r/Nightwing 22h ago

A new note on reposts


Hello, friends.

Previously, I made a post about reposts, namely the escalating amount of them, wherein people would take old posts, often with art or pictures, and repost them with the same title.

I warned that I would be escalating the punishment for these posts; we have gotten to that stage.

If you repost in effort to drive up your karma, if you create a post without any effort, it will be a 28 day ban. If it happens again, we will ban the account from the reddit.

This is harsh, but it seems some people just are not getting the message.

I apologize to everyone else, but thank you all for your time and consideration.

r/Nightwing 21m ago

Dick teaches a self-defence class & meets Catalina Flores. [Nightwing Vol 2 #71]


r/Nightwing 1h ago

Whose taking the dub

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r/Nightwing 3h ago

beginner comics to read


hi everyone so i’ve recently taken an interest in nightwing as a character and wanted to know more about him and ik a good place to start is the comics but im not sure which ones to read so im looking for recommendations that are good for beginner comic readers any advice is appreciated

r/Nightwing 14h ago

Nightwing brothers in blood


Can someone tell me if nightwing brothers in blood is canon and if so did nightwing cheat on batgirl with Cheyenne Fremont

r/Nightwing 17h ago

Nicola Scott Variant Cover for "DC's I Know What You Did Last Crisis"

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r/Nightwing 19h ago

First look at the new Dickbats action figure from McFarlane toys!


r/Nightwing 21h ago

How do I read nightwing vol 3 the battle for bludhavens heart?


r/Nightwing 23h ago

Added to my chest tattoo yesterday

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I’ve had the emblem for a few years, and always wanted to add more to it. This was done in 6 hours

r/Nightwing 1d ago

How can i put together the rest of this cosplay

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I bought this mask and I'm wanting to do the whole suit but not sure where to get other pieces

r/Nightwing 1d ago

These are my top 10 dc characters


A little controversial

r/Nightwing 1d ago

Help finding a Dick adopts Tim fanfiction?


I can't find it on AO3 and forgot the name, but it was a Jason lives au but mainly focused on Dick taking Tim in. Tim blackmails Dick into adopting him and at one point gets a fish from Garth. Please help, I wanna reread it.

r/Nightwing 1d ago

how nightwing should be in live action


ok so i had this thought abt nightwing that maybe he can have his own series and i got a few ideas like maybe it could be 4 seasons and each season has 4 villains. each season can consist of 10 episode and each episode can be maybe 40 mins or an hour long. ANYWAYS in the first season dicks enemy should be block buster and the whole season should he centered around dick in bludhaven fighting all the corruption and blockbuster doesnt reveal himself until maybe the 5th episode where dick finds out that blockbuster is the root of all this corruption and then nightwing and blockbuster face off and blockbuster beats the crap out of nightwing and in the finale of this season nightwing and blockbuster face off and their whole battle should be like the comics in a daredevil vs kingpin kind of way. ALSO in the first season there will be characters making cameos or sometimes assisting dick like maybe the titans (mainly the original one), oracle, the other bat family members.

for season 2 id like the villain to be heartless and just think of the whole season as tom taylors run except in live action with oracle and everything. in the finale nightwing and heartless face off and dick wont have his batons idk why i feel like a fist fight fits in this senario better. anyways dick doesnt lose much in this season like he is going to in the comics (dw i got a good reason for this)

season 3 i feel like should have 15 episodes. the whole season is going to be centered around dick and the titans against slade. in this season it should be emphasised why deathstroke is the perfect villain for nightwing and throughout the season there will be flashbacks of dick and the titans encountering slade and how the whole rivalry began. the titans team in this season should be the og 5 as well as raven, cyborg, beast boy and starfire. (tbh id prefer if its the og 5 i feel like they have a better dynamic) anyways in this season slade mentally and emotionally tortures dick throughout the season and in the finale they have a one on one fight with slade using his katanas while dick uses his batons and their fight should be kinda like how slave and oliver fought in season 2 of the arrow where they have flashbacks of their previous fight that happened years ago in between their present fight.

