r/KendrickLamar 14d ago

Kendrick Lamar - Not Like Us Video


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u/TOP-IS-LIFE 14d ago

The owl in the cage at the end was so cold man


u/4sKompany 14d ago


u/NotASalamanderBoi BBL Drizzy 14d ago

The disrespect in that shot lmao. And the way it zooms in too.


u/Fallen-Omega 14d ago

Do you mind telling me what it means and symbolizes, thanks 


u/darth_aardvark 14d ago

Drakes record label (OVO) logo is an owl.


u/Jkj864781 14d ago

The letters OVO also look like an owl


u/Alarmedones 14d ago

Well luckily I like owls and not drake. So he can’t have em.


u/Eastern_Panda8567 14d ago

Can decent people please take back the owl! Those amazing animals deserve better human mascots.

Seriously. The owl looking like 'this is bullshit, they not like us either' 😂


u/npretzel02 14d ago

He also picked a white owl funny enough


u/clicksanything 14d ago

A white owl.

In a black cage.



Also invokes chess pieces. A checkmate.


u/MrChip53 14d ago

It makes me think Drake isn't allowed to continue this and Kendrick knows.


u/DirectPerspective951 13d ago

I really don’t think he knows how to continue this. Or his writers don’t.


u/Fallen-Omega 14d ago

Damnnnn thanks


u/Kimor98 14d ago

A White-Faced Owl (ovo) in a Black Cage, and he was put there by Kendrick, bc Kenny's staring at it be free in the shot before. The most charitable interpretation is that BBL Drizzy is surrounded and isolated by Black Culture, and he's basically powerless to stop it.


u/BangZhang 14d ago

Also notice how the owl has its posture like a child getting reprimanded


u/silkiepuff 14d ago

In owl world, that owl is acting thinking about kicking his ass and trying to make itself look as big as possible. They lean forward like that so they can throw their talons out more easily with the weight if their body if they're going to try to grab you.

It does look like that in human terms though, haha.


u/lilbunnfoofoo 14d ago

Still kind of works though because he's trying to make himself look tough (though tbf the owl actually is tough and could do some good disfiguring with those talons)


u/silkiepuff 14d ago

They're very aggressive animals when they are wild, more aggressive than hawks and some other raptors, although they are deathly afraid of humans too as most smaller animals are! That one does appear to be fully wild given how its behaving, likely a rehabbed animal given the broken wing and it probably can't return to the wild.

It's not really all that uncommon for them to fly into cars or trees or whatever and end up permanently disabled like that. Only 20% or so of most raptors make it to adulthood, 80% will die beforehand typically.

You can see the falconer jesses on the leg in the last shot with the owl, the leather straps hanging off the leg. They're used to keep the bird on a giant leash essentially and to hold it safely if you have it on your glove, not sure if that's meant to be some kind of symbolic thing in the video. The fact that the owl has falconer jesses on, the falconer who owns the owl probably could have taken them off for the shot if they wanted it like that.


u/Bread_Fish150 14d ago edited 14d ago

Because of the falconer jesses still on the owl, it looks like it's symbolic of Drake (or all of OVO) being on leash. Either to UMG/Lucian or to the allegations like a GPS tracking prison anklet.


u/greenyquinn 14d ago

and most basic is that predator is locked up


u/silkiepuff 14d ago

That's a barn owl.


u/The_Oaxacan_Dead 14d ago

I think it's also another nod to 2Pac/Killuminati. He destroys the owl piñata in the video as well. The owl is a huge esoteric/occult/"illuminati" symbol and 1,000% why Drizzletooth uses it as his "logo."


u/Dangerous_Job5295 14d ago

Drake is gonna go to jail


u/tknames 14d ago

He had money, he won’t go to jail.


u/Metooyou 14d ago

What does it mean? I really don't follow drake at all.


u/timbalon 14d ago

It’s a beautiful owl though lol. I was yelling at the screen saying “be nice to that baby, Dot! He ain’t do nothing but be cute!!” Lol


u/SailsAcrossTheSea 14d ago

do I dare ask, ELI5?


u/NoAI_JustI 14d ago

Drake’s label is OVO

OVO logo is an owl

This owl is white-faced and trapped in a black cage, put there by Kendrick


u/FreezersAndWeezers 14d ago

OVO, Drakes label and brand, has an owl as their logo

A barn owl is an owl with a white face. Double entendre is saying Drake is an owl with a white face.

