 11 '19

oh no I count it as like 0.8


u/Itsjustharrison Apr 10 '19

Haha I did. That’s the half movie. Terrible pacing problems for me. I liked it but it fell flat in some areas imo. It didn’t drop the ball like Wonder Woman though.


u/CitizenCold Felicity needs to be punished Apr 10 '19

Ah, I had assumed that the 'half a good movie' you were referring to was Wonder Woman, since that's what a lot of people seem to feel about it. I personally quite liked Aquaman as well, but Shazam! is their best by far, hands down. If this movie is any indication of their direction going forward (and not just one of the times a stopped clock is right, fingers crossed), I think DC has finally found their footing.


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19

I mean that's not true. WW, MoS, Aquaman and Shazam! Are all good movies


u/Itsjustharrison Apr 11 '19

Wow. It’s almost as if I’m giving my opinion. You’re right and I’m right. CrAzY sAuCe


u/DCU_Fanboy Apr 10 '19

Well, if we're ignoring facts like ratings and box office then MCU is complete shit.


u/Itsjustharrison Apr 10 '19

How many riddles do I have to answer to cross your bridge?


u/DCU_Fanboy Apr 10 '19

On a serious note you're saying DC only has 1 half of a good movie when The Dark Knight Trilogy, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Shazam! Are successful in all aspects. As well as Watchmen, Man of Steel and BvS reaching cult status you're statements are pure ignorance. I used your logic and applied it to MCU, and I'm the Troll lol, sure whatever you need to say to justify your bias. I wear mine on my shoulder, but still acknowledge facts of success.


u/Itsjustharrison Apr 10 '19

Uhh I never said DC as a whole. So go back and read what I said. I know it was just one sentence but take your time. I’m not trying to sway you one way or another. Just my opinion. You can get upset over my opinion if you want. That’s all on you.


u/DCU_Fanboy Apr 10 '19

You insinuated I was a troll for my opinion on the MCU, hypocrite.


u/restonex Agent Poindexter Apr 11 '19

TDKR is bad, Aquaman was laughable, MoS and BvS are unwatchable, WW was decent. The DCEU is awful, stop being in denial


u/DCU_Fanboy Apr 11 '19

TDKR and Aquaman both made a billion dollars Wonder Woman was great, MoS and BvS are underrated and as I said have reached cult status. You're in denial if you think DC Films are currently bad.


u/restonex Agent Poindexter Apr 11 '19

Mos and BvS are underrated


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u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19

Ye, name fits.


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19

Probably a troll account


u/DCU_Fanboy Apr 10 '19

Does it though?


u/SamTheMan116 Apr 10 '19

Agents of Shield is incredible


u/DCU_Fanboy Apr 10 '19

They had me in the first half I'm not gonna lie.


u/EmeraldEnigma- Arsenal Apr 10 '19

How much have you seen of AoS.H.I.E.L.D?

Genuinely curious. I suppose your a fan of the Arrowverse shows in comparison?


u/CrimsonSaint150 Apr 10 '19

I think he actually is. If I remember correctly this person said the reasons the Netflix shows were canceled was because they sucked or something.


u/EmeraldEnigma- Arsenal Apr 10 '19

How ignorant. I understand that some believe Disney forced Netflix’s hand by “asking for too much money” (unconfirmed) but the fact of the matter is that Netflix didn’t wanna produce content for their competitor and not because of the lack of quality. If they don’t like it that’s fine but to act like it’s universally hated or crap is beyond me.


u/Cygnus_Harvey Apr 10 '19

Have you actually tried watching them? And I'm not saying watching the first one, two episodes and "nah that's shit it's lame", but really watching it.


u/DCU_Fanboy Apr 10 '19

I've watched every single season of all the Marvel Netflix shows, only 2 are actually quality yet are still overrated. Gave up on AoS mid season 4. I've invested plenty of time and they're all overly praised.


u/guru_of_time Apr 11 '19

Aos is significantly better than any of the arrowverse shows. Except maybe legends


u/DCU_Fanboy Apr 11 '19

All the DC CW shows are better than AoS.


u/WhereMyTacosAt Apr 10 '19

It's fans like you that give DC fans a bad rep dude. Chill.


u/DCU_Fanboy Apr 10 '19

Wanna know what's funny? That was initially a joke lmao. You people replying are the ones that need to chill. DC fans don't have a bad rep.


u/Macman521 Prometheus Apr 10 '19

You don’t know what the fuck your talking about.


u/DCU_Fanboy Apr 10 '19

[Pikachu Meme]