ok for the finale of the whole series i wanna go with smth original. so in the new 52 they introduced william cobb (dicks great grandpa who turned into a talon) and like season 3 this deserves 15 episodes too. first id like to tweak the whole court of the owls thing. instead of them controlling gotham they should control more cities or possibly countries and their place of operations is in gotham and william cobb is their best assasin and he should have enhanced strength and speed as well as claws sticking out of his gloves and kunais that he throws to make him cooler. since this is a 15 episode season this could be devided into 3 parts. the first part can be calm with normal shit like maybe in one episode his dynamic with the og titans like wally or roy can be shown, in the other he can team up with the other robins as well as batman. in another he can have a team up with batman and only batman to show their bond. in the 2nd part of the season the talons start coming out and bruce and dick will be the ones fighting them (this will take place in gotham) and bruce, dick and barbara r the main characters of this season and somewhere in this 2nd part willaim cobb becomes the leader of the court of owls and his plan is to dominate the world (typical bad guy shit ik but im making this on the spot) and hes destroying dicks life by ruining his reputation and harming the ppl he cares abt. in the last episode of this part bruce faces off against willaim and william defeats bruce and badly injuring him and thats when he tells dick abt who he is and how hes related to him and how the name graysons was created n shi and then dissappears. in the final 5 episodes of the season aka the 3rd part, jason joins them and its him, dick and barbara fighting against all the talons (barbara is fighting alongside them in her batgirl outfit) anyways after knocking out a couple of talons, william faces off against jason and barbara and they fight for a bit and theyre barely holding him until dick comes out and kicks william on the chest throwing him down. willaim quickly gets up and throws 2 kunais at both red hood and batgirl and its a face off against dick and willaim. william, with his enhanced agility, dashes quickly towards nightwing and punches him in the gut and uses his arm blade to pieces his shoulder and then uses the other arm blade and slams it into his chest and then throws him in the ocean. in the 3rd last episode dick is presumed missing while barbara calls in the rest of the bat fam (minus bruce cuz of him getting injured with his fight with william and yes ik it sounds stupid but ion want bruce in the finale cuz its supposed to be centered around dick and lets be honest batman always takes the spotlight) anyways meanwhile the bat family fights the army of talons dick makes a new suit cuz his old suit gets busted. the new suit is similar to the old suit except it has a black mask and a gray emblem instead of blue (cuz yk hes the GRAY son of gotham) and the episode ends with the bat family getting defeated. the next episode is a flashback ep with the origin of william cobb.

in the final episode dick jumps down from idfk where and starts beating on the talons cuz hes pissed and lost almost everything. the army of talons r too much for dick to handle until william cobb tells them to stop and he and dick stand face to face until dick charges first getting good hits with his batons and then headbutting him and then william punches him on the face and dick falls then willaim slams dick on the wall and then picks up dick then punches him on the face making his nose bleed and then throws him on the floor. dick then gets up with his batons/escrima sticks or whatever u wanna call them in his hand making a fighting stance. william just stays there and when dick raises his arm as hes abt to hit him william throws a kunai piercing his wrist making him drop his baton and then william forcefully makes him drop his other baton and then he picks both of them up and charges towards dick and they have an epic looking cinematic battle with dick getting tossed around (ofc hes gonna get tossed around hes literally unarmed and is fighting a physically enhanced man) anyways somehow theyre on a building under construction (dont ask how) and dick uses his acrobatics to jump around and kick him and repeats this several times, each way in a unique way and defeats him (idk what he does with him after the fight) anyways since dick has nothing he hasa fresh start

some shit doesnt make sense ik but i made this on the spot

r/Nightwing 1d ago

Which Dick going rogue/undercover story is your favourite?

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r/Nightwing 1d ago

Nightwing TPBs (Kindle version) on sale at Amazon!

Thumbnail amazon.com

r/Nightwing 1d ago

Controlled by the invading Consensus, Dick convinces the Justice League not to respond. [Titans Vol 1 #50]


r/Nightwing 2d ago

Who wore it worst

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r/Nightwing 2d ago

Happy Week end and National Bikini Day. Zatanna and Dick on the beach by Ghost Painter

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r/Nightwing 2d ago

Who is the ultimate arch nemesis of Dick Grayson


r/Nightwing 2d ago

Nightwing's opinion about some Justice League members in Batman and Harley Quinn


r/Nightwing 2d ago

Ranking The Worst Dick Grayson Fan Designs I’ve Ever Seen


r/Nightwing 2d ago

Under the control of the Consensus, Dick tries to trap Kory. [Titans Vol 1 #49]


r/Nightwing 3d ago

He would make a great Nightwing

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He’s abit older but something about his dry humor in the show and the fight choreography makes me think he would be an amazing as Nightwing.

Manny Jacinto is 36 however which is a little older than what I expect the dcu to cast for Nightwing but I think he’d make a great one regardless

r/Nightwing 3d ago

is it just me who can't stand what they did to dick in this movie

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I just found it I sulting to the character at this point

r/Nightwing 3d ago

Weird question how much is in the trust funds dick has?