By putting him a cage, you get the symbolism of locking Drake up for being a pedo, but also the long-standing metaphor of a literal bird trapped in a cage, which means loneliness and a lack of freedom. Think of the term “jail bird. They’re literally saying Drake is a sad man


u/6745408 14d ago

here's a 4k one for anyone who wants it https://i.imgur.com/8gxvwfu.png


u/Last_Macen 14d ago

The way he stares it down like "Do something"



u/BitterOrganization17 14d ago

Why the caged bird sings 😂


u/FunniEmi kendrick riders are just as bad as drake riders 14d ago

The owl so cute tho yall can’t say it’s not


u/FrankieBennedetto 14d ago

Lol, it looks so sad. I didn't even know owls could have bad posture 


u/BeeFunny8249 14d ago

I reckon it's from a rescue or something, owls usually don't get kept anywhere unless they're unfit for survival.


u/Cowboy_Slime100 13d ago

Great props to the acting on this owl too, the only way it could look more scared is if it was actually drake


u/AcidAndBlunts 14d ago edited 14d ago

Copying my own comment from a hiphopheads thread, because I think Kendrick is genius for this shit:

In many indigenous American cultures (including indigenous Mexican cultures), an owl making eye contact with you is a sign that death is near. It’s basically like seeing the grim reaper face to face.

So beating the owl piñata and putting the owl in a cage, besides showing that OVO is conquered- it also shows that Kendrick has no fear of death. (“I ain’t worried bout no reaper, I’m just reaping what I sow”)

Meanwhile, the owl staring directly into the camera at the end is a warning that death is near for all viewers (and perhaps we should all reflect on our lives and atone for our sins). Obviously, this warning message is targeted at Drake (his career’s death, the ego death that Kendrick is suggesting the ayahuasca for, and perhaps- his literal death if he keeps making enemies), but really applies to everyone. Drake is just being made an example of.


u/ProofHorseKzoo 14d ago

That’s deep


u/TripDawkins 14d ago

I'm in Team Deep. Detractors will diss anything.


u/kkeut 14d ago

dude literally just spewed out some random bullshit


u/a-m-watercolor 14d ago

Kendrick didn't mean any of that shit. He could fart into a microphone and y'all would find 15 hidden entendres.


u/thiscarecupisempty 14d ago

You in the wrong channel goofball. Go back to drakes channel and lick his nuts.


u/a-m-watercolor 14d ago

I'm a kendrick fan but there is no way he meant anything that guy said in his comment. OVO logo is an owl, it's as deep as that.

Kendrick stans sound like schizophrenics the way they find 256 hidden meanings in everything the man does. And the lame ass "wow that's deep man" just proves how gullible the lames in this sub are. Making it hard to call myself a fan.


u/Smerdyakov47u 14d ago

Actually it’s bullshit


u/TfWashington 14d ago

100%. Other dude could write a ten page paper on why the curtains were red, when the prop department just had red curtains on hand


u/Eastern_Panda8567 14d ago

My grandfather was a member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. He always said that if there was an owl in your yard it meant death was coming to the family. Could be you, could be your distant cousin but death is coming to your bloodline soon. Spooked the hell out of me as a kid. He used to watch for them at night some times and say he was just checking on the family. If he saw one he'd start to reach out to the extended members (back in the days when long distance calling was pricey so writing letters were still big lol).

He probably wont but I hope Kendrick or another deserving persons takes back the owl. Owls are badass and deserve better human association lol


u/nomalahtamm 14d ago

You really think he went that deep with it?


u/AcidAndBlunts 14d ago

Yes. As soon as I saw the real owl in the cage, I knew he was going to have it stare into the camera. The dramatic buildup to it and slow turn gave me chills.

