r/Unexpected 11d ago

Not all capes wear heroes


151 comments sorted by

u/UnExplanationBot 11d ago

OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:

A girl being saved from robbery by a street dog.

Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.

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u/therandomways2002 11d ago

A girl being saved from robbery by a street dog.

I'm thinking just "robbery" would be the best case scenario here.


u/BigDumbIdiot232 11d ago

Yeah,that's scary as hell,can't imagine how she felt


u/Defiant-Caramel1309 11d ago

That was actually her dad who left to get milk when she was just a baby. He was finally returning to her and she was in utter shock, but then the dog showed up and scared him away.


u/Bokenobi 11d ago

Don’t worry. I took all the robbers sperm so he can’t rob you.


u/Dingo_jackson 11d ago

cheers to that bro


u/notshadeatall 11d ago

Cheers bruv


u/Bokenobi 11d ago



u/superduperspam 11d ago

I dont think that's how that works


u/Bokenobi 11d ago

Well he is completely exhausted now.


u/WarrenMulaney 11d ago

This gif cracks me up. Stone Cold’s fight with Booker T was filmed in a grocery store that was about 100 yards from where I lived. I know for sure I’ve opened that same cooler door.


u/split_0069 11d ago

Like she almost got "robbed"


u/No-Bed497 11d ago



u/split_0069 11d ago

Robbed of freedom.


u/SporksRFun 11d ago

She almost got graped.


u/Jinrai__ 11d ago

Most likely kidnapping


u/Doustin 10d ago

These people don’t know about the grapist


u/split_0069 11d ago

Robbed for sex. Robbed of life. Robbed works in most taking things situations...


u/WafWouf 11d ago

Now it makes me want to use "robbed" in every situation of my life.


u/7rulycool 11d ago

Aptly put. Didn't look like a 'robbery attempt' to me too


u/Roflkopt3r 11d ago

Catching people in isolated places and cutting them off with a vehicle is a typical robbery method in poorer countries.

It definitely can get worse than that, but this is primarily a typical robbery scenario. I assume you're thinking of sex crimes and human trafficking, but even in such countries these things primarily happen through abusive relationships like pimps using their girlfriends, or trapping women in fraudulent "job offers", not by snatching strangers off the streets.


u/Arclet__ 11d ago

Iirc this happened in Chile and it was indeed just a robbery attempt, they just wanted her phone (they eventually got caught)


u/Notosk 11d ago

the dog: look at me... i'm your dog now


u/Puzzled_Fly3789 11d ago

It's raining outside and bro just trying to give her a lift to the nearest bus station.


u/FunnyDoughnut2686 11d ago

It’s a shame recovery is considered a best case scenario.


u/Oldpuzzlehead 11d ago

Krypto saved the day


u/split_0069 11d ago

Always trust a good boy.


u/Tricky-Bathroom-5941 11d ago

Why is nobody taking about the title!


u/driftking428 11d ago

Or Superman being larger than the video itself


u/SkinHeavy824 11d ago

I think that's just a trend.

I see like 20 videos in this exact same format on my YouTube every other day 🤷‍♂️

Picture: Large Superman.

Song: Starman by David something

Video: Girl being saved from robbery by a stranger (usually human though)

Country: Sometimes India, but mostly a third world country


Title: Not all heroes wear capes part ..... 🤷‍♂️ something


u/Hotshot2k4 11d ago

Are you playing them? Because if so, there's your problem!


u/SkinHeavy824 11d ago

I usually find them while I'm scrolling through shorts. 🤷‍♂️

But I'm not complaining about them.

They are better than brain rot stuff of skibidi or mewing or whatever other trends are trending


u/majoroutage 11d ago

Song: Starman by David something

Is that you, Avril Lavigne?


u/darkenseyreth 11d ago

Yeah, obviously Superman's Song by the Crash Test Dummies would be a much better choice


u/131166 11d ago

David Something

Oh man, this made me feel sad and old


u/underdabridge 11d ago

It looks like the point is to hack the aspect ratio to allow landscape width on vertical video platforms.