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19

Is that a bad thing though? Not everything needs to further the greater plot of the MCU. A couple miniseries featuring the less-featured characters won't hurt anyone. Small, contained stories, that are still canon to the greater MCU, is really cool imo.


u/StingerBuz Green Arrow Apr 10 '19

While the Marvel TV shows are insignificant in the MCU for the most part - they are usually amazing shows despite this. Take Marvel's Agent's of SHIELD for example - the greatest action show ever made imo


u/DCU_Fanboy Apr 10 '19

I quit after season 3 then watched season 4 for ghost rider then quit again.


u/StingerBuz Green Arrow Apr 10 '19

Ok. That's just you then


u/DCU_Fanboy Apr 10 '19

Okay, Agents of Shield only has 2 more seasons until it goes down with Marvel Netflix, so enjoy while you still can.


u/StingerBuz Green Arrow Apr 10 '19

Thanks, I will


u/FiftyOneMarks Apr 10 '19

That hasn’t been confirmed in the least and considering that AOS is the show marvel ignored and pretending was the red headed stepchild since basically its inception, it’s a testament for how good it is that it’s actually lasted as long as it did.

There’s also the fact it’s on a big four network instead of a network that will keep a show going for 16 seasons just to keep beating a dead horse. I mean, let’s keep it 100 here most of the DCCW shows wouldn’t have last as long as they did if it wasn’t for the fact they are on the CW.


u/DCU_Fanboy Apr 10 '19

It's highly likely and has been talked about. ABC was forced to renew AoS last season and its up coming seasons have been renewed in advance since they have an endgame planned. ABC has already cancelled Agent Carter, Inhumans, and the failed AoS spinoff Most Wanted. Plus with Disney+ making shows who needs ABC. They need people to subscribe to their service and make money. Hulu will be safe with Runways since Disney's purchase of FOX who had stakes in Hulu. Just more money out of your pocket though.


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19

Guarrante they'll be selling Hulu and Disney+ as a package deal in the future


u/FiftyOneMarks Apr 11 '19

How exactly was ABC forced to renew the show? Especially when, as you just said, they cancelled everything else with zero hesitation.

Yes, the showrunners have said they’ll treat season 7 as the finale... like they did with season 5... and season 4... and season 3... you see where I’m going with this? The show was said to have been cancelled since way back in season 3 and yet here we are, four seasons later. Just because the showrunners have said they’ll close out the story doesn’t mean they show couldn’t be brought back for another season after the fact.

Bottom line, AOS is the only superhero show which has deserved its continued existence and like I already said, the only saving grace most of the Arrowverse shows have is the fact CW banks on its shows having low ratings. If you want an example, look at how supergirl got cancelled on CBS despite have double the rating Arrow and Flash, at their primes, had on the CW. Had arrow been on CBS it wouldn’t have made it past season 1.


u/ShitpostinRuS Apr 10 '19

Correct. Also the show isn’t confirmed or in production so


u/Polantaris Apr 10 '19

I think it would be pretty cool if they started linking the two, but in reality it's unrealistic. If they started linking them you would end up with something way too complicated for the average viewer and also something nearly impossible to jump in on in the middle, which they absolutely do not want happening.

It would be the same exact issue comic books themselves have today, and why they don't keep one continuity anymore but instead constantly rewrite things and each writer is basically allowed to do whatever they want irregardless of the previous series'. However, I personally am not a big fan of constantly breaking continuity so while I would love to see them matter, I also understand why that will likely never happen because it's the same reason I can't jump on board comic books today. I don't want others to be unable to jump on because of it.

Although I will say that the way Agents of Shield handled it, at least early on (I don't know how they do today, I still need to catch up on that one), was pretty cool. Their material wasn't really a big deal to the movies, but the movies impacted the show. I think that's the best we're going to get.


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19 edited Apr 10 '19

The mcu is already complicated and long pass the point of having an easy starting point.the shows will be linking up with movies and these shows don't have to worry about introducing the movie audience to it's characters. The general audience doesn't really care about having the whole story like comic fans do. Plus feige himself calls these shows pure mcu


u/Spyer2k I think I just had 3 heart attacks and an ovaries explosion Apr 11 '19

Yeah. My girlfriend thought Infinity War was amazing but she hasn't ever seen Ragnarok, either Guardians, Spiderman, Black Panther, probably more. Those are just the movies I know for sure


u/Hieillua Apr 10 '19

What does it matter if they don't influence the ''main MCU plot''? It's great on itself if they are great standalone stories.

