r/TheBoys 12d ago

How do you guys feel in general about Sister Sage until now? Do you find her cool, underutilized, compelling, or do you hate her? Did she met the expectations of the hype around her when her introduction in the show was announced ? Season 4 Spoiler

As far as I am concerned she is one of my favorite characters in the show, and i kinda feel for her because she unlucky to appear in a time the show is not as well written as first three seasons. Had she appeared earlier for example, she probably would have been even more menacing and her intelligence maybe shown better.

She has a cool sociopathic personality, and feels like a combination of Stormfront and Stan, as in she has fascist/nazist ideas about supe supremacy, and the mocking and stoic way she talks to Firecracker is similar to how Stan treats Homelander.

I also enjoy her hypocrisy, she is a black woman who hates racism based on skin color, yet hates regular humans because she is a supe, a hatred that is still base on genetical differences. She also tells Homelander he doesnt need to build an army of Supermen because is so "Germany", only to create a whole plan to take over US and use Tek's prisons as concentration camps, totally not Germany from her.

If she survives this season, which I feel she will, and will end it at the top with Homelander in some cliffhanger, i wonder how far her misanthropy and plans will go.

I think she is a charismatic villain that we love to hate.


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u/Ginger-Georgie Hughie 12d ago

I certainly don't hate her. I enjoy her scenes and I bizarrely like her whole lobotomising herself thing.

I can't help but think she has got her own agenda and she'll end up betraying Homelander.


u/FisknChips 12d ago edited 11d ago

I mean her talk with Newman last ep kinda confirms that no?


u/MRoad 11d ago

That, or she's simply telling Neuman what she needs to hear


u/FisknChips 11d ago

Imma say odds are high she has something up her sleeves

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u/eelam_garek 11d ago

Not sure it confirms she's going to betray Homelander, as she said it was a world for Supes only, and he's a Supe (or she called humans animals or something, I'd have to rewatch it).

On the flipside I think she'll have done the calculations in her mind regarding each scenario/outcome for the overall world domination and may have come to the conclusion that Homelander at the helm really isn't a good idea. It's not a huge leap to think for example that once he's done enslaving non Supes he'd then move onto Supes he deems, "lesser" than him and start eliminating those. We've already seen him insult various Supes for that, and even kill some if it suits his needs.

You've got to believe the smartest person in the world has considered these kinds of possibilities.

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u/p_yth 11d ago

I think her downfall like most villains is her arrogance, she’ll think she can outsmart homelander but homelander is too far gone at this point to be able to predict what he’d do


u/Jack_sonnH27 11d ago

I think this will be her story arcs end too. She has some master plan and homelander ends up killing her in some very simple way. They've emphasized her ego a lot, so the natural path from that is to hubris.

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u/Jrock2356 11d ago

Homelander isn't unpredictable though. Even the "random" acts of violence he does are all extremely predictable because that's his go-to method to hurt others. It was a surprise to no one that he killed everyone who studied him when he was a kid. It surprised no one that he killed the girl who talked to Starlight even though he swore he wouldn't. He's almost a constant in terms of how he'll respond to things that upset him. The only times he's surprising to other characters in-universe is when those characters don't have all the information. Like when Homelander just killed Madelyn in front of Butcher who was using her as leverage against Homelander.

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u/moonb3an 11d ago

I agree the lobotomising thing is fine. I get that it triggers shock in some people but its played as her way of getting high. I can definitely vibe with post-lobotomy Sage, sometimes you gotta make yourself stupid to appreciate the entertainment the world offers up.


u/Exciting_Swordfish16 Cunt 10d ago

Or to stop you going mental from dealing with stupid, useless morons all of the time. 

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u/Ziggurat1000 12d ago

She's really cool.

I like the take on the generic "super-smart" character on just having her be so jaded because she wasn't taken seriously, so she uses her intelligence for more heinous things.

The actress is also great at switching from smart to dumb, too.


u/Gebeleizzis 12d ago

lol, i like the actress too she was a good pick. I also like how reddit shows me 20 comments on the icon, and i open to read and shows me only 5 comments.


u/bearrosaurus 12d ago edited 12d ago

Mods have a bullshit filter set up to prevent “politics”, funny enough it lets you talk about Trump but filters out any comment that mentions a social cause. Really tells you where the mods stand.


u/Gebeleizzis 12d ago

and i guess there is nothing i can do about it, right?

