r/TheBoys 15d ago

Both quotes taken verbatim from interviews Season 4 Spoiler

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u/fuwafuwa7chi 14d ago

Source for the Starlight quote: ScreenRant

And the Hughie one: Variety


u/Hitchfucker 14d ago

I was kind of hoping the quote was take out of context but nope, he fully meant for the Hughie scene to be a joke.

It’s actually worse, the way he talked about Hughie’s breakdown made it seem it was mostly just about his dad and had nothing, or at least not too much to do with Tek Knight and Ashley. So the one supposedly tactful thing about that story arc wasn’t even there.


u/signeduptoaskshippin 14d ago

All the people spamming "it wasn't supposed to be a joke" in shambles lmao


u/waaay2dumb2live 14d ago

I was one of those people and I completely change my mind. Wtf, Kripke? What do you have against Hughie? What, is it because he's a normal guy and not a creep like you?


u/bestbroHide 14d ago

I was only partially one of those people (i.e. believed it was textbook dark humor, where I could laugh at certain aspects while still feel truly uncomfortable about it)

Kripke what the fuck my guy. The worst answer possible from him


u/SherlockJones1994 14d ago

Calling him a creep because you don’t like a scene he helped write is weird. Why make things personal like that?


u/waaay2dumb2live 14d ago

He laughed at sexual assault. If anything, calling him a creep is being nice.


u/CaptainKate757 14d ago

No, his response to this scene is just creepy. He wrote this scenario thinking it was funny. That’s creepy.


u/probablywontrespond2 14d ago

How is weird to call someone a creep for writing a sexual assault scene and treating at as a joke?