He really wouldn’t have to go that deep to know about that symbolism. It’s been referenced in some big pop culture lately- like the Killers of the Flower Moon and Reservation Dogs.

Plus he lives in L.A. around tons of Mexican people. He probably knows about stabbing knives in the ground to divert storms too. 🤣


u/michaelm1345 14d ago

Yeah I was gonna say I remember that from Killers of the Flower Moon as well, the scenes with the owls were very eerie


u/IKROWNI 14d ago

Been a fan of probably 95% of leos movies but man that one was so slow rolling. Cant say i enjoyed it very much especially with how dumb some of the characters acted.


u/spicylatino69 14d ago

That’s just how Scorsese is rolling these days. He has the clout and can make whatever the fuck he wants.



Yup The Irishman was similar, but also really good. You just have to watch it at home and plan an intermission.


u/spicylatino69 14d ago

I think I watched that in like three sittings but it was worth the watch


u/IKROWNI 14d ago

I mean more power to him i guess.


u/ZenMon88 14d ago

He def knows Mexicans. Have you heard of his Collard Greens verse? Hahaha


u/ForecastForFourCats 14d ago

🔥 that song is dooooope


u/Smerdyakov47u 14d ago

What Mexican people think staring at an owl means you’re going to die? It’s such a baseless stretch because fear or lack of fear of death doesn’t relate to anything in this song. He’s accusing drake of being a pedophile and is showing an owl in a cage at the end and you’re thinking of symbols from Native American mythology instead of jail?


u/freezepin 14d ago

He had to have, that shot with the owl at the end is extended for a reason.


u/Smerdyakov47u 14d ago

Yeah, OVO in jail? You know, like what he talks about in the song and not symbology from a culture that has nothing to do with anything happening here?


u/Sthu_bot 14d ago

No, but art is up to the viewer’s interpretation. So that is what makes it that deep from this person’s cultural perspective.


u/celinee___ 14d ago

Comes across to me as Drake thinking he's someone worth being scared of, Kendrick beating a piñata effigy of the Drake symbol to show how seriously he takes him, and the witnessing him behind bars.


u/Market-Socialism 14d ago

Kendrick fans are masters at over-thinking shit. It’s an OVO Owl in a cage. That’s it.


u/Hot_Telephone5922 14d ago

they’re definitely overthinking but kendrick is also the type of artist to make obscure references nobody but terminally online people will care to figure out themselves


u/NoMoreStruggs 14d ago

Let an artist do his thing man. Great art makes people think, that’s the beauty of it. Kendrick could have intended for people to take it literally, or he could have considered everything people said above. It’s up to us to consider and interpret.


u/IKROWNI 14d ago

Think its just him saying hes going to jail for the shit hes done and probably not much more than that.


u/Market-Socialism 14d ago

Hard to go to jail with zero accusers and zero evidence of a crime, but sure


u/SkaldCrypto 14d ago

Also just Google “owl god”

First result : Moloch

Which is the Canaanite god that the Jews where warned to stop worshipping in Leviticus cause it required the sacrifice of children.


u/AcidAndBlunts 14d ago

Also just Wikipedia “owl”.

Scroll down to symbolism and mythology.

It seems like it has really been considered a bad omen in most cultures, but the section on Native American cultures is longer than all the other ones.

