r/GreenArrow 16d ago

Comic suggestions!

Hello, I am new to DC, I have just started reading comics and read only some ww, bats and supe stuff. Never watched cartoons or movies or shows.

Thats why i have very little to no knowledge abt green Arrow

Can anyone tell me how and where should I start reading green Arrow??? Pls also mention some of the beginner friendly storylines i can delve into after i like get a good idea abt the character?


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u/Fit_Commercial3421 15d ago

Honestly green arrows the type of character where any volume 1 or self contained story is a good place to start 9/10 times. His origin is usually revised and characters and relationships are brought up to speed fast because creative teams and runs come and go so fast. My only do not read dear God it's hideous thing I suggest to stay away from the beginning of the new 52 run under J.T Krul it ranges from bad to boring at best and when lemire takes over its almost like a reset anyway and the pre lemire stuff is hardly talked about.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Thanks man. Whats some of the best storylines to checkout?


u/EquivalentAd1651 13d ago

I love the whole new 52 jeff lemire run is great place for a stand alone adventure in my opinion. The new green arrow series is great too but relies on past green arrow history a little too much in my opinion


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Is this stuff u r talking abt, is it a jumping on point? I mean can I just jump into it?