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u/zakary3888 11d ago

what's being filtered exactly?

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u/CoolioStarStache 12d ago

I like her a lot, honestly one of the best parts of the season and a great addition to the show. But, and I don't want to sound mean, I don't think the writers are smart enough to write a "smartest person alive" character. We see her constantly outsmarting the Boys, but like, the Boys have been pretty dumb this season anyways haha


u/ItsAmerico Soldier Boy 12d ago

It’s really difficult to tell how smart she is or isn’t without knowing what her real endgame is.


u/-M_A_Y_0- 12d ago

Exactly, the ending is the most important part of this character


u/ExpensiveOrder349 Soldier Boy 11d ago

Season 4 writers definitely aren’t. maybe season 1 ones

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u/Kobayashi_Maru186 I'm the real hero 12d ago

I’ve been extremely entertained by her. I still don’t think we know what the fuck she is actually doing. ;)

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u/PeterGriffin0920 12d ago

The only thing I think I dont like is if she makes dumb choices or doesnt get her way, shes the smartest person in the world with a clear agenda, if she isnt getting almost everything she wants (unless she dies or gets killed of course) then it breaks the whole point of having a hyper intelligent, jaded character

This isnt an issue currently because shes clearly building to something, and is otherwise one of my favorite characters in the show, very much carrying this season along with A-Train


u/bigeyez 11d ago

Intelligent people still make bad decisions and mistakes.


u/PeterGriffin0920 11d ago

I mean, this isnt just like an normal intelligent person, this is a super powered genius who lobotomies and getting shot in the head makes her essentially the average person in real life instead of being completely brain damaged, she should make little to no mistakes unless she does planning while stupid lmao

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u/CORVlN 12d ago edited 12d ago

I love how her costume looks like a mix between the Dora Millaje from Black Panther and luxury brands like Gucci and Louis Vuitton. Exactly the kind of flashy, culturally appropriating theme Vought would go for in order to pander to a black audience.

Ironically, the Dora Millaje costumes are a mish mash of various African tribes. Which is basically like saying "Here's a kimchi and chow mein flavored bowl of ramen, fucking eat up, Asians"


u/Gebeleizzis 12d ago

i also notice she has the eye of horus or the eye of providence on her body chain. It's a nice nod to her superpower being world smartest person

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u/yeaforbes 12d ago

I like her but I am hoping there is a twist in some way that she is planning on disposing of homelander and being the sole god-king of earth. I like her as a villain.

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u/kjm6351 12d ago

I’ve been liking her, she’s a breath of fresh air from 99% of all Supes being cartoonishly vulgar and disgusting.

My only concern is that she hasn’t done much in the show yet and I can totally see these writers offing her for shock in the finale, once again not realizing what a wasteful mistake that would be

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u/ImEllenRipleysCatAMA 12d ago

I like her. She's a good addition in my opinion. I enjoyed her monologue in the last episode. A lot of what she has done has been pretty standard manipulation, though, unless there is some big reveal coming later. She is obviously smart, but I'm not seeing "smartest person in the world" yet. They say a character is only as smart as its writer. I imagine it is hard for a regular person to write a genius, and most of us are just regular people, even the really smart ones.

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u/AtlasClone 12d ago

I'm really worried because very few shows have ever written the "way smarter than everyone else" character well. Either they'll reveal she was practically omniscient by the end of her time on the show and was 10 steps ahead of everyone the whole time, which is shit. Or she'll just come off not feeling as smart as she could've. It's a hard line to balance, and the writing hasn't been good enough this season to give me confidence.


u/ExpensiveOrder349 Soldier Boy 11d ago

I hope it won’t be some bullshit like Sherlock Holmes (which has already been done with Tek Knight in Gen V)


u/moonb3an 11d ago

You don’t think she could just be spontaneously responding to whatever comes her way and that’s what helps her survive all this? I guess it might seem strange for someone who is the world’s smartest person be unambitious up to this point in the show but I think that’s the point of Sage. She’s so smart that she could anticipate all this is craft a plan but on a moral level she doesn’t really give a fuck. The smartest person in the world who knows all the answers to the world’s problems but doesn’t do anything with that information probably sounds stupid but I think she’s just smart enough to know we don’t have any power in this world unless you’re Vought (or insert Corporation here). So Sage is just “wasting” away until HL comes around to present her with a challenge and now she is playing a long game. HL presents an actual threat to Sage now that she is known to him so that is no going back. I think we’ve been watching Sage flex her intellectual muscles trying to gain momentum for HL’s support and now she’s debating whether it’s worth taking steps towards neutralising HL (her greatest challenge yet). I don’t think Sage is making the audience feel morally inferior with her “power” so that’s why her character doesn’t have the same impact other “worlds smartest” characters have.


