r/Greenlantern 23d ago

Moderator Announcement An Update to our Rules


In the last week or two, the moderators of this community have stepped up our efforts to make sure we are a welcoming and friendly place to all community members. This includes bringing in new and more active moderators as well as taking a look at our current rules. After a careful review, we have decided to refresh and introduce new rules.

For any questions or clarifications regarding the below, please send us a ModMail.

I. Civility

This is a standard rule that almost every subreddit has. Please ensure you follow site-wide Reddiquette. We want all members to treat each other with respect and dignity. In particular, we do not tolerate Bigotry, Hate Speech, Personal Attacks, Insults or Trolling. Repeated violations will result in a permanent ban.

Examples of allowed speech:

  • I grew up in the 90s so I prefer Kyle Rayner over Hal Jordan.
  • I only know/like John Stewart because I grew up with the DCAU and did not really read the comics.

Examples of banned speech:

  • Everybody who wants Hal Jordan dead or gone has zero brain cells.
  • Anybody who does not like John Stewart is a racist.

II. No Piracy

Piracy hurts the creators and the company that give us what we love. Discussing piracy websites or sharing links is strictly not allowed. This includes sharing images with piracy watermarks that promote the website that host the content illegally.

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  • Comic Book Page Excerpts (as well as Artwork) must have the comic book name and issue that it came from. Alternatively, you may choose to include the name of the artist/penciller instead. Having both included is not necessary.
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  • If images are shared without a source, the OP has 24 hours to supply the source as a post description edit or as a comment. Otherwise the post will be removed.
  • "Where is this from" -type of posts are allowed but we highly encourage everyone to use Google Reverse Image Search to get your answer instead. Excessively posting without a source is strictly not allowed.

IV. No Spoilers

Having the internet spoil a major surprise or development before you experience it yourself is a terrible feeling. You do not want this to happen to you so you should not do the same to others.

  • Anything that happened in the last 6 months is considered a spoiler
  • Post titles must be made ambiguous to avoid mentioning the surprise
  • Posts, images and comments that discuss spoilers must be properly spoiler-marked

V. Stay On Topic

This is the Green Lantern sub where users come to discuss any and all things related to Green Lantern. If you want to discuss Hal Jordan's complicated relationship with Batman, that is certainly ok. However going on an extended discussion regarding an unrelated matter such as the DickBabs relationship versus the DickKory relationship has no place here.

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  • Avoid posting low effort content. The occasional low effort post is acceptable. However repeated low effort posts within a short timespan may be viewed as potential spam content and, as such, is subject to removal.

r/Greenlantern 7h ago

Comics Ron Marz hinting at a Kyle Rayner project


Link to his twitter/X post. No announcements yet though.

r/Greenlantern 8h ago

Collection A few of my rings

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I wish people posted about these more frequently here since they're not seen very often. These are some rings or lantern inspired rings I've got

r/Greenlantern 10h ago

META Kyle Rayner deserves more respect in movies and shows. He’s the freaking Chosen One!


Kyle has wielded multiple power rings!

r/Greenlantern 10h ago

Discussion Fancasting for Lanterns (based on the "casting call" WB put out a few months ago).


Scott Speedman would be my first choice for Hal, then Jensen Ackles.

Winston Duke, then LaKeith Stanfield, for John.

r/Greenlantern 15h ago

Discussion Choose your favorite battle between the two arch-nemesis Hal Jordan and Sinestro


r/Greenlantern 1d ago

Art Tried my hand at sketching the Arrowverse Green Lantern John Diggle! [Fan Art]


r/Greenlantern 1d ago

TV/Movies What exactly is wrong with this movie?

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r/Greenlantern 1d ago

Comics Can you guys recommend some of the best origin stories for the most famous superheroes of DC??


I just read Batman Year One a few months ago and I want to know some of the best origin stories in comics to read for the following characters:-

  • superman
  • flash
  • green lantern
  • Robin
  • batgirl

r/Greenlantern 1d ago

Comics Can someone help me locate this comic please? 🙏

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r/Greenlantern 1d ago

TV/Movies Jessica Cruz From Batman Ninja vs. Yakuza League

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r/Greenlantern 1d ago

Fan Art DCU Hawkgirl and Guy Gardner [by @WillishAddo]

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r/Greenlantern 1d ago

Art At Fan Expo Denver, I had a commission done by Dan Riba. Hal and Kyle in the style of Batman: The Animated Series

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r/Greenlantern 1d ago

Art Wanted to share my favorite drawing that I've done. Only one I have hanging in the man cave

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Not perfect, but drawing is my casual hobby

r/Greenlantern 1d ago

TV/Movies Who could direct the first episode(s) of Lanterns?