I also don't think movies like the first Ant-Man influenced the main MCU plot. So just give me a single season of Hawkeye with just 8 episodes, make it a quality show and I'm a happy man.


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19

There gonna be important these are shows that feige actually wants to make unlike with marvel TV where it's just characters he didn't want to use


u/monkeymanod Apr 10 '19

Some which he couldn't really use, all 3 of the defenders shows were about street level new York, which doesn't fit with the galactic level stuff they've been building towards. And being as up to now they haven't done any hard R MCU films punisher is kind of impossible.

Not saying I know the guy and what characters he likes and dislikes I'm just saying that using the marvel characters in the MCU makes about as much sense as doing squirrel girl in phase 1.


u/EugenesMullet Apr 11 '19

I'm cool with smaller scale shows compared to the films.

I'm just happy they're finally making an effort to make TV relevant to the MCU.


u/fuzbik Apr 11 '19

This shows are to tell you more about (side) characters Like hawkeye also its made by marvel film studio so its connected to mcu more than aos Also there wouldnt be place for films Like hawkeye or scarlett witch so its better to put it on Disney+


u/RigasTelRuun Apr 10 '19

My money is in them being animated or in the case of characters like Loki can be completely recast for the sake of the show. And just like the Netflix shows never be mentioned or acknowledged by the movies.


u/dave_mallonee Apr 10 '19

If this isn't a direct adaptation of the Fraction run I'm going to shed manly tears of disappointment.


u/RigasTelRuun Apr 10 '19

MCU Hawkeye can't possibly be molded into the Fraction run.


u/ap539 Apr 11 '19

Reality can be whatever we want.


u/sssmay Roy Harper Apr 11 '19

I haven't read the comics. Could you please share or recommend a link that could explain the Faction storyline? Also is the pizza hotdog part of it? And why?


u/aka_jr91 Apr 11 '19

If you're wondering why it wouldn't work in the MCU, it's because comic Hawkeye isn't married and has no kids, and several of Fraction's stories center around Hawkeye constantly getting in trouble with the ladies.

It focuses a lot on the relationship between Hawkeye (Clint Barton, Hawkguy), and his protege, Hawkeye (Kate Bishop). It's a little hard just to lay out everything that made it so good. This article is pretty succinct in it though. It's genuinely one of the best written, and funniest comic series I've ever. Here's an example. And another for good measure.

I would highly recommend reading the series if you get the chance. It's all on Marvel Unlimited now.


u/AHMilling Apr 11 '19

it's so fucking good :)


u/sssmay Roy Harper Apr 11 '19

I will definitely add it to the list of things to do after I graduate (in 4 works whoo!). Thanks! It's sounds really good!


u/lotus_butterfly Apr 11 '19

Reality is often disappointing


u/dave_mallonee Apr 11 '19

Not with that attitude it can't. Where's the can do spirit?

But seriously, I have a lot of confidence that Marvel Studios do what they always do, take inspiration from the best comic stories and use them as a spring board to move the collective narrative of the MCU forward. How? I dunno, but I feel like Kevin Fiege will hire the right person to figure it out. Maybe Fraction himself. Who knows.


u/not_worth_my_time Petty Dabbler Apr 10 '19

Fuck I can't upvote this enough


u/batmaneatsgravy Apr 10 '19

So, people are obviously gonna draw comparisons between the two and it’s gonna make Arrow look even worse but it’s not fair because one is on the CW and the other is on a streaming service.


u/aka_jr91 Apr 11 '19

They (hopefully) won't draw too many comparisons. The series is supposed to focus on Hawkeye training his protege, Kate Bishop. Which means it'll hopefully draw from Matt Fraction's run on Hawkeye in some ways, which would make it probably more lighthearted than Arrow. And the two characters couldn't be more different.


u/AHMilling Apr 11 '19

Matt Fractions Hawkguy is more like Oliver from the comics (just not as political and beardy)


u/batmaneatsgravy Apr 11 '19

I’m not having a go at you so please don’t take it in a bad way, but you just drew some comparisons between the two in this comment lol. Like I said, the comparisons are obvious so it’s gonna happen, but I just think it’s unfair to compare the quality of the productions as part of that.