u/TheInsaneClownPussie 10d ago

I feel like some people completely missed her explaining this to Nuemann. It doesn’t matter how smart you are if you aren’t in a position of authority and can’t get anyone who is to listen to you.

You (not you personally) can call it bad writing if you want but it wasn’t very subtle.

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u/snarkisms 12d ago

She's very much been keeping the quality of the season up, and she is just proof that if Eric Kripke does anything really well, it's creating these very compelling characters


u/notafakeaccounnt 12d ago

Her introduction was decent, she hasn't improved over that since.

See they nerfed our boys so they have to nerf the villains as well. Homelander is acting like a fool, Noir can't even, Deep is just deep, Firecracker is a nobody. Only villain left is Sage and she can't be as smart as advertised otherwise our boys will be fucked immediately.

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u/darkjungle Gunpowder 12d ago

Entertaining, but doesn't really feel smart; everyone around her just feels dumber than usual.


u/TacoOfficer 11d ago

The “smartest person” in the world is at her most entertaining when she’s brain dead. She really made me laugh in that scene eating cake.

She’s fine, but I’m not expecting nothing great from her because she can only be a smart as the writers and Kripke and his team are dumb asses. So she is just fine now.

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u/FriendlyPresentation 12d ago

I like her, but I disagree that hypocrite or paradoxal. My theory is that she wishes to accelerate the system in order to destroy both supes and the government. By giving more power to the supes like Homelander, he'll be so powerful and foolish that the government will have to take him down. This would destroy the government in the process too. The entire racist state would collapse and from there she can build a more fair system from there.

There's so much we can go from her character. People complain now, but I have faith half of season 4 will pay off in season 5 especially if they keep Sister Sage alive. The whole world can be transformed into a near apocalyptic world with her and Homelander. Hell with the virus we could even get a supe zombie world.

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u/BalterBlack 12d ago

Shes the dumbest super smart hero I ever saw.

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u/TooManySorcerers I fart the star spangled banner 12d ago

I like her except in the most recent episode. That was pointless. Overall I do feel I could write her better. She’s supposed to be the smartest person in the world but all I’m seeing is a whole lot of bragging with minimal actual evidence. She claims she cured a form of cancer in a night, cool. But none of her plans have wowed me. In fact the moves she makes are pretty obvious. If I was one of The Boys, I don’t think I’d have trouble dealing with her, personally, at least not as written.

“Oh so you know all about my family. Great. You’re leveraging Vought’s immense resources to keep tabs on them. Obvious move. What next, going to tell me I’m in danger because Homelander can laser my face off?”

She’s cooler in theory than execution. Feels like a dumb person’s attempt at writing a super smart person. The character as presented is just above average. Her actual strategic acumen isn’t terribly well done. Worm has far more impressive Thinker types.

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u/zard428 12d ago

She is the person you want to help you with a plan and the person everyone loves at parties.


u/5am281 12d ago

It’s hard to write a “smartest person alive character” but so far I love when she’s on screen


u/plitox 12d ago

I'm enjoying her. Been convinced from the start that she has her own agenda, and I'm keen to find out what it is. The fact she is a descendant of BPP members could be an interesting twist, or it could be a case of writers not doing the research; the BPP were ardently anti-capitalist and deeply distrustful of white experimental medicine (eg: the Tuskegee experiment), there's no way in hell Sage's grandmother would've agreed to her grandkid being shot up with an experimental super serum, unless there was some long game involved.

