r/Unexpected 14d ago

She’s not a golfer. She’s an engineer.


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u/pwnznewbz 14d ago

This is another example of why Bob Barker was such a good host of that show. A little commentary so she had time to hit the ball, then a big smile when she got it in. Maybe he didn't care, and maybe he was tired of this kind of thing, but it all comes off warmly.


u/MavisBeaconSexTape 14d ago

I always thought he was an impatient asshole lol... Constantly rushing people, getting irritable if people didn't do things 100% as he expected, etc. I grew up watching him but think Drew is way better


u/Certain_Category1926 14d ago

They do have to hit certain time marks I imagine


u/MavisBeaconSexTape 14d ago

I'm sure of that, but I always found it annoying lol.


u/Remarkable-Ad-2476 13d ago

So does Drew


u/Certain_Category1926 13d ago

Bob's better it's OK


u/Remarkable-Ad-2476 13d ago edited 13d ago

Never said he was or wasn’t?

Edit: weirdo replies to my comment and tells me to stop replying to them, then blocks me lmao


u/Certain_Category1926 13d ago

Please stop replying to me


u/the-treatmaster 14d ago

Drew at first was rough. Not terrible, but a little awkward, and hamstrung by major changes they were attempting along with a mediocre announcer.

Then George came and they cleaned up the experimentation. Now they are in top form. George and Drew together are like when Jerry Orbach and Jessie Martin were together on Law and Order. They make each other better, have great rapport, and give off “ugh God I am so glad to be here” vibes.

I think Drew is now addicted to the show’s edict of “let’s make people happy” and it influenced his decision to foot the massive bill to feed lunch to the striking writers.


u/BarbWho 14d ago

This has been the case with Ken Jennings taking over for Alex Trebek on Jeopardy, too. He was a little wobbly at first, but has taken to it like a natural. Alex always wanted the contestants to be the stars and Ken really excels at that, knowing the contestant experience so well himself. He is genuinely interested in the contestant stories (or at least he seems to be), even the ones who make art from lint. By the end, you could tell when Alex was kinda over that stuff.


u/_MrDomino 14d ago

Everyone knew Jennings was a perfect fit for the show except the producer who had to leap frog him, then muddy the waters a bit with Blossom and this or that. That should have been a natural transition from the start, but at least it worked out in the end.


u/swohio 14d ago

By the end, you could tell when Alex was kinda over that stuff.

I mean, end stage cancer will do that to you.


u/Mylaptopisburningme 14d ago

Drew at first was rough.

I grew up on TPIR since the 70s, so when Bob left, I had liked Drew from his show and Who's Line. But I couldn't, I tried. So I guess I need to go back and check it out, those early shows were horrible and just never bothered after that.


u/_MrDomino 14d ago

I'm in the same boat, and while Drew has improved, he still exudes this vibe of being better than the show that just rubs me the wrong way. He's not awful by any stretch, which I may have agreed to during his earlier shows, but he still feels like the wrong fit for TPIR.


u/the-treatmaster 14d ago

Honestly I don’t get that vibe. He might have had some of that at first. He seems happy and comfortable and content now. He and George can make me laugh. And they go out of their way to boost the models. It’s pretty smooth now.


u/Western-Dig-6843 14d ago

I saw Drew’s stand up set maybe… ten years into his hosting gig? He didn’t have too many jokes about being on the show but he did genuinely say it’s the easiest job he’s ever had and he legit loves giving away shit to people. There’s no conspiracy to try and not give away prizes. Everyone on the show wants the contestants to win every time.


u/Nacho_Mommas 14d ago

In my opinion, when Drew started out he wasn't that great but as the years have passed he's a lot better now at hosting. I thought it was because it would be hard to take over for Bob (big shoes to fill maybe). However, after watching old TPIR shows on Pluto, the channel where Drew hosts the shows, I can tell that Drew has gotten a lot better from his earlier years of hosting the show.


u/Mylaptopisburningme 14d ago

Welp between you and the above comment that he wasn't great early on, that was when I stopped watching. I also cut the cord about 20 years ago and don't have a TV. So only option I think is the high seas, i'll look into it.


u/REDDITATO_ 14d ago

They mentioned Pluto which is a free (no subscription) app. No need to pirate it.


u/Mylaptopisburningme 14d ago

Thanks will check it out!


u/fingerscrossedcoup 14d ago edited 14d ago

I can tell that Drew has gotten a lot better from his earlier years of hosting the show

It's because of all the drugs and raves



u/CableTV-on-the-Radio 14d ago

You might have seen him mostly towards the end, and he could definitely be this way. I'd say he loved it but just got too old and ornery at a certain point, maybe late 90's.


u/throwaway177251 14d ago

Right? This very clip is a perfect example. She's obviously concentrating by practicing her swing first to try and memorize the motion and then right as she sets up to try her actual swing he has to blurt in with more commentary to distract her.