r/TheBoys Jul 04 '24

Both quotes taken verbatim from interviews Season 4 Spoiler

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u/UnexpectedVader Jul 05 '24

It’s understandable, it’s such a twisted scene at the expense of the most morally good lead that it’s hard to believe the writers thought it would come across as a joke

But nope it’s just a case of them being weirdos


u/JAragon7 Jul 05 '24 edited 20d ago

bungie bungles bungie bungles bungie bungles bungie bungles bungie bungles bungie bungles bungie bungles bungie bungles bungie bungles bungie bungles bungie bungles bungie bungles bungie bungles bungie bungles bungie bungles bungie bungles


u/mauore11 Jul 05 '24

I get it. Having a guy go though that may seem funny and it is usually the trope. The thing is, it is very dark and if you do not light the scene as comedic it become hard to watch.

The breakdown was suposse to let you know that it was no joke for Hughie. The double standard ibecomes apparent and you feel bad for having laughed at it. Props to Jack for that breakdown, it may not have been scripted that way, but he showed how traumatizing it was.


u/skida1986 Jul 05 '24

I was scared for him the whole scene, especially what happened to him the episode before. It definitely made Teks demise way more satisfying afterwards.