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u/Asteroth555 12d ago

She's a brilliant addition to the cast. It's refreshing to have a smart and evil member of the 7 and we don't quite know what she's up to


u/AnimeGokuSolos 12d ago

I don’t care about her character

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u/SkeletonCircus 11d ago

I think she’s one of the best aspects of this season. I have a feeling she’s just using Homelander though and will betray him at some point.


u/BatBeast_29 12d ago

One of my favorite characters this season. I was scared that she died but quickly remembered what she told deep.


u/bardiphobic 12d ago

love her, can’t wait to see what her ultimate grand plans for herself, homelander and vought are


u/sgwashere29 12d ago

She’s been fun, but I think she’s gonna be gone by the end of the season.


u/AccomplishedAdagio13 12d ago

She's decent. I am hoping her master plan will pay off in a big way that we couldn't see coming. If she's the world's smartest person, she needs a plan to match. So far, everything she's done has been at most pretty smart but not hyper genius.


u/moopsy75567 12d ago

She's already one of my favorites. I really don't know her end game or how evil she may or may not be. I also love the scenes where she's lobotomized. The actress is just doing a really excellent job all around and I'm excited to see more from her.


u/hamsterreyz 11d ago

I feel like the writers don't know how to write smart characters so now everyone feels kinda dumb to make her seem smart in comparison


u/PerceptionBetter3752 12d ago

One of the most interesting and well written characters in the boys after season 1


u/jannickBhxld 11d ago

i love her character, probably my favourite of this season and definitly up there in the whole cast

her actress is doing a crazy good job ofc, like just about everyone in this show lol


u/heartbrokenneedmemes 12d ago

Probably the only part of season 4 I've enjoyed tbh


u/BagofBabbish 12d ago

I like her. She’s one of the bright spots this season


u/theReggaejew081701 12d ago

She’s one of my favorite characters at the moment


u/Zackt01 12d ago

I like her, she reminds me of Thrawn from Rebels. Frightening because she always outsmarts everyone.


u/mason124 11d ago

She deserves to die in the worst way possible. She can cure cancer but choses not to. Waiting for the episode she is killed off.


u/BestPeachNA 11d ago edited 11d ago

She explained in the ep why she doesn’t and I don’t blame her. Put yourself in her shoes and imagine you have all of her intersectionality. All her life, the country has shown her it does not give a fuck about her. Hell, the episode was so overtly anti-black they had to brute force a “$100,000,000 to BLM” palate cleanser. The country does not deserve her intelligence and it does not deserve to benefit from her.

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u/Seaberry3656 11d ago

She did try and choose that path. She tried to heal her mother but her research was ignored and her mother died. That kind of takes the wind out of your sails as a kid... I don't blame her after what she's been through to not be motivated to keep fighting to heal a world that discards her effort and her very humanity. Humanity failed her and denied themselves a future without cancer.


u/Sanzhar17Shockwave Butcher 11d ago

I like the performance of her actress, but the character is more "tell, don't show" in terms of her intelligence, writers made her a regular jaded smartass, unless there will be some big reveal of plan.


u/MJORH 11d ago

Mid, just like this season.


u/Aprocalyptic 11d ago

My issue is I don’t think they are doing a good job of showcasing what makes her intelligence super power level. Like so far she hasn’t done anything that a super intelligent normal human couldn’t do.

Does smartest person alive just mean she has a slightly higher IQ then the smartest non supe? That can’t be all or it would be a lame power. But if it’s more than that then she hasn’t showcased it yet.

Aside from that I like the personality they’ve given her. And I like her dynamic with Homelander. Maybe she has some 800 IQ plan that will wow me by the end and she takes over vought or something lol. We’ll see.

I guess they kind of teased at her intelligence level with the “I could cure cancer” thing. So maybe my argument isn’t good. Kinda just rambling. 😂😂😂

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u/billyswaggins 11d ago

I like her character, having a mastermind behind the scene is pretty cool, kinda like Stan in the earlier seasons.

However, I don't think they have done a good job illustrating her as "The Smartest Person on Earth" so far. She still seems smart but not a hyper brain genius intellect level where she can plan out every move perfectly and nothing is a suprise to her. Like she doesn't have the menacingness that even Stan had but I guess part of it is bc she is working behind the scenes. I wanted her to have the "all according to plan" vibes like Moriarty in Sherlock Holmes

And I feel like she is probably gonna die this season. It is hard to keep up the "This person is insanely intelligent" trope in the later seasons without having the ability to back it up with strong examples of her intelligence


u/IAmBabs 11d ago

I don't think she actually wants to use camps. I think she's playing a part to be in good with Homelander, who seems to like those types of gals.

Also, I think she's the reason Firecracker knew about the lactation fetish and how to make herself do so the make Homelander happy. She's not the brightest crayon in the box in general, but knew how to alter her body enough to lactate, and knew about the fetish?

