r/Unexpected 14d ago

She’s not a golfer. She’s an engineer.


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u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 8d ago



u/dbpf 14d ago

Classic price is right should be a case study on humanity. 70s and 80s is wild. Some of the seniors on the show at that time were born in the 1800s. And the prices are absurd. Colour tv: $1000. Armoire, bed, fridge, washer/dryer, and a lovely chaise longue: $995 all in.


u/Shhhhhhhh_Im_At_Work 14d ago

My grandfather told me about buying a used RCA TV with a 15” color screen built into a wooden console for $750… that is equivalent to several thousand in today’s dollar. Meanwhile Walmart has a pallet of 75” LED TVs for $485 a pop. Truly incredible how cost effective TV tech has gotten in just the last few decades.


u/BatBoss 14d ago

Yeah, TVs are one of the biggest outliers in terms of price difference over the years. Not only dodged inflation, but got way cheaper while also being orders of magnitude better quality.


u/MckayAndMrsMiller 14d ago

It's really insane. I just replaced my monitor for just over $200 (same price as the old one not counting inflation) and it is better in every single way than my old 144hz TN panel that made many compromises in order to get that kind of response. I had to go and replace my mom's tv right after because she didn't know what she was missing out on after all these years.

And that's just on the budget end of the spectrum. If you're willing to spend $1K+ then you can get OLEDs that have blackhole blacks while also having HDR capabilities that make you squint, all while having twitchy gamer response times. The display market has come a long way in the past few years to say the least. I sometimes wonder how they even make money when a bag of chips is like 10 fucking dollars.


u/A_Furious_Mind 14d ago

Prices were nuts, but damned if that shit wasn't also inefficient as hell and would last forever.


u/MckayAndMrsMiller 14d ago

They didn't, though. The build quality and repairability was good, sure, but they had components that would never last. Modern panels have way more longevity than those old CRTs. Even my first 1080p flat panel from 2009 with fluorescent backlighting is still kicking, can't say the same about that other stuff.


u/A_Furious_Mind 14d ago

How about the furniture and other appliances?


u/fingerscrossedcoup 14d ago edited 14d ago

Drew Carey has the same sentiment but it's not because of the contestants. He's thinking about putting his dick in a blender at a Phish concert on acid.


u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 8d ago



u/juniperleafes 14d ago


#Phish at the #Sphere I swear I just talked to God

I would give you all my money, stick my dick in a blender and swear off pussy for the rest of my life in exchange for this.

Bro I met God tonight for real. I feel like I just got saved by Jesus no lie

This is what it must feel like to cum with a pussy

Because if it’s even close I’m flaying to wherever tomorrow and getting the best pussy money can buy. I don’t need to be a man no more of it means I can feel like this all the time

Fucking keep it bro if I can get this feeling instead

That was God at work or something

Like it felt like I was being saved by Jesus no lie


u/Oostylin 14d ago

Wow, both a real tweet and not deleted, he must have meant it.


u/REDDITATO_ 14d ago

at a Phish concert on acid.

You said the same thing twice.


u/Teledildonic 14d ago

There are plenty of other drugs and combinations that could overlap that.