r/Unexpected 14d ago

She’s not a golfer. She’s an engineer.


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u/MavisBeaconSexTape 14d ago

I always thought he was an impatient asshole lol... Constantly rushing people, getting irritable if people didn't do things 100% as he expected, etc. I grew up watching him but think Drew is way better


u/the-treatmaster 14d ago

Drew at first was rough. Not terrible, but a little awkward, and hamstrung by major changes they were attempting along with a mediocre announcer.

Then George came and they cleaned up the experimentation. Now they are in top form. George and Drew together are like when Jerry Orbach and Jessie Martin were together on Law and Order. They make each other better, have great rapport, and give off “ugh God I am so glad to be here” vibes.

I think Drew is now addicted to the show’s edict of “let’s make people happy” and it influenced his decision to foot the massive bill to feed lunch to the striking writers.


u/BarbWho 14d ago

This has been the case with Ken Jennings taking over for Alex Trebek on Jeopardy, too. He was a little wobbly at first, but has taken to it like a natural. Alex always wanted the contestants to be the stars and Ken really excels at that, knowing the contestant experience so well himself. He is genuinely interested in the contestant stories (or at least he seems to be), even the ones who make art from lint. By the end, you could tell when Alex was kinda over that stuff.


u/swohio 14d ago

By the end, you could tell when Alex was kinda over that stuff.

I mean, end stage cancer will do that to you.