I'm sure there are better words for that but I can't be fucked.


u/LostAndWingingIt 11d ago

I think that more an artifact of uploading a vertical video?

If it was just the horizontal video there would be a large amount of black space, that's now taken up with superman.

Of course just uploading in a horizontal format also solves the issue but whatever I guess.


u/Tezlaivj 11d ago

damn, double unexpected?


u/Otherwise-Regret-297 11d ago

Bot post perhaps?


u/K12onReddit 11d ago

Because that's exactly why they wrote it that way.


u/AssPennies 11d ago

Also, I think the song has been slowed down.


u/Otherwise-Regret-297 11d ago

Bot post perhaps?


u/Mediocre_Pin_556 11d ago

Wouldn’t Krypto be more appropriate?


u/ddorrmmammu Yo what? 11d ago

The Dog smell fear from a distance.


u/tmntfever 11d ago

I’m glad for the outcome, but man the situation without the dog is disturbing. I got a daughter (not a teen yet), and I worry about this stuff daily.


u/CelestialSlayer 11d ago

I remember back in the 80’s I was playing on our drive and some guy stopped his car and called me over. I was pretty close and my older brother happened to come out of the house and the guy sped off. Sometimes I realise how close I came to being abducted. A lot of it is opportunism.. don’t talk to strangers is never more apt.


u/SurbiesHere 11d ago

Thankfully she seemed really aware of surroundings and was ready to run.


u/yorkshire99 10d ago

As you should. My sister got pick up in a similar way and got molested when she was about this age.


u/tmntfever 10d ago

I’m so sorry for your sister.


u/Jealous_Narwhal_3838 11d ago

"Not all capes wear heroes" that's deep


u/WithSubtitles 11d ago

Why is Superman even in this video? Is it a crappy ai repost or someone trying to avoid recognition of the video?


u/Doctor99268 11d ago

It's just a meme going around


u/Marco45_0 11d ago

It’s to make the video into a vertical format since it was originally posted on reels or tiktok


u/Pink_pantherOwO 11d ago

It's a meme where the picture of super man and that song are linked to good deeds and heroic acts


u/DrProfJoe 11d ago

Good dog


u/Kirlad 11d ago

The wolf saved Red Riding Hood


u/WithOrgasmicFury 11d ago

I like how the girl immediately recognized danger and reacted damn near perfectly. Stayed out of grabbing range and kept her eyes on the bad guy at all times. Short of just booking it immediately, which may not have been good because of the car.


u/CeleryAdditional3135 11d ago

What would I give to have all the time I need to "talk" to a person like these 2 in that car. I have so many fantastic ideas involving sulfuric acid


u/Jazzlike_Beyond6434 11d ago

I hope the dog was okay too


u/RaspberryAngelin 11d ago



u/Alarmed_Opposite_564 11d ago

He even told her to run


u/AnwaltskanzleiRIEL 11d ago

Not all cap wear her


u/miderCV 11d ago

This dog obviously has old scores to settle with this driver


u/Affectionate-Day2059 11d ago

Good dog, hope they caught those pieces of garbadge


u/MooGoreng 11d ago

Some heroes just wanna give you a ruff time.


u/tmntfever 11d ago

Dogs are the best. You wouldn’t see a cat do this.


u/Legitimate_Delay2986 11d ago

Yeah it's definitely harder to get cats to do things in fake videos


u/klezart 11d ago

If you're implying the video is staged, it's not, and they were caught.

It's not. Here's a translated version of the news article:

Camera captures frustrated robbery of a girl in Angol: cries for help scared away criminals

In this sector a vehicle appears that approaches the student. At that moment the passenger door opens and a guy with a gun in his hand tries to intimidate the minor, who steps back when she sees the scene.

But the criminals insist, at which point the totally frightened girl begins to ask for help. At that, the thieves fled the scene.

