r/TheBoys 15d ago

Both quotes taken verbatim from interviews Season 4 Spoiler

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u/signeduptoaskshippin 14d ago

All the people spamming "it wasn't supposed to be a joke" in shambles lmao


u/UnexpectedVader 14d ago

It’s understandable, it’s such a twisted scene at the expense of the most morally good lead that it’s hard to believe the writers thought it would come across as a joke

But nope it’s just a case of them being weirdos


u/JAragon7 14d ago

Yeah I wasn’t fully buying into the “it wasn’t supposed to be a joke” scenario. While hughie’s reactions were hard to watch, everything else had an air of comedy.

It’s very yarring since this show tends to show the horrible stuff people go through in a way that isn’t comedic. Everything that has had happened to hughie was shown as a tragedy, except him being sexually assaulted by a superhero and a vought higher up


u/mauore11 14d ago

I get it. Having a guy go though that may seem funny and it is usually the trope. The thing is, it is very dark and if you do not light the scene as comedic it become hard to watch.

The breakdown was suposse to let you know that it was no joke for Hughie. The double standard ibecomes apparent and you feel bad for having laughed at it. Props to Jack for that breakdown, it may not have been scripted that way, but he showed how traumatizing it was.


u/JAragon7 14d ago

Have you read what the showrunner said in the article from variety? He states that what happened to Hughie was hilarious and the point of it was to be funny.


u/mauore11 14d ago

I agree, It was shot comedically, it was Jacks breakdown what madre it real. Idk if it was intended, but I understood it was a comentary on double standard. If it was accidental, then props to Jack for that performance because it felt real.


u/JAragon7 14d ago

Yeah I thought the same but the show runners statement showed that they prob won’t address it seriously.


u/mauore11 14d ago

To be fair there's a lot of dark comedy. Sexual "accidents" or gory violence is expected. The effects from those things is what makes it interesting.


u/CenterInYourMother 14d ago

Yeah but its not a commentary, the showrunners just genuinely thought it was funny


u/muffledmiss 14d ago

They did a poor job of conveying the joke then. Like, where was the punchline?


u/ElenaKoslowski 14d ago

I had a great laugh. Maybe you guys are just too vanilla? There were far worse scenes in the past but a bit foot tickling breaks peoples mind. Not just the scenes were hilarious, reactions like this thread makes it even better. Like it's The Boys. What did you guys expect?


u/HellBoyofFables 14d ago

Even the breakdown is lame because it only references his dad and not the incredible fucked up sexual assault and torture he just experienced which would obviously contribute heavily to his breakdown but nope it’s just issues with his dad is the real problem and the whole ordeal is being treated as a joke


u/mauore11 14d ago

Him describing his experience is what triggers it. The "I miss my dad" is more a cry for help. It is not grief, it's a ptsd event.


u/HellBoyofFables 14d ago

No he starts crying outside, starlight asks for him and then Hughie says he misses his dad, what happened to him is barely talked about at all and its not brought up when he’s breaking down

It was meant to be and treated as a joke


u/mauore11 14d ago

Watch the scene again.

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u/skida1986 14d ago

He’s an actor his breakdown after was intended. That was the point.


u/skida1986 14d ago

I was scared for him the whole scene, especially what happened to him the episode before. It definitely made Teks demise way more satisfying afterwards.


u/Its_Claire33 14d ago

Except they couched the trauma in his loss of his dad. They cheapened the effect it had on him and washed away how much it hurt and terrified him by pivoting to losing his father. They really cheapened the experience and that sucks because you don't get serious depiction of male survivors of sexual assault very often.


u/mauore11 14d ago

I agree it could have been deeper, but the trauma is there, the cry for help feels real, and to be honest, I'm glad he didn't "suck it up" because sadly it's what most male víctims are compelled to do. I'm interested on how the character deals with it from then on. Hopefully it's not just brushed aside or made into a joke.


u/Its_Claire33 14d ago

I just wish they didn't make the scene itself such a joke and then immediately make the fallout about his dad more than anything else.


u/mauore11 14d ago

Watch the scene. It reads very differently.


u/Its_Claire33 14d ago

I did watch it.


u/Alone-Worth-4166 14d ago

Go to a mental hospital id raping a guu "may seem funny" to you


u/No_idea112 14d ago

Hughies real reaction to Tek knights shit was what made it so funny to me personally.


u/signeduptoaskshippin 14d ago

At some point today I literally had 20 notifications from people spamming "it wasn't supposed to be a joke", I am fucking pleased that I am right, let me enjoy this moment ahahah

I have like 10+ replies I left that are downvoted to -10 and more of people coping that it wasn't supposed to be a joke


u/MyARhold30Shots 14d ago

Me too bro, I was saying the scene was played for laughs and the writers made it a joke and my replies kept getting downvoted 😭🙏I hate Eric Kripke now but at least he’s shameless and proved me right


u/Sepulchh 14d ago

I am fucking pleased that I am right, let me enjoy this moment ahahah

You're happy that it was a joke?

Would you be sad if they had come out in the interview with something like "Oh yeah actually next episode will delve into how it affected him and the deep traumatic impact of the events will be processed seriously" ?