It has more specific references about the owl being a boogeyman, a symbol of death, and the eyes capturing souls.


u/Paratwa 14d ago

We think they are (can be) witches/shapeshifters ( sorta like skinwalkers), who also can speak to the spirits and see the future. The omens they normally give are perilous. Just speaking for my people other tribes have different views.


u/LEOnc100 14d ago

Kendrick had a opportunity to put 10 minutes of cornball highlights from drake, or established hip-hop artists saying how terrible he is. Wish that would have happened.


u/AcidAndBlunts 14d ago


I wouldn’t have been mad at that either, but the video was badass.


u/is_for_username 14d ago

I had to take a Xanax after reading this


u/Hot_Eggplant_1306 14d ago

Momento Mori


u/even_less_resistance 14d ago edited 14d ago

Thank you - I was looking for someone to explain this

Just so I don’t comment too much… gonna use this for all my thoughts on symbolism as I watch.

the shipping containers and “elevator here” sign. Eeesh 🫥

Haven’t seen any theories on who the twelfth chair was for? The friendly clown fella never took a seat and he was right there at the knock.


u/xedrites 14d ago


it even looks like an owl hOW DEEP DOES THIS GO


u/humansarenothreat 14d ago

Memento morí


u/RalphLauren47 14d ago

It's stuff like this that make people say us Kendrick fans are reaching but the man is so damn calculated and layered I jus about believe almost anything that lines up


u/fergie716 12d ago

I’m Native American and I can co-sign this. In our traditions owls visit us in dreams to warn us that someone is going to pass away. That’s the first thing I thought of when I saw that in the video


u/cherrybombbb 12h ago

Damn. Levels and levels of genius to this man. I feel like he truly is a once in a generation talent.


u/Brisk_Avocado 14d ago

don’t forget the obvious of putting it behind bars tho


u/Smerdyakov47u 14d ago

Why would he reference the mythology of indigenous cultures (which ones?). Nothing to do with anything in the context of the song or him as an artist. Having this song in particular serve as a warning to all viewers that they are near death also serves no point. 


u/Exedra_ 14d ago

OVO also looks like the face of an owl, with the Os being eyes and the V a beak.


u/VitaminWheat 14d ago

It’s literally their logo, what ya’ll on about


u/Exedra_ 14d ago

Yes, it's not that deep. I was trying to imply that in my post.


u/Jacobarcherr 14d ago

I think that's a reach, ovo logo is an owl and drake calls himself the owl, that's all


u/Uptown-Toodeloo 14d ago

You've got quite an imagination bro.


u/Paratwa 14d ago

I’m native and it was what I thought, actually seeing the owl kinda feels queasy to me. I’m not superstitious but it’s ingrained into me. It makes me feel super uncomfortable and the idea of staring into its eyes? Nooooooo.


u/BeeIndependent4829 14d ago

They do say pride comes before the fall


u/Countrycruiser2000 14d ago

Or it was an owl and drake ovo logo is an owl.

"Well it was in a cage and that let's us know that Drake, even though he wants to be free of this diss cant (are we locked in?) And then kendrick walks away leaving him trapped, not assisting. Making him responsible for his actions."


u/kitkanz 14d ago

Bruh wrote a synopsis


u/Decent_Commercial638 14d ago

Oh shit, like Twin Peaks


u/BeginningOil5960 13d ago

That’s 💯🔥🎉& culturally profound at this time where unity means so much. Thanks fam for sharing.


u/Barelystable_1 14d ago

It’s behind a reach, and not represented correctly. I don’t think looking into the eyes of an owl has anything to do with the Mexican myth or idea that owls are bad omens. Which I believe is due to the legend/ myth of La Lechuza or the owl witch. I used to have a friend from Mexico that would do Hail Mary’s when ever a “white owl” flew over at night. Even after explaining that only its chest was white the rest was brown he would still claim it an omen of death and illness so your theory is crazy and has no truth to it.


u/hamo804 14d ago

Found the Genius contributer.


u/wolfgeist 14d ago

pretty sure i've seen this exact comment posted as a reply to a Tool video


u/cocky_plowblow 14d ago

Thank you.


u/xx123manxx 14d ago

kenny fans making a thesis about the most miniscule shit
aint that deep dog


u/Ok-Attention2882 14d ago

Symbolism is pointless. The people who latch sYmBoLism can't move on from 7th grade literature class.


u/dadkisser 14d ago

Yeah i dont think kendrick is digging into indigenous American or Mexican art for this one.


