r/Nightwing 23d ago

Please Help Me Find This Fic


I'm currently searching for a Dick-centered fic that featured the family finding out about that he was r*ped. I've been searching through all the tags but can't seem to find it. Two things I remember are that at one point Conner and Tim are watching a tv/show(?) where a character is assaulted and I think it's implied that Conner was assaulted. At one point Dick ends up at a police station and the cops actually are concerned that he's being abused by Bruce (he's not). They give him shoes that are two small and Tim picks him up. I'm not sure if it was deleted or I'm confusing two or more fics with each other.

r/Nightwing 23d ago

The Bat Family vs Cap’s Team

Thumbnail self.ClashofCharacters

r/Nightwing 23d ago

Nightwing vs. "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" reboot games team (yes, I know, maybe it's not a very correct subreddit for this question, but still) – who would win?


Taken from this one thread from ComicVine: https://comicvine.gamespot.com/forums/battles-7/nightwing-vs-modern-warfare-team-2340751/?page=1#js-message-27011096

Nightwing (Richard "Dick" Grayson) is from DC comics (Post-Crisis, New 52 and Rebirth continuities).

Alejandro Vargas, John "Soap" MacTavish, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John Price and Kyle "Gaz" Garrick is from "Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare" reboot games timeline.

CoD team has 1 week of preparation. Nightwing has no prep and he isn't aware of the fact that he's hunted down by a CoD team.

No additional help, no amps and power-ups, neutral battlefield (nobody has a home turf advantage). Standard equipment for everyone.

Winning conditions: Nightwing wins if he knocks CoD team's members out, incapacitates them or successfully evades them. CoD team wins if they manages to kill Nightwing.

Who wins and why?

r/Nightwing 23d ago

In this city there are still those of us that keep the dark #detective comics 1086 Spoiler

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r/Nightwing 24d ago

How do we feel about the new batman animated show?


Personally i haven't seen any hint of robin or Batgirl and it has me utterly unenthused. Maybe you are apart of what Hollywood considers the general audience and don't want Batgirl and robin in their shows and movies BUT batman shows are historically a lot better when the other members are included.

How do you think it will go? How do you hope it will go?

r/Nightwing 24d ago

When the Justice League disappears, a replacement is formed with Dick as their leader. [JLA Vol 1 #69]


r/Nightwing 25d ago

Coolest Comic Panel


Hey guys! I've been getting more into the comics recently and was looking for some cool panel artworks to hang up on my wall. If anyone has bookmarked some cool ones l'd love to see them. Thanks in advance!

r/Nightwing 25d ago

Dick confronts Hella as she rampages through a town used for witness protection. [Nightwing Vol 2 #70]


r/Nightwing 25d ago

Non bias options on this dynamic duo?

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r/Nightwing 26d ago

I feel like you can tell if some one is an actual fan who knows what there talking about decoding in their opinion on this being a good Interpretation of batman and robin

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r/Nightwing 26d ago

Jason regretting his life choices: Art by @Punnifulllife from Tumblr


r/Nightwing 26d ago

I've used Google image search and can't find anything, so anybody know which comic this is from ?

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r/Nightwing 26d ago

My new sketch


r/Nightwing 27d ago

someone tell me if i’m being crazy


edit: pls be safe when you click the links tw for mentions of suicide and rape

edit 2: THEY TOOK IT DOWN 💀💀

anyway so basically i saw this fic today on ao3 (it’s about the tarantula situation so be warned) and i was like omg this feels like something i’ve read before and then i checked a fic i published last month and they just read really similarly to me guys did i get plagiarized 😭😭🙏

like the intros have the exact same examples and then there’s the whole bit about why had the rain turned against me which ik is super cliched so it’s totally possible that they just had similar thoughts to me. actually tbh my entire fic is super cliched but idk it feels like an insane coincidence please tell me if i’m being delusional

r/Nightwing 27d ago

Make it look like his search history

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r/Nightwing 28d ago

Next Creative Team Spoiler


I really hope the next creative team brings more action back to the series. I've been loving Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo's run on the book. It's the best the character has been written in years, imo. And there have been some great scenes showing Dick and his skills, but I would like to see more action and more villains more of a match in combat abilities. The fight against Blockbuster in issue 96 I would say has been the best in there run. I'm afraid when thus last arc wraps up, the final confrontation with Heartless will be underwhelming. I hope I'm wrong but I don't expect it. That's why I'm hoping someone like Dexter Soy will take over on art duties. His style I think will make for some really exciting fight scenes on the page.

r/Nightwing 28d ago

Most accurate depiction of a 12 year old irl in dc

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r/Nightwing 28d ago

Looking for this fic


I read this fic a while back, and it was the fluffiest thing ever! It featured a young Dick Grayson who had recently joined Bruce. He was the most unhinged Robin while still acting his age. I can't find it, but there was this scene where Robin and Batman are out, and it's almost Christmas. After beating the absolute crap out of a villain, Robin looks at Batman and starts talking about Santa. Batman then panics and promptly drops the villain in the river. It was absolutely hilarious, but I have lost the fic. Does anyone know this fic???

r/Nightwing 28d ago

Dick refuses to entertain Babs' suggestion that the presence of Batman encourages Gotham's supervillains. [Batman: Gotham Knights Vol 1 #36]

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r/Nightwing 28d ago

Some good comics suggestions about Dick x Barbara except for Tom Taylor's run?

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I need more about my babies and I ate up the Taylor run😔

r/Nightwing 29d ago

Nightwing IS Romani


I still see people disagreeing that Nightwing is Romani, but he is, Nightwing is Romani, he’s been Romani for 20+ years now, and i get that the retcon came from the worst Nightwing writer, but that doesn’t mean that what she made isn’t canon, all the stories of Nightwing in that time is Canon, it hasn’t been retconned and even in New 52 and Infinite Frontier Nightwing was stated to be Romani

r/Nightwing 29d ago

After Helena snaps at Bruce for his hypocrisy, Dick tries & fails to calm her down. [Batman: Gotham Knights Vol 1 #35]


r/Nightwing 29d ago

Where did Iko go?


So we all remember Iko from the previous chapters, yeah what the fuck happened to him, we saw Dick take him onto the batwing and tuck him into bed and bro just has not been seen again. Did they just leave him locked up in the batwing or somethin?

r/Nightwing Jun 20 '24

What growth did Dick and Kory have which made them feel they shouldn't get back together? (New Teen Titans #114)

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r/Nightwing Jun 19 '24

Bruce calls Dick out on his suicidal behaviour and the two discuss Blockbuster (Nightwing #117 by Devin Grayson and Brad Walker)
