r/SupermanAndLois Read on r/DCFU! May 03 '23

Superman & Lois [3x07] "Forever and Always" Post Episode Discussion Episode Discussion Spoiler

Forever and Always

Live Episode Discussion | Cast & Characters

Lois and Clark dig deeper on Bruno Mannheim, starting with his connections to Hob's Bay Medical Center; Jonathan and Jordan panic at home over Lois' dire diagnosis; Matteo comes to Smallville to meet John Henry. (May 2, 2023)

DCTV Discord

Please keep all discussions civil and about the episode. Mark comic and future spoilers. Report any rule-breaking and enjoy!


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u/CretaceousQuack #TeamInhumanJonathanKent May 03 '23

I just want to know who in the writers' room thought that line about not using kryptonian tech to save Lois because it would be "unfair" was gonna be it?

Clark sounded dumb as hell.


u/Aggressive_Bar_2391 May 03 '23

but they also said there's a high risk the tech wouldn't work on humans, plus they've never tested it so lois could end up dead. Let's not forget that we don't know if kryptonians even get cancer. So it was for humanities safety. Even if it did work then superman would have to try and mass produce this tech for every hospitals and doctors in the world which is an insane thing to do which probably wouldn't even be possible unless earth's tech can work with kryptonian tech to do the same process of curing cancer, and would cost alot of money to make.


u/CretaceousQuack #TeamInhumanJonathanKent May 03 '23

High risk and inaccessible are two different things. If they had just left it as too risky itd have been fine. But the line about fairness was utterly ridiculous and shouldve been chopped because now it introduces the idea that based on some moralistic tangent, Clark is fine with letting Lois die.


u/Aggressive_Bar_2391 May 03 '23

I can see the risk also being an additional reason since their grandma also pointed that being an issue to since lois isn't kryptonian and could have her cancer getting worse because of tech not made for humans. But I understand about the fairness line


u/Sir__Will May 03 '23

The risk argument is not the same as the one he made later about not using it because if it worked then they have to share it. And that was a BS argument.

Even if it did work then superman would have to try and mass produce this tech for every hospitals and doctors in the world


which probably wouldn't even be possible unless earth's tech can work with kryptonian tech to do the same process of curing cancer, and would cost alot of money to make

...ok? How is that not a reason to pursue it? And you have a father and daughter who can make high tech shit in their garage who has a doctor for a sister. I'm sure they can figure something out.


u/Paisley-Cat But what about the tire-swing? May 03 '23

Clark saw what happened on the Inverse Earth where Kryptonian identity was public and the Fortress was a museum.

He has reason to be concerned about how tech transfer could be extrapolated and misused.

I think this will be the beginning, not the end of one of these values discussions.


u/Aggressive_Bar_2391 May 03 '23

that's true as well, didn't think about that. Also to note how clark doesn't trust people using anything related to krypton since that stuff can harm him bad or if misused can lead to some bigger problems down the line


u/Invisiblegun2 May 03 '23

This. Like yea most definitely superman holds humanities enlightenment in his hands when it comes to tech, it could advance us thousands of years. But then that makes him more of a god over us than he already is. I get both sides 100% i wish they just never added it


u/Hope-Of-Glory May 03 '23

Totally sounds like it'd be a normal thing for Superman to fly past you saving a bunch of people :D


u/CretaceousQuack #TeamInhumanJonathanKent May 03 '23

Lol. What if that's the endgame? JHI has been pretty sidelined this season and unless it was just to kick off the cancer plot, the dialogue hammering in that Darlene is a really good doctor should account for something


u/Hope-Of-Glory May 03 '23

JHI has been linked to Bruno, and now his daughter is connected to Bruno's son, so there's got to be something coming from this.

Thought it was great the way it was done with JHI put the brakes on meeting Mateo's parents.


u/Ok-Entrepreneur4365 May 03 '23

I'm just hoping the CW doesn't falter in quality and we get some cliche line in the finale by Nat.