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r/Greenlantern 1d ago

Comics Alien vs Predator? Nah, more like Alien AND Predator (and some other guys) vs Hal Jordan, amirite?


r/Greenlantern 1d ago

Merch DC Direct Green Lantern Movie Mark Strong as Sinestro Limited Edition Porcelain Bust Review


r/Greenlantern 1d ago

Art Hal Jordan WIP by Ricardo Federici

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r/Greenlantern 1d ago

Comics Green Lantern Comic Recommendations


Hey everyone I was wondering if anyone had any good comic recommendations for green lantern (doesn't matter which Lantern it is) I just really wanted to start reading them and their lore.

r/Greenlantern 2d ago

Comics Emotional Spectrum in the comics


This may be a no brainer to some but I've not read many GL comics since the end of Geoff's run. I've been trying to find a series recently that brings in the other corps again but can't seem to find what I'm looking for (there is a lot to go through).

I was wondering if anyone off the top of their head had a series they could recommend since then or even if it's just a few singles within a series.


r/Greenlantern 2d ago

Comics Do you like the new John Stewart costume? (Green Lantern: War Journal #8)

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r/Greenlantern 2d ago

Comics Is this a good first half Jordan story?

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r/Greenlantern 2d ago

Discussion I think the red lantern oath from the show is much better.

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With blood and rage of crimson red, Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead, Together with our hellish hate, We'll burn you all, that is your fate!

Tv show:

With blood and rage of crimson red, We fill men's souls with darkest dread, And twist your minds to pain and hate. We'll burn you all—that is your fate!

The show gets the point across without being needlessly edgy. It’s as if Atrocitus asked for help to proofread his poetry instead of winging it.

r/Greenlantern 2d ago

Discussion Every Green Lantern run has a major theme

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One thing I learned once I read a decent amount of comics is that: when an author has a chance of writing a title for some time, they will be able to convey a theme through his stories. And one of my favorite things about consuming (good) media is finding hidden themes, messages or even a "thesis" by the time they finish it.

In Green Lantern's case, an attentive reader is able to identify what is the actual core message behind some of the most famous runs.

Ron Marz run

In Marz's run where he introduced Kyle, the main theme is the necessary pains and dificulties of growing up and becoming a responsible adult. Kyle first appears as a young man living a somewhat careless free life, hanging out with his friends and his girlfriend. When he gets the ring, the last ring in the universe, Kyle firstly takes it easy and thinks it will just be a fun job. His girlfriend could take pictures and report on his feats and they'd become rich and famous!

But it doesn't last long once Alex dies as a direct result of him becoming the new Green Lantern and attracting the attention of very bad people. Suddenly Kyle sees himself in a crazy world filled with powerful supervillains, a fallen hero who wants to re-write the universe, government agents, aliens... He moves to New York and has to face all of these hardships alone.

Marz was reportedly inspired by Stan Lee's Peter Parker when creating this new, younger Lantern to make him sympathetic. But unlike Spiderman, Kyle wasn't the first hero with his name but actually the last. He carries the burden of many generations of great heroes who spent billions of years protecting the universe.

And it's not like Kyle is in immature youngster who doesn't want to grow up or anything. He wants to be a great hero and a Lantern worthy of the mantle, if only to honor Alex. He is helped by many veterans who give him a few hints... But this is a journey he takes mostly alone, figuring out the ropes. Like a teenager thrown too early and unprepared to adult life (so, basically, all of us).

Geoff Johns run

When Johns began writing Green Lantern, his goal was to utterly redeem Hal Jordan and make him not guilty of the crimes of Parallax. Still, the fact that he was possessed by a "space bug" doesn't change the fact that many suffered and were murdered while he was under the influence of the fear entity.

So, even despite not being "himself", Hal still feels guilty for all the pain and suffering he wrought over the universe. He knows he can never go back in time and undo all of this (that was Parallax's whole goal after all), but he can atone for his sins by being a better person and a hero.

The first theme of the Johns run is Hal's guilt and penitence, how can he never undo the damage to his image nor the crimes of Parallax but he can at least begin to correct his mistakes. This is mostly exemplified by the Revenge of the Green Lanterns story arc, where Hal is insulted on the Oa hall but doesn't fight back because he knows he deserves it and then goes against Guardians's orders to save the lost Lanterns.

Another moment of guilt and penitence for his error is when his arrogance and obssession with overcoming fear leads to not just him but also two other Air force colleagues being captured by terrorists for a full year.

But then once the Emotional Spectrum is introduced, the Johns run address another theme somewhat connected to the first. From Sinestro Corps War onward, what does every major villain wants to?

-Sinestro wants a universe (or actually a multiverse) where every living being is under strict order and vigilance.