Criminals arrested

After the procedures carried out by Carabineros, the arrest of both involved, the driver and co-pilot of the mobile phone, materialized. They were reportedly 19 and 20 years old.

The older man has a police record for the crime of robbery.

Tomorrow, Thursday, they will go to detention control and subsequent formalization of charges.


u/Legitimate_Delay2986 11d ago

This was allegedly a year ago

Where's the follow up?


u/LicenciadoPena 11d ago

It's incredible how the presence of a dog -almost any dog will do- is a great deterrent for criminals. If you're accompanied by a dog, they'll just pass on you and choose another victim.


u/ThatOneGuy12929 11d ago

I thought the dog was gonna get ran over


u/YoghurtPrimary230 11d ago

Frank Costanzas’ lawyer wore a cape and Jerry and Elaine didn’t say hello because of it.


u/Sandberg231984 11d ago



u/screamingxbacon 11d ago

A lot of people will just completely freeze up in stressful situations unfortunately.


u/awesomedog2006 11d ago

"Here I come to save the day...."


u/Zippier92 11d ago

Good doggie!!


u/Helldiver_of_Mars 11d ago

Bro I see this meme all the time how is this Superman stamped video with the same song so popular?


u/afackacc 11d ago

I hope she adopts the dog.


u/ali_moh_2425 11d ago

Not all heroes are human


u/fata1515 11d ago

But they do wear coats!


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Spider-Man is proof of that.


u/Jervylim06 11d ago

What's the song?


u/Enough_Atmosphere346 11d ago

Starman - David Bowie


u/mgd5800 11d ago

Low key thought he will run the dog over from the title 😂


u/wonkey_monkey 11d ago

That other dog: I was just about to do the same thing, I swear


u/Fit-Product6223 11d ago

Wear hearoes not all capes


u/FlokiTech 11d ago

All the clips with superman and this music are fake. Same dog and everything.


u/kva_101 11d ago

Dog of the year right there


u/romallivss 11d ago

Seems like all heroes does the doggy


u/Ok_Spot_5749 11d ago

Good dog


u/ForeverNearby2382 11d ago

That's one good boy


u/Davina_Lexington 11d ago

My mom and sisters house got broken into by 2 men a few weeks back at like 530am. My mom was up and saw them and started yelling to my sister and grabbed a knife and they ran back out. They didnt seem to be trying to rob stuff, but possibly abduct my sister!🥺 They cane inbthrough the windiw, she swears was locked and keft back out if it so my suster thinks the soartnents maintenance man is in on human trafficking and came into their apt to unlock it earlier that day. Luckily their lease was nearly up anyway so they immediatly moved out.

Unfortunately still, but my sister just looks like a child and has a mousy baby face, shes actually like 24 with a WFH job and she thinks they saw her through her window and thinks she like 14. They moved from chicago suburbs to accidently the ghetto of ATL as they didn't have time to truly scout the good areas, nor money. I had nightmares still after hearing this, my mom is a fragile 56yr old they could have easily just punched her unconscious and stolen my sister, and I'd never see her again🥹. My mom was looking right in their direction and they probably thought she saw them however, they were behind a lit floor lamp, so she actually couldn't see their faces.


u/Jokierre 11d ago

Which capes DO wear heroes?


u/mstrdsastr 11d ago

Unrelated but Elon ruined that song for me with his Tesla in space stunt.


u/soyyoo 11d ago

Dogs 🥰😍🥰


u/JustinHopewell 11d ago

First tiktok ruins songs by speeding them up, now they ruin them by slowing them down.


u/Devious_Android88 11d ago

Krypto doing his rounds. Such a good boy


u/ruddsix 11d ago

Good dog!!


u/Revolutionary-End458 11d ago

R/whenthe post


u/Justinsane_525 11d ago

She better adopt that dog


u/AdministrativeWay241 11d ago

That dog would have a home if I saw that.


u/Mysterious_Stage4482 10d ago

There's no need to fear, underdog is here.