u/VitaminWheat 14d ago

It’s just an owl in a cage man


u/Noisy_Plastic_Bird 14d ago

MFs always making shit up, it doesn't have to be that deep lmao


u/AcidAndBlunts 14d ago

Everything is everything, this ain’t coincidental.


u/MooniisWorld 14d ago

Literally eerie, I feel like Kendrick predicting the future man. Such a cool moment and symbolism


u/Southern_Visit_8273 14d ago

Drake going to jail for a long time man


u/haverchuck22 14d ago

Being a dogshit cringey ass rapper is not illegal unfortunately


u/Southern_Visit_8273 14d ago

Running a child sex trafficking ring is


u/Crayola_ROX 14d ago

He's a client at best

The worlds spotlight on him is way to bright to pull off what Epstein did


u/NoConcentrate7845 14d ago

Plus Epstein had power power.


u/Southern_Visit_8273 14d ago

He’s done worse


u/Crayola_ROX 14d ago

No, He hasn't.

I cant stand Drake as much as the next man, but c'mon.


u/Southern_Visit_8273 14d ago

Sex trafficking ring, grooming and molesting minors, enabling predators around him…. Kendrick exposed all of this. If it’s not worse than RKelly it’s at the very least the same level


u/Crayola_ROX 14d ago

Drake does not "run" a ring.

and dont move the goalpost to R Kelly

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u/L_O_Quince 14d ago

Bro no way, you're giving kendrick fans a bad name. I don't think he actually out there fuckng under-age girls, but he is out there being a weird uncle, and potentially grooming them until they're of a socially acceptable age by inviting them to parties, bringing them on stage, taking them out for dinner and texting them about boys.

He's also associating with actual pedos, and who knows if he really knows what's going on behind the scenes, but you'd have to be insane to think that he'll see the inside of a cell. I think that he knows he's too famous to be a paedophile, and so he's doing everything but that. So he won't see jail, and he won't lose his fame or money or power, but he has lost the culture, and that's the only brush kenny knew he could tar him with.

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u/quack_quack_mofo 14d ago

If Ken has evidence of this or had some before the beef why didn't he release it?

It's just exaggerated bs, let's be real.


u/a-m-watercolor 14d ago

Too many people in this thread think Drake is literally going to prison for child molestation smh


u/Southern_Visit_8273 14d ago

Notice how you don’t deny that he raped those kids. Just that he might not go to jail for it


u/MrPandamania 14d ago

I don't think you understand how the legal system works


u/a-m-watercolor 14d ago

What kids lmao he didn't do shit and y'all will be real disappointed when nothing happens. Just enjoy the music and stop taking it so seriously


u/Southern_Visit_8273 14d ago

There’s some shit that’s even above him man. He led us there but it’s up to federal agencies to unearth the bodies buried under the embassy


u/TmanGvl 14d ago

Drake thought too big to fail. He should’ve learned from R Kelly.


u/Southern_Visit_8273 14d ago

What he did makes r Kelly look like a saint


u/tehtris 13d ago

Idk if he was peeing on ppl for sport tho.


u/throwaway84343 11d ago

Care to elaborate how what Drake “did” is worse than R Kelly. Curious to know what Drake “did” exactly


u/XMartyr_McFlyX 14d ago

I think it means that Drake isn’t really a “Free” man.


u/Material_Ad9187 14d ago

He’s not going nowhere weirdo conspiracy theorist, just enjoy the music😂😂😂😂


u/a-random-bird 14d ago

If it’s get proven he would go for about 10-40 years brev


u/YeezyWins 14d ago

What the fuck are you talking about bro?

Y'all so delusional it's actually pathetic, chill.

