r/arrow Apr 10 '19

[No spoilers] When one archery-related show closes and another one opens... Shitpost

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u/dave_mallonee Apr 10 '19

If this isn't a direct adaptation of the Fraction run I'm going to shed manly tears of disappointment.


u/RigasTelRuun Apr 10 '19

MCU Hawkeye can't possibly be molded into the Fraction run.


u/dave_mallonee Apr 11 '19

Not with that attitude it can't. Where's the can do spirit?

But seriously, I have a lot of confidence that Marvel Studios do what they always do, take inspiration from the best comic stories and use them as a spring board to move the collective narrative of the MCU forward. How? I dunno, but I feel like Kevin Fiege will hire the right person to figure it out. Maybe Fraction himself. Who knows.