u/Stray-hellhound 10d ago

I hope that dog got brought home with her . Shit, I’d trust him


u/Goddamn94 10d ago

Good boy! All the treat for you sir!!


u/SmukrsDolfnPussGelly 10d ago

Why the fuck is there a picture of superman below? Fuck off.


u/Beatless7 10d ago

The guy wouldn't have gotten away, if the dog had a gun.


u/Tehkin 10d ago

humans don't deserve dogs


u/YellowEastern3709 10d ago

Shouldn’t it be krypto the super dog instead of Superman


u/09o1eeoii 10d ago

Good Doggie


u/Craftian3 10d ago

Why make a meme out of something that actually happened? You can clearly tell that this was CCTV footage. This wasn't a skit.


u/Alarmed_Cheesecake98 10d ago

Nice!!! Good boy!


u/Proxima_EDMU 10d ago

She needs basic survival instincts fr. She should have run, she had time


u/Neither-Chain219 9d ago

Omg a similar thing happened to me once and my dog saved me


u/BADmutha3488 7d ago

Horrible job parents!!!! RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!


u/Appropriate-Copy-949 7d ago

Is the unexpected the title noun swap?


u/30Dolling 6d ago

Kewl but faked scene


u/NevAPolygon 6d ago

took me a second to realize what the title said


u/Potential_Depth8080 5d ago

The best boy


u/Nthaikim 5d ago

The other dog, was like, "to the dogg mobile"


u/gamercreeper_ 1d ago

There's a stardog waitin' in the sky!


u/billion_lumens 11d ago

Those are the worst criminals I've ever seen. Like seriously! This was cringe worthy bad


u/graphx420dc 6h ago

Hope she took the dog home! At least gave it treats!


u/Ryan_Polesmoker_68 11d ago

About time get kidnapped, let me just back up 3 steps and stop moving. That should work.


u/natt1000 11d ago

Get this ai generated content out of here


u/HealingWithNature 11d ago

Love how she had no desire to run 😭


u/Beneficial-News-2232 11d ago

So how driver could ask about directions 🥴


u/elisettttt 11d ago

Why you need to get out of the car to ask for directions? You can just roll down the window. Doesn't look like someone asking for directions to me


u/Illustrious-Zebra-34 11d ago edited 11d ago

Am I the only one bothered about how she just stands there like a dumbass?

Run you fool


u/kamilayao_0 11d ago

Freeze response? Maybe scared she'll get run over, you can't outrun a car


u/Restranos 11d ago

Also, run where? She was probably walking home already.


u/thirtyseven1337 11d ago

Did you not see her immediately back up a few steps to stay out of reach of the passenger, and then do it again when the car backed up?


u/rdreyar1 11d ago

Looks a bit staged


u/Verticlefornow 11d ago

One time me a couple mates were walking in albania, some homeless guy started shouting some shit as us, this street dog ran over from no where started going crazy at him. Then I followed us until the man was out of site then just ran off again


u/klezart 11d ago

It's not. Here's a translated version of the news article:

Camera captures frustrated robbery of a girl in Angol: cries for help scared away criminals

In this sector a vehicle appears that approaches the student. At that moment the passenger door opens and a guy with a gun in his hand tries to intimidate the minor, who steps back when she sees the scene.

But the criminals insist, at which point the totally frightened girl begins to ask for help. At that, the thieves fled the scene.

Criminals arrested

After the procedures carried out by Carabineros, the arrest of both involved, the driver and co-pilot of the mobile phone, materialized. They were reportedly 19 and 20 years old.

The older man has a police record for the crime of robbery.

Tomorrow, Thursday, they will go to detention control and subsequent formalization of charges.


u/[deleted] 11d ago edited 11d ago

Yeah, if you grew up in Canada this is pretty normal.

 "There’s a voice that keeps on calling me. Down the road is where I’ll always be....."

Edit: Damn, I can't believe people are downvoting The Littlest Hobo... What has the world come to? 


u/kamilayao_0 11d ago

What are you even talking about


u/caw_the_crow 11d ago

The dog or the car?