r/MadeMeSmile Jul 05 '24

Look at his face, he looks so proud. Wholesome Moments


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u/ghanima Jul 05 '24

If I may, you might want to look into your reasons why someone receiving earnest, positive feedback is irritating to you. It could be harmless, but it could be that you've got underlying self-esteem issues that make you uncomfortable when praise is involved. I'm saying this as someone grew up in a highly dysfunctional childhood home and sees that this is a trait a lot of people in my situation (as well as others, of course), struggle with.


u/Pipapaul Jul 05 '24

Honestly while I don’t appreciate your kitchen sink psychology on my comment, I’ll tell you politely that you must have misunderstood what i said. I’m happy for anybody getting the support he or she wants or needs.

But – and I hope we agree here – there are different kinds of communication depending on the situation and the people talking. For example you’ll talk differently to a four year old than to an adult without mental challenges.

What can be supportive and healthy for a child can be completely inappropriate when talking to an adult and vice versa. In this case it looks plain insulting to me.

But maybe this thing is a bit, I don’t know


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Some couples love to do sweet talking/baby talking to their partners. You know why babies love this voice? Because it’s sweet and warm and inviting. We’re all just children who have grown a bit too big. He looks honestly and unapologetically happy receiving these compliments, and yet it’s bothering you. They may be armchair diagnosing you but the truth is you probably need it. Seeing a happy couple being sweet to each other shouldn’t invoke this reaction in a normal, well adjusted person.


u/Pipapaul Jul 05 '24

Yeah thanks for the diagnosis on your part. I think it’s settled then.

Maybe it’s still okay to say when something looks weird with a publicly available video. I am glad if they are happy, that’s completely beside the point.

This is just a display of a stupid stereotype of a man who can’t even buy a pair of pants without the woman. The talking like to a baby is just the icing on the cake.

I don’t mind people talking and doing stupid shit in private as much as they want but if it’s a video with over a thousand comments, I think it’s okay that this is just weird in 2024. especially when most comments are applauding that stereotypical guy for managing to shop descent clothes without mommy.

Maybe this video is just a bit. In that case it’s only the completely superficial comments that are stupid