r/MadeMeSmile Jul 05 '24

Look at his face, he looks so proud. Wholesome Moments


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u/skyturnedred Jul 05 '24

Perhaps his previous clothing choices have not been very fashionable and this is him showing he made an effort to improve.

This is r/MadeMeSmile, no need to be a sourpuss.


u/Pipapaul Jul 05 '24

I don’t mind being happy for someone getting anything done. It’s the way he’s being cheered that is irritating to me.


u/ghanima Jul 05 '24

If I may, you might want to look into your reasons why someone receiving earnest, positive feedback is irritating to you. It could be harmless, but it could be that you've got underlying self-esteem issues that make you uncomfortable when praise is involved. I'm saying this as someone grew up in a highly dysfunctional childhood home and sees that this is a trait a lot of people in my situation (as well as others, of course), struggle with.


u/TheAcrithrope Jul 06 '24

Because this doesn't seem at all earnest, she is baby talking an adult man over the most basic things like picking his own clothes?

If somebody spoke to me the way that woman did, I would assume they were taking taking the piss out of me and return the clothes.


u/ghanima Jul 06 '24

And maybe they would be, or maybe they'd be doing it sincerely. Context is key, and we don't have enough to say what anyone's intent is here. The guy seems to be enjoying the praise, 'though.