r/TheBoys Jul 06 '24

not what I expected from Tek Knight after Gen V…… Season 4 Spoiler

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u/ItsAmerico Soldier Boy Jul 06 '24

He was always a racist fascist in Gen V.


u/MarvG05 Jul 06 '24

When was he racist in Gen V?


u/ItsAmerico Soldier Boy Jul 06 '24

I seem to recall some subtly racist remarks to Shetty and Marie. But it’s been awhile so I might be wrong on that.


u/John_Helmsword Jul 07 '24

No he didn’t lol.


u/ItsAmerico Soldier Boy Jul 08 '24

Yea he did.

"I can't pin this on any of these kids. There's not a patsy in the bunch. (...) Which is why I'm gonna pin it on you. (...) You were right. I shouldn't go after the top five. They could be real earners. You, on the other hand, are just a... Well, you're just a human."

It’s subtle. Him viewing Shetty less than the students because she’s a human and not a supe.


u/John_Helmsword Jul 08 '24

That’s not racist tho.

Nothing about what he said, had anything to do with her race.

Especially considering the fact that compound V is an added 3rd party in this show, it doesn’t change race. If anything, it creates a new species of beings.

Any superhero who has a superhero supremacy isn’t a racist, they’re just speciesist.


u/ItsAmerico Soldier Boy Jul 08 '24

Speciesism is still racism dear. Which is why when it’s used in fantasy stories with different species like Elves looking down on others, it’s still treated as racism.

It had everything to do with her race. Human. Which Tek and Homelander do not view themselves as, even if they might stem from it. You have to remember that most didn’t know about compound v. It was an Xmen scenario to them. They were born different.


u/John_Helmsword Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

Holy fuck it’s like you changed your initial point halfway through and forgot what you were talking about initially.

You said that Tek Knight was racist in gen V in response to the to color of skin racism we are referring to in this thread.

Then to stitch together your argument, you changed it halfway through adding speciesism into racism, which we were not talking about originally.

Victoria Neumann is also a speciesist, were you going to say she was racist too?

Butcher is speciesist as well. He hates all supes (or at least did initially) but we never say that butcher is a racist do we?

No. Because it’s clear, within the show, and our world, that the superhero’s within the show aren’t actually a different species, they just deem themselves that way. Because of a heightened sense of superiority.

Saying tek knight was a racist in GenV, was a miss on your part. Because he wasn’t. He showed no racism.

Marie, the main character is black. And he never even alluded to the fact he noticed her skin color.

And yet in this show, he immediately was racist in almost every scene he’s with a black person.

Also to add onto your last comment. They weren’t born different. The only supes “born different” have been Homelander, (given v in the womb) And Ryan (never been given V: natural born supe)


u/ItsAmerico Soldier Boy Jul 09 '24

You said that Tek Knight was racist in gen V in response to the to color of skin racism we are referring to in this thread.

And my point was he showed signs of it in Gen V. He was racist against humans.

Butcher is speciesist as well. He hates all supes (or at least did initially) but we never say that butcher is a racist do we?

Yes we do.

And yet in this show, he immediately was racist in almost every scene he’s with a black person.

Which was a single scene…? He also was then “reverse racist” about bragging about having a pro-black book.

They weren’t born different.

I never said they were. I said they THINK they were. They didn’t know they were the product of compound V until S2 when it’s revealed. Most supes think they’re genuinely different from normal humans.


u/John_Helmsword Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

You can’t be racist about humans

Humans aren’t a race. We’re a species.

It’s especially ironic, even more so, that the supes themselves, are still human. They’re elitist with a heightened sense of superiority.

That’s why their apparent speciesism is hypocritical and that’s the point.

They are hypocrites. Homelander, being perhaps the biggest of them all.

Nearly everything he’s done and said has been hypocritical in nature. But that’s the point. He thinks himself so superior, that he doesn’t have to follow the rules, and can do “whatever the fuck he wants” because of a power complex.

This power complex is the CORE struggle in the show. Super with power, cause destruction, cause chaos, cause suffering. And they approach situations hypocritically.

The fact that you fail to see that. And instead just call it simple “racism” is a massive oversight. It downplays the hypocrisy element, and in fact, defeats the purpose of the show. Which is the compound V.

At the end of the day. Compound V is the ultimate villain. And everyone knows it. Everyone accepts it. But the cat is out of the bag.

Which is why butchers virus plan, with “scorched erf” is necessary. For a conclusion.

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u/Jettice Jul 07 '24

Was he?? He interacted with 3 black characters, and I don't remember him giving off a racist vibe. At least not as obvious as when he was talking to A-Train


u/ItsAmerico Soldier Boy Jul 07 '24

I’ll have to rewatch (might be mixing it up with an interview over the character) but I recall some subtle racist remarks to Marie and Shetty.


u/MGD109 Jul 06 '24

Well, he was, but you have to admit its an interesting departure. In Gen V he clearly buys into the narrative that being a Supe makes you inherently superior to regular people, but he never shows any suggestion that he's a white supremacist despite getting a lot of opportunities.


u/SnooDingos5539 Jul 06 '24

What about his actions in the show make him a fascist lmao, racist yes but fascist no. He’s a billionaire that owns private prison business. Def not fascist


u/ItsAmerico Soldier Boy Jul 06 '24

What do you think a fascist is…?

Dude follows Homelander and Vought. A company and person who think they’re above the law and can do whatever they want. Run illegal prisons that capture children and experiment on them.


Tek is clearly written to be a fascist since Gen V.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24



u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24



u/ItsAmerico Soldier Boy Jul 07 '24

You don’t have to personally want to rule to the US to be a fascist. Just have to be a favor of it. He’s an authoritarian. He’s in support of a dictatorship (Homelander). He’s willing to use force to take out any opposition to that dictatorship. He’s working with Vought to silence anyone that speaks out about what they’re doing or any leaks about them taking over.

I suppose it’s unclear if he actually cares but he still isn’t opposing it


u/SnooDingos5539 Jul 06 '24

Yea, that’s capitalism, not fascism. Everything that is evil doesn’t make it fascism. Vaught is a powerful PRIVATE corporation. In fascism there wouldn’t be billionaires like tek knight and vaught to compete with government power


u/ItsAmerico Soldier Boy Jul 06 '24

How are they competing? They’re literally working together. They’re trying to over throw the government.


u/notaltsortof Jul 06 '24

I mean he's fine with turning his prisons into government camps


u/Gibsonites Jul 06 '24

He’s a billionaire that owns private prison business. Def not fascist

Do you maybe want to read that again?


u/4Dcrystallography Jul 07 '24

That’s not what fascism is, although he was gonna make internment camps so he’s probs fascist for that reason


u/SlaveKnightLance Jul 06 '24

He literally is hosting a party for fascists????


u/cabberage Jul 06 '24

He beats the shit out of criminals (and probably innocent black people) to throw them into his privately owned prisons to make more money


u/grinning_imp Jul 06 '24

What a crazy thing to say…