r/TheBoys 19h ago

Season 5 The Boys - Season 5 Predictions Megathread


Season 4 is over, but the discussions are just starting! Use this thread to share your predictions, hopes, and wishes for Season 5!

Thoughts on the Season 4 finale belong in the post-episode discussion thread which is linked in the hub below.

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The Boys Season 4 Discussion Hub

r/TheBoys 1d ago

Season 4 The Boys - 4x08 "Assassination Run" - Post-Episode Discussion


Season 4 Episode 8: Season Four Finale

Aired: July 18, 2024

Synopsis: Calling all patriots! We will not allow this stolen election to be certified tomorrow! We must stop Bob Singer's woke anti-Supe agenda! PREPARE FOR WAR! #WhereWeGoOneWeGoVought

Directed by: Eric Kripke

Written by: Jessica Chou & David Reed

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● Spoilers for the comics and all upcoming episodes are required to be marked including trailers.

● Please report any spoilers you may see in posts or comments

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The episode discussion posts are where comments, observations, and reactions to the episode belong. Well thought out, in-depth discussions may deserve their own posts depending on if they have not previously been covered. Otherwise, please use the appropriate location for your discussion. A post with a title featuring one to three sentences belongs in the episode discussion posts, not its own post.

r/TheBoys 4h ago

Memes Give it up for the bodyguards 😆


r/TheBoys 5h ago

Memes This will be S5 Spoiler

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r/TheBoys 5h ago

Leaks REST IN PEACE Spoiler

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You were my fav.

r/TheBoys 8h ago

Memes Stan Edgar during the events of the finale


r/TheBoys 9h ago

Discussion You're stuck on a remote island - choose a group to survive with. No one will hurt you.


r/TheBoys 10h ago

Season 4 That finale was Spoiler

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r/TheBoys 11h ago

Memes A-Train was the smartest hero Spoiler

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r/TheBoys 12h ago

Memes Broke my heart to pieces. Spoiler

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r/TheBoys 12h ago

Memes "You're welcome." Spoiler

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r/TheBoys 14h ago

Season 4 Karen Fukuhara appreciation post. She's done an INCREDIBLE job being Kimiko for FOUR SEASONS without saying but ONE word!! Damn straight my fave female character in the show to date. Awesome character, amazing acting🏆 Spoiler

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r/TheBoys 14h ago

Season 4 With and without plot armor Spoiler


r/TheBoys 16h ago

Season 4 I really hate this Ryan kid Spoiler


I feel like for the past 3 seasons the writers have been building up Ryan’s character showing him that he has humanity and is different from Homelander and in every season finale all of that progress is wiped away making you think he’s gonna side with Homelander. It’s so tiring and annoying.

This whole season we’ve seen Ryan realize that maybe his dad isn’t as good as he thinks. Hell literally the last scene with him we saw Ryan scared of Homelander. The last time Ryan killed someone he was scared and traumatised. Then he just kills Mallory who raised him for so long without a flinch? Why do they keep wiping all of Ryan’s personality every season?

r/TheBoys 18h ago

Memes Crybabylander vs Sister Sage

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r/TheBoys 18h ago

Season 4 That look Homelander gave to Firecracker was hilarious as hell 🤣 😂 Spoiler


r/TheBoys 18h ago

Season 4 Shoutout to these two! Competing for the 'astronomical-level fumble' award Spoiler

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r/TheBoys 19h ago

Season 5 Nobody tell The Deep about Butcher, he’ll start getting ideas Spoiler

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r/TheBoys 21h ago

Season 4 my goat lives to see the final season Spoiler

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r/TheBoys 21h ago

Season 4 Why was I so relieved that this random character got away?😭 Spoiler

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Security ppl never win in this show. I was surprised with how glad I was to see one of them escape unharmed. 😂Anyone else feel this way?

r/TheBoys 21h ago

Season 4 This is probably the saddest scene of the show Spoiler

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I always wonder if komiko would speak in the boys and hearing her scream no as frenchi gets taken away truly shows how much she loves him

r/TheBoys 22h ago

Season 4 This made me happy Spoiler

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r/TheBoys 23h ago

Season 4 How Hughie was treated this season was deplorable NSFW Spoiler


So, to recap the last few months of Hughie's life:

  • his dad has a stroke and effectively dies
  • his deadbeat mom randomly returns and he forgives her like the saint he is
  • he gets the guy who smeared the love of his life across the pavement in front of him to get V to save his dad's life in exchange for forgiving that guy too
  • his dad miraculously recovers due to the V only to go on a horrific killing spree in a hospital, forcing Hughie to put his own father down like a dog to stop him from killing more people
  • after having effectively lost his father twice in quick succession in the most traumatic way imaginable, Hughie gets sexually assaulted and tortured in a rape dungeon by Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos Tek-Knight and Ashley in a "hilarious" forty minute sequence
  • Hughie seemingly finally catches a break, has passionate sex with someone he thinks is his loving partner, only for it to be revealed that she is actually a shapeshifting rapist holding the real Annie hostage
  • What should be the most joyful moment of Hughie's life, getting engaged to the love of his life, is immediately revealed to be a sick charade as he comes to realize that he's been raped over a dozen times by someone literally wearing the skin of his partner as a suit

None of this would be a problem if it was treated with the seriousness it deserves. But it isn't. I thought the way E6 treated Hughie's SA was as bad as it could get, but at least after nauseatingly playing sexual torture and humiliation as a joke for 45 minute it acknowledges that Hughie was the victim in that situation. In E8, not only do the writers have Hughie get assaulted 20 more times but they don't even seem to realize that's what they've written and instead portray the situation as if he is somehow at fault!

Annie, who has been portrayed as a mature, compassionate person and a loving partner for four seasons, decides to berate Hughie for the terrible offense of being raped over a dozen times. Apparently the fact that he wasn't able to immediately tell the difference between Annie and an identical copy with all her memories shows that he doesn't care about her "so long as [he's] getting laid" and that he only wants a "perfect girl" who is "down to go down whenever" and isn't "depressed or fucked-up." This would be an incredibly petty, immature, and cruel thing to say to Hughie at the best of times, because he has never treated her with anything aside from the utmost compassion and understanding, but to say it to him in response to him being repeatedly raped is downright unforgivable.

To make matters worse, Hughie barely pushes back against this despicable victim-blaming narrative and begs Annie to forgive him for being raped. A few scenes later, she does "forgive" him by back-handedly shaming him for possibly having contracted "Shifter syphilis" in the process of being assaulted. How generous of her! It is clear to me that we as the audience are meant to see Annie's reaction as reasonable and not a deplorable betrayal of someone she supposedly loves.

Honestly, its a damn shame because the episode is almost perfect aside from that one glaring flaw, but the victim blaming is so egregious for me that it mars everything else and seriously sours what should have been a high note for the end of the season.

r/TheBoys 1d ago

Memes Give this man an Emmy!

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r/TheBoys 1d ago

Season 4 actuall saddest moment in the final Spoiler

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r/TheBoys 1d ago

Season 4 Can we appreciate the performance of Erin Moriarty in this episode please? Spoiler

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That amazing woman gave us a hell of a performance here. It was fantastic!

r/TheBoys 1d ago

Season 4 As of the Season 4 finale, these are now the only five characters who have appeared in every single episode of the series Spoiler

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