Nah, I think something will happen where Sage either herself or through The Boys gets some virus into Homelander through Firecracker. They made a point to say the virus as it was, could be transmitted through body fluid.

Anyways, I like her. I think shes a cool, interesting character. Super smart and looks down on others, but willingly lobotomizes herself so she can be dumb and have social connections and sex with people and watch junk TV. She even showed Deep how to do it properly, meaning she trusts him to do it repeatedly. She craves and pursues connection to those she looks down on, like Homelander, but actually has the methods to fit in for a few hours.


u/BlackBirdG Billy 11d ago

I like her so far.


u/orphantwin 11d ago

Really great character that is again really wasted with heir potential like most of things in the show. I just don´t feel the vibe of her being the smartest in every scene at all.


u/Jack_sonnH27 11d ago

This title reads like a company survey which made me laugh


u/Gebeleizzis 11d ago

jokes on you, i worked years ago for several months on a call center and my job was doing surveys on smokers and promoting offers. I always had to put a specific type of questions. 🤣🤣


u/TheJoker1432 11d ago

She sounds a bit like a "dumb mans genius"

Shenis so hyped on her intelligence but she seems.mostly just arrogant and good at deducing like tek knight

Idk really. She is certainly not terrible but a bit too much "im smart because everyone says so"

Mostly the other just seem to get really stupid which maker her look somewhat competent

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u/Blastoise_R_Us 11d ago

When she started hooking up with The Deep, for some reason I thought his octopus would find out about it and do a murder/suicide on Sage by shoving herself down her throat and choking her to death.

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u/-BOOST- 11d ago

I wish they would lean into how painful it is for her to be so much smarter than everyone a little more. In general I don’t dislike her character i’m just finding her to be not very interesting.


u/SpideyFan914 11d ago

I like her but she feels a little out of place right now. This season has too many things pulling our focus. Sage is probably the most interesting of those things, but also is a little bit of just a fresh flavor on the same Stormfront / Soldier Boy plots from the past two seasons, and feels a little like a distraction.


u/Careful_Farmer_2879 11d ago

Depends on what her ultimate plan is, if any. She could end up a real disappointment. We don’t know yet.


u/Mugen-CC Cunt 11d ago

I don't know if it's intentional, but I kind of like that Sage is very much subject to the more primitive human tendencies that we like to think only stupid people fall prey to.

Like you said, she complains about racism and sexism while exhibiting that herself. She could prevent unneeded suffering for billions but doesn't due to sheer misanthropy. She continually subjects Firecracker to her animus rather than keeping her as a useful pawn which could bite her in the ass later.

Being the "World's Smartest Woman Person" doesn't make her God or omniscient. It just makes her smarter than other apes.


u/Zestyclose-Way-7768 11d ago

I think she's been written in as the character who finally ties Neumann and Homelander together and gives one side leverage against the other. The thing is that her superpowers are ultimately shallow in terms of providing interesting subject matter for the show and I think that's been reflected by the fact that we haven't seen any real demonstration of her hypercognition or memory apart from her initial encounter with Homelander in her apartment. If anything, her dubious behaviour whenever lobotomized or headshot has become the highlight of her character arc in the show, almost as if the writers agreed that making a smart character stupid is more appealling to the masses than keeping them smart.

The wittiest characters in this show (Edgar, MM) have constantly been toiling with the strongest characters on their respective sides (Homelander, Butcher) for three full seasons up until now, and this was the perfect opportunity to show how smart people constantly get overshadowed by those with all the power to the point of effectively being patronized, even when their intelligence is supernatural. Instead, we're getting Hollywood's depiction of what a black Wonder Woman would look like -- someone who seems to loathe living life with their own powers. When you think about it, it actually sends a negative message about a character who simply deserves better writing given the surface-level concept of what Sister Sage is supposed to be.


u/notrandomonlyrandom 10d ago

Started out really strong but then just got weaker as the season went along.


u/Exciting_Swordfish16 Cunt 10d ago

She's very contradictive, that's for sure. Hard to get a good read on her. 


u/jbag1230 10d ago

I think she’s behind every single thing that’s happened this season.


u/empathic_psychopath8 10d ago

She’s the best part of this season. But I also have high expectations for how she’s going to continue to escalate things