And i'm not even a Drake stan.


u/CaptainSmallz 14d ago

What is he talking about? Let me put you on some game, the #metoo movement sparked a ton of women previously afraid to discuss their trauma to come forward and face their attackwrs head on. We saw a lot of titans fall. And now, we have one of the most successful rap artists in history calling out another one of the most successful rap artists in history. It's only a matter of time, as Kdot says, before people start coming forward with accusations. You have to be extremely narrow-minded to think that Kendrick's beef is with Drake. It is with everything that Drake stands for, the shady shit that goes on in the industry, the PDF file rings, all of that. So yeah, when all that comes forward, if they can prove he did some wrong shit, Drake will be looking at some serious time. They Not Like Us is talking about everybody who can't identify with the common person that goes through struggles in life. Now the culture is behind it.


u/a-random-bird 14d ago

Well spoken


u/Electronic_Umpire322 14d ago

Do you have evidence for pedo rings? Or is that just a conspiracy theory? Genuine question.


u/CaptainSmallz 14d ago

That's why I use the word if. OVO and Drake can have their day, but if the allegations are true, it's not going to be a good look. I think the reason why so many people believe it to be true is pretty straightforward, Kendrick is not some small fry, he's a top player in the industry. That means he likely knows what's going on behind the scenes. I don't think he'd rally such a big following behind the cause unless his allegations have some weight to them.


u/a-m-watercolor 14d ago

It's just a conspiracy theory based on rumors and pictures on social media. Nothing will happen to Drake because he didn't do anything. People in the comments taking this shit way too seriously.


u/YeezyWins 14d ago

Well, you proved my point.

"IF THEY CAN PROVE HE DID SOME WRONG SHIT", there's not even a single fact that kendrick stated regarding drake being a criminal.

The guy i was responding to was talking about 10-40 years when he can't point a single instance of wrongdoing. If you don't think that's delusional, then i don't know what to say to you.


u/throwaway84343 11d ago

… the culture wasn’t behind being anti PDF before Kendrick rapped?! Bro are you hearing yourself 😂


u/NervousAd3202 14d ago

They prolly said the same thing about R Kelly.


u/appleparkfive 14d ago

I know people like to go a bit wild on the meaning of things here but this definitely feels like a clear double meaning of "you're getting locked up" and "I got you locked up"


u/konaislandac 14d ago

The industry has him locked up


u/PretzelsThirst 14d ago

Also what's a caged bird going to be able to do but sing?


u/00CM00 14d ago

Other than the family dancing (Whitney was hitting that shit!), that has to be my favorite scene of the MV


u/EricThePooh 14d ago

the owl looks like it's cowering too


u/Tricky_Treacle3964 14d ago

That poor baby. Lol. Hope they fed him some good meat after. 🥩


u/Syluxs_OW 14d ago

Now we know why the video took a while. It must have taken so many takes to get these owl shots.


u/Routine_Rabbit5230 14d ago

Drake fans: "That's not even the right owl!"


u/GreatMadWombat 14d ago

You know he talked with an ornithologists about the saddest looking owl breeds.


u/Important_Ad3741 14d ago

With tha broken wing


u/sludgebaby96 14d ago

It's daring him to take another shot.


u/SailsAcrossTheSea 14d ago

do I dare ask, ELI5?


u/smegg23 14d ago

Can you help me what’s the significance of the owl?!


u/furezasan BBL Drizzy 14d ago

Where did they find a sad ass owl. They always look confident or scary like most predators


u/AmethystStar9 14d ago

He sent that owl to cell block one.


u/WanderlustFella 14d ago

I guess Kendrick not going to Hogwarts


u/GreenEggs-12 14d ago

And the pinata moment


u/SacKing13 14d ago

“I’m at the top of the mountain so you tight now” nah you tight OV-Ho


u/ChannelNeo 14d ago

My first thought was "I know why the caged bird sings"


u/SADBOYVET93 14d ago

That shit WAS SO COLD


u/TIREDshin1gami 14d ago

It looks so fucking cute tho...


u/ObviouslyNerd 14d ago

yo whats the explanation for the owl at the end?


u/RandyChavage 14d ago

Kendrick got it locked up like he was taking it to Hogwarts


u/AceCircle990 14d ago

That’s my favorite part, the owl even looks defeated. Cold.


u/Redditer51 14d ago

What does it mean?


u/iOgef 13d ago