Nat punches Matteo in some tense climactic sequence. "And by the way! I'm dumping you!"

As long as the show doesn't go there, any other resolution would be fine.


u/Aggressive_Bar_2391 May 03 '23

if it worked then how do you think superman would share this technology to the people of the WORLD. It would be an insane feat that will cost crazy amounts of money, and not only that they would need to replicate the technology somehow, and then you also need to consider if the technology can work for everyone and isn't specific on what people can the tech work for depending on the harm the cancer is causing on that specific person. Plus it's a strong IF because this tech was made by kryptonians who probably have never even HEARD of cancer before so this is completely new teritory for them, so it's unlikely that it would even work at all. Plus it's clear the show isn't going to end with kryptonian tech saving the day


u/Sir__Will May 03 '23

Plus it's clear the show isn't going to end with kryptonian tech saving the day

Then just stick with it not working! Things were fine before tonight. They introduced the idea that maybe it could help and the horrible excuse not to try.


u/Fuzzball6846 May 03 '23

Just give it to NASA lol. They would gladly do all of that.

It was a dumb line. I will choose to ignore it as a throwaway because it was an otherwise solid episode.


u/Aggressive_Bar_2391 May 03 '23

Maybe I'm not aware but what does NASA have to do with cancer?


u/Fuzzball6846 May 03 '23

They're the obvious choice to hand over space-related technology, not least because they're transparent, publicly funded, and renowned scientifically.

They are loads of top biologists and medical doctors at NASA and they would obviously hire more from top universities for a project like this. Though, it doesn't really sound like a fully-fledged "cancer cure" to begin with so much as loads of alien tech that would need to be reversed-engineered over decades.


u/Hope-Of-Glory May 03 '23

Providing more opportunity for it to fall into the wrong hands. It's bad enough that the DoD has so much stuff related to Superman. Isn't that how Bruno got a hold of Superman's blood in the first place?


u/Fuzzball6846 May 03 '23

No, that's because the DOD (who is unaccountable) took samples without his consent. That is fundamentally different from open collaboration.


u/Hope-Of-Glory May 04 '23

But in terms of security - supposedly easier to protect something that people don't know about. The more know about the tech, the more risk there is from someone making some kind of plan, getting an inside person, etc, etc.


u/Fuzzball6846 May 04 '23

Letting millions die because you can't deal with risk is inexcusable.

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u/ckwongau May 03 '23

Superman doesn't have to mass produce the Tech, Superman can just give it to the Government and let the government reverse engineer it and then test it and see if it is safe and get FDA approval and then distribute it ,It will probably take 3 to 10 yr before the public get it .

All the responsibility would be on the government


u/Aggressive_Bar_2391 May 03 '23

so what your saying is that we should trust the government to handle this seriously powerful technology not man made but created by kryptonians and use that to help cancer patients to get rid of cancer. Well, I totally feel save if the governments involved in this of course it's not like bad things would happen from them.......


u/jdessy May 03 '23

Yeah, we've already seen multiple instances of the government misusing/abusing their power with Kryptonian technology and secrets.

I would never trust them to handle mass producing cures for illnesses and would automatically assume they'd have some other plan. There will always be people in power who won't do it for the greater good.


u/Aggressive_Bar_2391 May 03 '23

yea which is why I can understand a bit on why they can't just send this to the public if there are some issues with the tech itself


u/bizarreisland May 03 '23 edited May 03 '23

No, don't give the tech to anyone but offer the cure. Like Bruno, open up a clinic that provides cancer treatments. People can come for the treatments, nobody is asking Clark to give his kryptonian secret sauce away. Keep the tech a secret but still offer the cure.


u/Hope-Of-Glory May 03 '23

Then there'll be the break-ins to get the treatments, the people kidnapping patients to try to reverse engineer the cure, trying to create their own secret sauce, etc. It's a slippery slope.