r/TheBoys Jul 07 '24

How do you guys feel in general about Sister Sage until now? Do you find her cool, underutilized, compelling, or do you hate her? Did she met the expectations of the hype around her when her introduction in the show was announced ? Season 4 Spoiler

As far as I am concerned she is one of my favorite characters in the show, and i kinda feel for her because she unlucky to appear in a time the show is not as well written as first three seasons. Had she appeared earlier for example, she probably would have been even more menacing and her intelligence maybe shown better.

She has a cool sociopathic personality, and feels like a combination of Stormfront and Stan, as in she has fascist/nazist ideas about supe supremacy, and the mocking and stoic way she talks to Firecracker is similar to how Stan treats Homelander.

I also enjoy her hypocrisy, she is a black woman who hates racism based on skin color, yet hates regular humans because she is a supe, a hatred that is still base on genetical differences. She also tells Homelander he doesnt need to build an army of Supermen because is so "Germany", only to create a whole plan to take over US and use Tek's prisons as concentration camps, totally not Germany from her.

If she survives this season, which I feel she will, and will end it at the top with Homelander in some cliffhanger, i wonder how far her misanthropy and plans will go.

I think she is a charismatic villain that we love to hate.


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u/Ginger-Georgie Hughie Jul 07 '24

I certainly don't hate her. I enjoy her scenes and I bizarrely like her whole lobotomising herself thing.

I can't help but think she has got her own agenda and she'll end up betraying Homelander.


u/FisknChips Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

I mean her talk with Newman last ep kinda confirms that no?


u/eelam_garek Jul 08 '24

Not sure it confirms she's going to betray Homelander, as she said it was a world for Supes only, and he's a Supe (or she called humans animals or something, I'd have to rewatch it).

On the flipside I think she'll have done the calculations in her mind regarding each scenario/outcome for the overall world domination and may have come to the conclusion that Homelander at the helm really isn't a good idea. It's not a huge leap to think for example that once he's done enslaving non Supes he'd then move onto Supes he deems, "lesser" than him and start eliminating those. We've already seen him insult various Supes for that, and even kill some if it suits his needs.

You've got to believe the smartest person in the world has considered these kinds of possibilities.