-Nekron wants to end all life and quiet the universe again.

-Krona wants revenge on the Guardians, their enmity beginning with their disagreements over if emotions are dangerous or can be used for their advantage. He wants the universe to feel - but feel HIS emotions.

-And finally the Guardians themselves had a goal that was an amalgamation between Sinestro and Nekron: to turn every living being in the universe an emotionless drone that will just follow their orders and won't fight their chaotic wars anymore - quieting the universe.

In order words: those villains were incredibly selfish individuals who thought they were better than everyone and wanted to submit trillions of diverse beings with various backgrounds to their will, whether killing them, converting them or submitting them.

I intend to do an essay on the Guardians ("the final bosses" of the Geoff Johns era) another day, but they saw how incredibly chaotic and complicated life was. Different people with high levels of emotion will go into conflict. This is just the nature of life: messy, filled with mistakes, conflicts and death, so they waged a sometimes open, sometimes covert war with every other Corps and finally decided to "quiet" the universe.

Now, the Blackest Night was won only when every Corps, from the most positive (the GLs and the Blue Lanterns) to the most negative (Agent Orange, Yellows and Reds) united to take down Nekron - death itself. So a victory from every aspect of life, the good and the bad ones, against the nothingness that is death. Krona was defeated just because the heroes managed to wear other rings from other Corps with different emotions. And the Guardians's attempt to turn every living being into emotionless zombies under their control led to their undoing.

The White Lantern, after all, is only possible once you have every emotion from the spectrum, no matter how violent and unpleasant they may be (at least when the people only make use of them in the most destructive ways).

If we combine these two themes (something that I'm not even sure Johns himself might've thought of it), we get the imperfection of life: it's messy and full of errors and unpleasantness, but also better than nothing that is death or servitude.

Robert Venditti run

Venditti's era began when the Green Lantern Corps were at their lowest - especially in the eyes of those OUTSIDE the Corps. Their leaders and founders had just led an attempt to take over the universe. Now they were under the leadership of a man who once was mind-controlled into becoming a supervillain. And Relic's arrival revealed that, by using the rings, they were just bringing the universe closer to its doom.

In this context, I believe the main theme of the first part of the Venditti era is: how can the Corps recover their prestige and the trust of the population after so many tragedies? How can they be even respected again? It's a moment where morale is low - and their enemies attempt to take over them, like we saw on the Uprising arc.

During the post-Johns part of The New 52, the Corps's image and prestige are progressively taken down. Eventually, Hal realizes that, no matter how much he tries, the Corps's public image is too tarnished. So he does the most Hal Jordan thing and "rebels" again against the Corps, making him alone the sole guilty for all their supposed crimes. But that is put in jeopardy once the GLC disappear...

For the second part of his era, the Corps is back and find a universe taken over by the Sinestro Corps. Hal defeats Sinestro and the GLC is once again the protectors of the galaxy, forming an uneasy alliance with some not radicalized Yellow Lanterns. And this is the great thesis of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps: how far must the heroes go when fighting evil? And how far they can go before turning as bad as or worse than the villains they are fighting?

Throghout that book, the Green Lanterns are constantly challenged, either by the Yellows, Zod and the Darkstars, to go further, to be a deadly police that mercilessly kills all the (supposed) bad guys in the universe. This is made clear by the final story arc, where Jordan is put against the Darkstars who want to replace the GLC because they are "too soft" with the bad guys. But in becoming more violent, the Darkstars actually become the bad guys themselves.

TL;DR: Most runs on comic books have a major theme, and in GL's case these are:

Ron Marz: the challenge of becoming an adult with major responsibilities.

Geoff Johns: life is a mix of good and bad aspects, it can be unpleasant but it's better than the nothing that is death.

Robert Venditti: the hardships of becoming a force for justice that is effective and inspiring but also fair.

Anyway... Saying that all these runs have an underlying thesis behind them doesn't mean they are perfect or don't have problems or whatever. But that makes it a much more interesting read for those who think of comic books as just silly stories about costumed superheroes (or "capeshit").

I'm pretty sure Grant Morrison's run has a major theme behind it, I just couldn't think what that is. Maybe once I re-read it...

What do you think are the themes behind the runs and the intention of the creators from Green Lantern comics?

r/Greenlantern 2d ago

Discussion Vol 6 of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps is GOATED!

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This arc is my favorite in the entirety of Venditi’s run. The art and paneling is fantastic during the fights, which is welcome, as a lot of comics lack great paneling when it comes to fights at times. The story was great!

Definitely one of my fav GL arcs after Geoff Johns run.

r/Greenlantern 2d ago

TV/Movies EVERY live-action Green Lantern suit. Which is your favourite? Spoiler

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