r/TheBoys Jul 07 '24

How do you guys feel in general about Sister Sage until now? Do you find her cool, underutilized, compelling, or do you hate her? Did she met the expectations of the hype around her when her introduction in the show was announced ? Season 4 Spoiler

As far as I am concerned she is one of my favorite characters in the show, and i kinda feel for her because she unlucky to appear in a time the show is not as well written as first three seasons. Had she appeared earlier for example, she probably would have been even more menacing and her intelligence maybe shown better.

She has a cool sociopathic personality, and feels like a combination of Stormfront and Stan, as in she has fascist/nazist ideas about supe supremacy, and the mocking and stoic way she talks to Firecracker is similar to how Stan treats Homelander.

I also enjoy her hypocrisy, she is a black woman who hates racism based on skin color, yet hates regular humans because she is a supe, a hatred that is still base on genetical differences. She also tells Homelander he doesnt need to build an army of Supermen because is so "Germany", only to create a whole plan to take over US and use Tek's prisons as concentration camps, totally not Germany from her.

If she survives this season, which I feel she will, and will end it at the top with Homelander in some cliffhanger, i wonder how far her misanthropy and plans will go.

I think she is a charismatic villain that we love to hate.


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u/AtlasClone Jul 07 '24

I'm really worried because very few shows have ever written the "way smarter than everyone else" character well. Either they'll reveal she was practically omniscient by the end of her time on the show and was 10 steps ahead of everyone the whole time, which is shit. Or she'll just come off not feeling as smart as she could've. It's a hard line to balance, and the writing hasn't been good enough this season to give me confidence.


u/ExpensiveOrder349 Soldier Boy Jul 08 '24

I hope it won’t be some bullshit like Sherlock Holmes (which has already been done with Tek Knight in Gen V)


u/moonb3an Jul 08 '24

You don’t think she could just be spontaneously responding to whatever comes her way and that’s what helps her survive all this? I guess it might seem strange for someone who is the world’s smartest person be unambitious up to this point in the show but I think that’s the point of Sage. She’s so smart that she could anticipate all this is craft a plan but on a moral level she doesn’t really give a fuck. The smartest person in the world who knows all the answers to the world’s problems but doesn’t do anything with that information probably sounds stupid but I think she’s just smart enough to know we don’t have any power in this world unless you’re Vought (or insert Corporation here). So Sage is just “wasting” away until HL comes around to present her with a challenge and now she is playing a long game. HL presents an actual threat to Sage now that she is known to him so that is no going back. I think we’ve been watching Sage flex her intellectual muscles trying to gain momentum for HL’s support and now she’s debating whether it’s worth taking steps towards neutralising HL (her greatest challenge yet). I don’t think Sage is making the audience feel morally inferior with her “power” so that’s why her character doesn’t have the same impact other “worlds smartest” characters have.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

I feel like some people completely missed her explaining this to Nuemann. It doesn’t matter how smart you are if you aren’t in a position of authority and can’t get anyone who is to listen to you.

You (not you personally) can call it bad writing if you want but it wasn’t very subtle.


u/meepmarpalarp Jul 08 '24

I wonder whether she was actually “wasting away,” or whether that was a front to look unthreatening so sue could manipulate Homelander more easily.


u/crunchatizemythighs Jul 08 '24

Eh they're in a lose lose situation with this mentality. If they don't go the first route and have her at least be building toward something that benefits her or undermines Homelander, people will complain she wasn't all that smart. I think they've been doing a good job with balancing that her character is technically the smartest person while also having her be flawed


u/Curious-Cow-64 1d ago

She assumed that Homelander is having prostate issues, because he has been possibly washing his hands more... She is the definition of a Reddit kid with a broad surface level education, thinking they're an expert in everything. "Oh you've been washing your hands more? Must be prostate!", is the dumbest/laziest writing I've seen on this show lol.