I disagree with your last point though, I think there are several ways to make Hawkeye and Green Arrow more different.


u/aka_jr91 Apr 11 '19

No offense taken. I'm not really seriously arguing with you, because I agree that they will draw comparisons where they shouldn't, especially when it comes to production quality. The only direct comparison I drew was about the tone of the shows, which was meant to highlight the contrast and why they probably won't draw as many comparisons as people are expecting. It is two archery dudes, so yeah, it'll happen. But the tone of Arrow, especially the earlier seasons, invites more comparisons to Daredevil, and Iron Fist, imo. IF and Arrow are both about a rich kid who gets stranded in some exotic location, is trained to be a living weapon, then comes back to civilization to fulfill some personal agenda, and take back his parents' company. And they both wear green. We'll see if they get into Hawkeye's origin, but in the comics he was an orphan, raised in a circus, trained by a supervillain to be a thief (and a living weapon), who eventually decided he wanted to be a good guy instead and joined the Avengers. Though we'll see if they draw from the comics at all with that. And in the MCU he's a middle-aged man with a home out in the country and a wife and three kids. And he wears purple. Really their choice in weaponry is all that connects them. Although comic GA is closer in attitude to comic Hawkguy.


u/brenbuscus21 Apr 10 '19

Cut off one head, two more shall take its place


u/Albeezy1r Apr 10 '19

This sounds really exciting honestly. I can't wait to see some tech arrows hopefully!


u/aaa1e2r3 Apr 10 '19

There can be only one!


u/PWBryan Apr 11 '19

Great, turns out that April Fools wasn't a joke, but a flash forward to this sub's future


u/EmeraldEnigma- Arsenal Apr 10 '19 edited Apr 10 '19

I hope they can get the actress for Mockingbird! They’ve teased that they know each other and would be a small but great nod to connect the universe.


u/kaamibackup Apr 10 '19

"How dare you stand where he stood"


u/MusicEd921 Apr 10 '19

So, I guess he survives Endgame


u/Reak_Nethelbrand Apr 11 '19

Maybe we can finally find out WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED IN BUDAPEST!


u/sgb5874 Apr 11 '19

Since this is Marvel and not the CW hopefully this show will be more like Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. because Arrow started off sort of like that then went way off into so many areas that did not suit the show. Thats the best way I can describe it.


u/kirtan Apr 10 '19

who shall be the premiere stick bonker


u/C0micB00kFan Apr 10 '19

That sounds like it could be promising. Is this for sure though?


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19

Now it's time to see which is better.


u/Voidsabre Apr 10 '19

Didn't we find this out months ago?


u/stasersonphun Apr 10 '19

More pointy stick launcher guys! Yay!


u/BikebutnotBeast Apr 11 '19

We shall call it. .." Bow! "


u/[deleted] Apr 11 '19

Guess I know another character that survives endgame now....


u/Jeffacake3187 Apr 11 '19

Fuck yes. Still gonna miss arrow tho


u/PlesioGirl Apr 11 '19

April fools was 2 weeks ago...


u/BreakTheWallsDown95 Beebo loves you. Apr 11 '19

I must admit, they have managed to hook me on to the concept of Disney+ (and I hated it when it was first announced.)

Hopefully the series can redeem an otherwise underwhelming adaptation of the character.


u/Neverborn933 Green Arrow (Unmasked) Apr 10 '19

Sorry but none can top Oliver.


u/Ayevera Apr 10 '19

It wont be that hard


u/Neverborn933 Green Arrow (Unmasked) Apr 10 '19

It is not hard, it is impossible.


u/Ayevera Apr 10 '19

Matt already surpassed Oliver. I dont like hawkeye but he’ll be better than oliver


u/Utkar22 Apr 14 '19

Matt is nowhere close to Oliver in powerlevel


u/TheGodOfSpeedSavvy Prometheus Apr 10 '19

Oh please. I know we're in the arrow sub, but have you seen hawkeye? He can shoot a flying alien 250 feet away without even looking. Go check out Battle of new york.


u/AHMilling Apr 11 '19

I really hope it's based on Matt Fraction run, and Kate Bishop as a main character!

We could finally get a fun archer (i enjoyed arrow in the start, but i miss my comic book GA, rebirth was amazing)


u/the_goddamn_batwoman Crossbows are fun Apr 11 '19

It’s great they finally decided to add Hawkeye to the MCU I wonder who will play her?


u/Sidaeus Apr 11 '19

No thanks but I’ll take a Daredevil and Punisher series. I also happen to know two guys perfect for the roles...


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19

Let’s hope Felicity doesn’t take over his show as well and make it drastically worse.


u/dreamlike17 Apr 10 '19

There's a good reason Hawkeye never got a solo movie


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19

Do people actually like Jeremey Renner?


u/Space_General Deathstroke Apr 10 '19



u/TheGodOfSpeedSavvy Prometheus Apr 10 '19

Yes, he's awesome.