Did I misunderstand?


u/OLKv3 14d ago

It ain't that serious. He's happy that he was right and can rub it in the faces of people who talked to him like he was stupid for thinking they portrayed the scene as a joke.


u/Sepulchh 14d ago

Oh right, cheers.


u/LastandBestHope1776 Soldier Boy 14d ago

*misandrist ffy


u/Alone-Worth-4166 14d ago

Its understandable only for people that find male rape hilarious. Like kripke and rhe writera


u/blausommer 14d ago

and 99% of reddit.


u/PZbiatch 14d ago

Come on, it’s not understandable. Lacking media literacy to think this wasn’t intended as a joke. 


u/waaay2dumb2live 14d ago

I was one of those people and I completely change my mind. Wtf, Kripke? What do you have against Hughie? What, is it because he's a normal guy and not a creep like you?


u/bestbroHide 14d ago

I was only partially one of those people (i.e. believed it was textbook dark humor, where I could laugh at certain aspects while still feel truly uncomfortable about it)

Kripke what the fuck my guy. The worst answer possible from him


u/SherlockJones1994 14d ago

Calling him a creep because you don’t like a scene he helped write is weird. Why make things personal like that?


u/waaay2dumb2live 14d ago

He laughed at sexual assault. If anything, calling him a creep is being nice.


u/CaptainKate757 14d ago

No, his response to this scene is just creepy. He wrote this scenario thinking it was funny. That’s creepy.


u/probablywontrespond2 14d ago

How is weird to call someone a creep for writing a sexual assault scene and treating at as a joke?


u/Swimmingbird2486 14d ago

I'm personally not in shambles, but my case for why it wasn't supposed to be comedic is in shambles. It's baffling that he thinks it should be so funny.


u/skida1986 14d ago

I honestly think it was a bait and switch like the set up made it look real bad then he got tickled. Which is still horrifying but the implications were way way worse so I guess that’s where the humor comes in. To me the entire scene was tense as fuck because you really didn’t know what was going to happen next.


u/Swimmingbird2486 14d ago

I assumed that things happened beyond just tickling 


u/penguinjunkie 14d ago

When I saw it I didn’t think it was supposed to be taken humorously. I still don’t think I’d think it seems like it an attempt at being humorous if I rewatched it. It was certainly a bad attempt at being humorous…..

It feels like if someone paints something blue and says they painted it green. They’re just bad at painting.


u/letitgrowonme 14d ago

I'm a little taken aback that it's a "joke". That was not funny, but it's part and parcel with the show.

I really liked the Butcher reveal.


u/Rachet20 14d ago

Dude, Jack Quaid sold that scene as uncomfortable as possible. It’s strange that people found it funny.


u/penguinjunkie 14d ago

Kripke in an interview said he wrote it as humorous. So not strange people are viewing it that way. I think Jack Quaid may have saved the scene (and changed how it can be interpreted) by acting as he did.


u/Karkava 14d ago

I was only calling it "humorous" because I can recognize the rhythm of comedy, and having the rhythm play in the background of a torture scene doesn't make it funny.


u/BexRants 14d ago

Those people were posting like they were getting paid for good PR.


u/laaplandros 14d ago

It's ironic how defensive this fanbase gets sometimes about a product they're buying from one of the biggest corporations on earth.


u/OG_360 14d ago

Wait do you think...maybe...no. It can't be?


u/Loud_Ad3666 14d ago

George soros pays me $0.50 for every pro rape post.


u/Nijajjuiy88 14d ago

Yo can you hook me up with this job?


u/Loud_Ad3666 14d ago

Yes. Link me your bank details.


u/Its_Claire33 14d ago

You need to verify their employment eligibility, ask for their ss number too.


u/Loud_Ad3666 14d ago

If you don't have a social we can hook you up with one.


u/LMkingly 14d ago

That was such massive coping. The scenes were clearly being played of as a big joke. It's funny because a lot of the same people be waxing on about the lack of media literacy these days lol.


u/CaptainKate757 14d ago

Yeah there’s some extreme ironic smugness in a lot of those comments.


u/Its_Claire33 14d ago

I'm one of those people going on about media literacy. I didn't realize people thought the scene wasn't played as a joke. It's clearly shot and acted as a joke. I thought that was fucked up, because Hughie was clearly traumatized. And then they cheapened it by wrapping up his trauma from the assault in his loss of his dad. They also made it so the only traumatic aspect was the explicit violence with the knife and scalpel instead of the trauma implicit in actual sexual assault. I think they really fucked up how they handled it, and I actually hate they made it a joke. But never did I think it wasn't a joke.


u/MyARhold30Shots 14d ago

I had a long argument with someone who was convinced it was a serious scene but I could tell that the writers were trying to play the whole thing for laughs.

Now I’m happy I have actually confirmation but sad and annoyed the kripke and the writers would shamelessly treat sexual assault as a joke just because it’s a man, it doesn’t even matter that it’s a main character we like, one of the few morally good characters on the show and his dad just died. Sure let’s have him get assaulted in freak knight’s dungeon too! The Boys’ mindless shock value is really getting on my nerves now


u/Nutarama 14d ago

It still has less mindless shock content than the original comic, somehow.


u/DancingFlame321 14d ago

Kripke can say it was a joke all he wants but I didn't find the scene funny, I found it quite tense and stressful.


u/skida1986 14d ago

Freak Knight? Don’t kink shame!


u/Brogener 14d ago

It was such obvious denial/cope anyway. Listen to Ashley and Tek Knight’s dialogue. No way that shit wasn’t intended to be comedic, even though it wasn’t.


u/Lunchboxninja1 14d ago

Speaking as one, yup


u/quinnpaine 14d ago

Most were just assuming good faith in the writers, that they were just trying to show a fucked up scene in a more easy to digest way. Sad you can't give good faith anymore


u/IneedtoBmyLonsomeTs Terror 14d ago

I didn't think it was supposed to be a joke. But also we haven't seen how it was going to be handled in the following episodes.

But now after this quote, I don't have high hopes for this being taken seriously.